How to tell if friends are trying to get rid of you

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 17 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
9 Ways To Tell If Your Friends Are Trash | Kristen Newton | TEDxIUPUI
Video: 9 Ways To Tell If Your Friends Are Trash | Kristen Newton | TEDxIUPUI


Do you have a painful feeling in your subconscious that something is wrong? Did you hear a scathing remark that wasn't nearly as "funny" as it was presented.? This article will help you figure out if your friends are trying to get rid of you.


  1. 1 Ask yourself if your friends have recently lost the desire to have fun with you?
  2. 2 Analyze your friends' behavior. They make an appointment with you somewhere, and then do not come, later making excuses, for example: “I had some business”?
  3. 3 Track how your friends behave. Do they behave strangely when you appear, for example, stop talking when you approach?
  4. 4 Observe if friends are having parties or doing other things without you, while discussing these events in front of you, telling how it will be interesting?
  5. 5 Notice if friends go the other way when you approach them?
  6. 6 Check how your friends are responding to you. Do they pretend not to hear you when you ask a question?
  7. 7 Notice if your friends want you to spend time with them? When you invite them to meet, do they pretend to be constantly busy?
  8. 8 Monitor your friends' behavior online. Do they go offline when you log in?
  9. 9 Have your friends stopped calling, texting or e-mailing you, even though they used to do it all the time?
  10. 10 When communicating with you, have your friends stopped sharing personal information? Have they started discussing less personal and more superficial things? Do you notice silent pauses in the conversation, where friends should have said something, for example, constructively criticize you or emotionally support or agree / disagree with you?
  11. 11 Friends step aside without you and talk for a while, how do you guess about you, and then try to avoid you?
  12. 12 If you are friends with a company, does someone always act like a leader, even if they are not?
  13. 13 If the "leader" hates you or discusses you, are other members of the company completely in solidarity with him?
  14. 14 Don't blame yourself.
  15. 15 And if they do that... means they are not real friends, unfortunately. br>
  16. 16 The first thing to do if your friends are trying to get rid of you is to find out if you have behaved so wrongly that you deserve this treatment or if it is unfair. Sometimes we push others away by trying to prove too much or being rude. And sometimes, people just act mean.
  17. 17 Try to find a new company to befriend. Finding a new friend is the first step in getting life back on track.


  • Do not be humiliated by begging them for friendship. If you've recognized the signs of avoidance, walk away with dignity and find real friends.
  • Do not be discouraged if these "friends" no longer want to communicate with you. If they are going to ignore you, they are not real friends.
  • Don't get into a fight. Let your friends know that their behavior upset you. This can be a big misunderstanding. But if they really don't want to communicate anymore, don't use physical force. Show them that you are the best.
  • Don't try to be friends with someone if you are not willing to make an effort to maintain your friendship, otherwise the friendship will simply end badly in the end.
  • Dont be upset. There are people who will perceive you as you are, you just haven't met them yet. But don't worry, they exist.
  • Try to talk to your friends, if they are not listening anyway, then they are not real friends.
  • Try to discuss with these "friends" how they upset you or how you offended them.If they are deliberately not answering or listening to you, then they are definitely not true friends. Ignore them, just show that you are better than them and find real friends. Also show them that you have found the right group of friends and that these friends are better than them. Never return to the company and enjoy life forgetting about them.
  • Hold on. Don't blame yourself. Good luck!
  • If your friends talk about something, and then tell you: “It's none of your business,” when you ask what was discussed, you can try to discuss the problem with each of them in private.
  • Be direct and ask your friends a question.
  • Don't worry if they start saying unpleasant things. If you really want to be friends with these people, then tell them how you feel and see if they understand you.
  • If they are rude to you, use sarcasm to hurt them.


  • It's not always what it seems, sometimes friends don't actually ignore you.
  • Wait and watch before taking any action.
  • Sometimes, a person may be depressed and you are too optimistic for him. Look for signs of depression.