How to hunt ghosts

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 18 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Ghost Hunting 101: Learn 3 Basics of Paranormal Investigations
Video: Ghost Hunting 101: Learn 3 Basics of Paranormal Investigations


You are with a friend in the middle of a good old forest. Suddenly you both feel uncomfortable. You run out of there and you need to go and see what happens, but you have already run out. Looks like you've caught a ghost! Or maybe it's insects! Maybe it's raining! Now you should learn how to catch this!


  1. 1 Find out what you may encounter. There are 2 types of ghosts that you can encounter. The first is the one who was once a human and remained at this level (on Earth) for some reason. He may not know that he is dead or is being held back by unfinished business, guilt, revenge, etc. These spirits look like the people they were in life, so they can be good or bad, like the living, but they are usually not dangerous. Human spirits make up 95 percent of all ghosts you encounter. You may also witness a residual glamor that may simply be a replay of a past event. It looks like you are watching a video from the past that plays over and over again. Another type of ghost that you may encounter has never been human and usually carries bad news. You should be aware of them, but do not get hung up on it, the chances that you will encounter them on a regular ghost hunt are small. I have had experience with both types, and I just want you to be convinced of their existence. So stay informed and protect yourself and you won't have any problems. I won't tell you how to defend yourself, so good luck!
  2. 2 Find out definitions.
    • Ghost hunting - a trip to a place where there were no ghosts, and an attempt to catch them on film (video and cameras), record sound (audio recording), see firsthand (a person), etc. (The cemetery is the very first place to start, churches and schools and other buildings are also suitable. These are all primary places.)
    • Investigation of ghosts - a trip to a place known as a habitat of ghosts and recording data (videos, photos, temperature readings), notes, interviews and other evidence to confirm / deny a spiritualistic phenomenon, as well as assisting owners and ghosts in their movement and disappearance out of place if they want it.Your assistance can be either by directly assisting the owner, depending on the situation, or by facilitating their contact with a group or specialist with experience who will try to resolve the situation. Your help might turn out to be something as simple as educating them about what is going on and what the options are. You don't really know anything about it, so come up with something.
  3. 3 Stock up on basic.
    • A 35mm camera is nothing fancy, with a film speed of at least 400. Also for night photography, film with a sensitivity of 800 is good, but you will have to test the flash strength of your camera to find out which sensitivity is best. Even those who use 35mm disposable cameras get good results. If you are experienced in photography, then you can try infrared film. I have seen the results from Polaroid, but I suggest using them only with 35mm cameras so you can compare the results. I used Fuji film the most, but I used both Kodak and store brands with similar results. For development, you no longer need to visit a photo accessories store. A local pharmacy or local department store will suffice. Let them know that you want to develop all the photos so that you will get some that they think are bad. These "bad" ones usually represent your best photos with a slight haze.
    • Digital Camera - Regardless of what you've heard of these cameras, they are great tools for ghost researchers. At one time they had limitations and problems, but now they are not. They not only allow you to instantly see if you have a positive result, they can also shoot in a limited infrared range.
    • A flashlight and spare batteries are obvious necessities. Don't forget to bring extra batteries for everything, even non-battery items. Due to the activity of ghosts, the batteries drain very quickly, and you would not want to miss something due to dead batteries. Ghosts consume electricity, making them stronger. I recommend using a flashlight with a red lens to preserve your night vision. Details on red lenses and how to make them yourself are available somewhere, but I won't tell you where.
    • First aid kit - just in case, it's easy to stumble and cut yourself in the dark.
  4. 4
    • Notepad - You will need to write down and document everything that happens. If you do not do this, then later you will not have complete information. An example is one researcher who read electromagnetic fields but never recorded them. Another researcher takes a photo of the same area, but is unaware of the read data and receives an anomalous image. Without an EMI readout, a photograph can be considered good evidence, but with a report on the readout, its value as evidence would increase significantly. A lot of researchers use pocket recorders, which is good, just make sure you have spare batteries and tape.
    • A jacket or other weather-appropriate clothing - if you get cold you are not at your best and your observation skills may suffer, which is pretty reasonable for most other people.
    • Wrist or pocket watches - so you can record the time of events and the time of your departure and arrival.
  5. 5 Optional and optional
    • Camcorder (tripod optional) - Video cameras are an important research tool. Unlike simple cameras, they provide continuous visual and auditory surveillance for review. Hence the name "camcorder". The cameras we work with are equipped with an infrared mode, and this is exactly the mode that we use. With video recording, any phenomenon that occurs can be fully documented.This will show how long the phenomenon lasted, what happened, what conditions were at that time and even the possible causes of the phenomenon. You may have noticed this in any video, movie, or TV program you watched. Sony's line of camcorders has an infrared night mode function that allows you to record video in total darkness and see more than the human eye can see. You can use it with a tripod or carry it with you. You should also invest in an infrared light extender so that your camera can see in the darkest places and thus improve the quality of your video.
    • Recorder recorder with external microphone and high-end tape recorders - or digital voice recorders are without doubt one of the most important pieces of equipment you should have in your explorer's arsenal. Voice recorders are used for many reasons during the course of the study. You will need them for interviews, spontaneous thoughts, your notes, and the phenomena of electronic voices (EVP). You will have to use an external microphone to record the electronic voice phenomenon (ghost voices). If you choose the internal microphone, it will also record the sounds of the internal mechanism and the motor, making your recording worthless. Because of this, any sound in your recording will not count as proof, so use external microphones, they are quite inexpensive. High bias tapes or metallized magnetic tapes are most commonly recommended.
    • Digital Voice Recorders are small and easy to carry. You can also use the voice activation function for less material to listen to. I use this with success for my notes. Most devices keep track of the recording time, which is very useful. When using the recorder, be sure to include the location, time of the study, and the name of the investigator. When recording the name of the researcher, it is wise for everyone to represent their real individual name, which will make it easier to distinguish between the voices on the tape while listening. Voice Activation Mode should be disabled when attempting to record the Electronic Voice Phenomenon, as it usually truncates the beginning of words, phrases and sentences. This is not necessary for digital voice recorders, as they usually work best in this mode.
    • EMF detector - An electromagnetic field detector, known as EMF, is a state-of-the-art ghost tracking device, a very important piece of equipment. With this tool, you can locate and track energy sources. It will detect fluctuations in electromagnetic fields and weak EMFs that have no visible source. It is a common theory that ghosts disturb this field in such a way that you can tell that a ghost is present because meter readings are higher than normal. Most of all, ghosts love to fool around with electricity and / or magnets. Before using an EMI detector as a tool for a ghost researcher, walk around the area and collect initial data on energy sources around, such as lamp posts or electrical outlets, to be sure of the readings you get during your exploration. Most devices when purchased come with instructions that indicate the corresponding electromagnetic readings for most household and main appliances. When using an EMI detector as a tracking device, watch for fluctuations from 2 to 7 in whatever device you use. This usually betrays the presence of a ghost. Anything above or below the norm is natural.
    • Cell phone - If you have one, it can come in handy in an emergency. I bet you wouldn't have thought of that.
    • The compass is a useful tool for the explorer due to its compact size and low cost. (In this respect, gravel or small pebbles are better).When used in research, it will show the presence of a ghost if the needle cannot get exactly at the point or rotates / moves chaotically. This works on the same principle as an EMI detector. Except that compasses do not detect electric fields, they do detect magnetic fields.
    • Candles and Matches - Batteries often run low during exploration, so you may be left without them but still need light. Another good idea might be a camping flashlight that runs on lamp oil. Be careful when using candles near motion detectors, they can extinguish them. Also try to avoid your own fire or some of your fellow researchers, as this can ruin a good video.
    • Motion sensors - used to sense the movements of often invisible forces or ghosts. You can buy one that runs on a battery for about RUB 600. and they are good for indoor use, although I have seen them used successfully outdoors, just take a look around the room. You don't want to be knocked out of action by a branch of a tree or a squirrel.
    • Thermometer or Thermal Scanner - Thermometers are also a very useful tool. This device is used to detect and measure the ambient temperature, as well as temperature fluctuations that can occur due to the activity of perfume. There are two types of thermometers in use: conventional digital thermometers and infrared non-contact thermometers. When used in research, they help as a detection system for the presence of spirits. A sharp jump in temperature of 10 degrees or more can betray the presence of perfume. I recommend using non-contact infrared thermometers as they respond in less than a second when the temperature rises and you can quickly scan a wide area.
    • Handheld radios or walkie-talkies are useful in large areas and in buildings if the groups are spreading across different rooms. They work on the same principle as a cell phone, only without asking for a credit check. They can be great for emergencies or just to change groups. Although you should be aware that they can interfere with the recording of your EGF. Not sure if you can do anything about it, but be aware that you can mess things up and you can't avoid it.

Method 1 of 1: Step by Step Procedures

  1. 1 Here is an abridged version of one of the most popular outdoor ghost hunting procedures:
  2. 2 Arrange a meeting with everyone near the site and decide who will work with what equipment, and split into teams if necessary. Choose a person or leader who will talk to anyone who comes into contact with the group (i.e. police, journalists, priests, aliens, rangers, etc.)
  3. 3 Come to the site in private or in a group and ask for blessings and protection for the upcoming hunt. Or for a longer period if you are enjoying life. You can use this time to put yourself in a positive mood and / or go to the bathroom just in case. This is not something religious, so everyone can do it in some way. I urge everyone to take just 10 seconds to do this and get it done. How can this harm? Better to be safe than sorry. Many experienced groups believe that evil spirits dwell in places such as cemeteries, and say that 10 seconds of prayer will set the person up more positively so that he can go and go about his business calmly without worrying about them. They may be evil spirits, but they are absurdly incompetent and can be overcome by positive thoughts. An experienced demonologist will tell you that whatever you do in the name of the god Brahma or Coyote or Odin or Amaterasu Omikami or Chuck Norris or any other deity you worship, you will bewilder all non-human souls.since they will have to leave you alone when you speak in this manner. Ghosts believe in all gods, even extremely ridiculous ones, and they are very afraid of them.
  4. 4 Walk around the area to get a feel for your surroundings and let the ghosts get a feel for you. If you are especially focused on relaxing the perfume, take off your clothes. Ghosts cannot wear clothes and are unnerved by people who can. Do this for 20 minutes. Record your start time and weather conditions, and any other related information. You can also start setting up any fixed equipment like tripod cameras or motion detectors. Pay attention to any areas that could give you false readings or false positives.
  5. 5 Take some photos and notes. Make sure to write down any unusual things that happen, especially meter readings and temperatures, visual phenomena, and strange sounds. Also take notes of any sensations and feelings you have that may seem strange or inappropriate. You will be able to compare post-hunt recordings and look for similarities in readings and sensations at a specific location or point in time.
    • Whether you are observing in one place or walking around, try to give everyone the opportunity to try everything and go everywhere. This will keep everyone attentive and cheerful. Change several times as you explore.
  6. 6 Ask the human ghosts not to follow you home and stay here after you finish. Tell others that they should stay here and STAY here in the name of God or Jesus Christ or Baal or the Great Spirit or Ishtar or L. Ron Hubbard or Vishnu or Osiris (or other good deities). It again takes 4 to 7 seconds, it's simple and will save you trouble on the way. If we are wrong about these prayers at the beginning and at the end of the hunt, and they are not needed, then you will lose 14 to 17 seconds of your time. If we are right about them, you will save yourself from many problems and disappointments.
  7. 7 Take some photos.
    • For 35mm cameras: open your film and load into the camera after walking in the area for 20 minutes first. Make sure to expose it in front of enough light before loading it to "fire up" the film.
    • For 35mm cameras: Use 35mm film with a sensitivity of at least 400. 400 and 800 are best. Black and white film also works well.
    • For 35mm cameras: If you are a seasoned photographer, you may want to try infrared film, which has also done excellently in the past.
    • Make sure you spot any light sources in the area so that when you look at the resulting photos, you won't think the street lights or the guy showing you bare buttocks is a ball of light. This can be very embarrassing.
    • Make sure you clean your camera lens regularly.
    • Don't smoke on the spot, it can create a slight haze in the photo, you don't want to pollute your proof. Also see the paragraph above about people standing dangerously near flames.
    • Watch out for dust or dirt that is common in the area where you are photographing. This can give fake positive results in photographs. Unless these are photographs of dust or dirt, then they can be true positive evidence.
    • All long hair should be gathered in the back or hidden under a hat, again for the same, to rule out all fake positive photos and give skeptics no more arguments. Nobody will believe a hippie or a woman.
    • Remove or tie up all the straps from the camera so that you do not get photos with them, in the photo it will look like a whirlwind, as if you have eaten a lot of mushrooms.
    • Don't bother with your camera's viewfinder. Hold it straight in front of you and point it to the location you want to photograph.Many new digital cameras don't even have a viewfinder. It also helps to keep the camera from breathing in cold weather.
    • Look for reflective surfaces and take a note to yourself. Flares bounce off surfaces such as windows, polished tombstones, mirrors, glasses, thrown beer bottles, etc. and may look like a ball of light or other anomaly. Take notes about street lighting and any other light sources that may appear on the film. Take a photo of them for comparison purposes.
    • Let fellow researchers know when you are taking a picture to avoid double flashes in the dark and so that night vision operators can turn their backs. If you think your photo has a double flash or any other false evidence, write down the photo number so you can exclude it from the package when you develop them. Night operators can hurt their eyes if they look at the flash through the lens, so this is important.
    • In cold weather, watch your breath so as not to photograph it, it will look like a haze of ectoplasm. If you think you did it, then write down the photo number and throw it away after you develop it.
    • Many people ask the spirits if they can photograph them, it is not dangerous. If the spirit doesn't respond, leave a few twenty in the tree to thank the ghost for its assistance.
    • Take pictures of everything, everywhere. If you are feeling something or someone is feeling, then take a photo. Think you saw something? Take a photo. Take photos in all places where you had positive readings on any of the instruments.
    • Sometimes you will be able to see a luminous ball, haze, or sparkles in the flash or flashes of others. Take as many photos of this place as possible, you can be close to the spirit.
    • You can only get one or two good photos out of 50 taken. That's okay, so don't be discouraged. I have been to places where I could not get anything and to those where 30% of the total amount was a positive result.
    • Don't overpay for development. You can develop photos anywhere. Just let the developers know to process and print each photo. I use a local discount photography store.
  8. 8 Know where to look. There are several places where you can start ghost hunting. These are just suggestions and you shouldn't be limited to these places - ghosts can be everywhere. Don't be fooled by the age of the building or area. The house in which I lived for 29 years, and in which there was activity of ghosts for 26 years, had only 70 years of existence, but it stood on the land on which they settled and lived since 1685. Also remember not to overuse.
    • Cemeteries - The age of a cemetery does not mean anything, but the older it is, the more time it had to collect restless ghosts. However, the age of the cemetery does not matter. Why cemeteries? There are theories that cemeteries are nothing more than a portal to the other side, or that ghosts are attracted to their former bodies.
    • Schools - Schools and former school buildings can accumulate psychic energy and the imprints of all the highly emotional events that took place there.
    • Theaters - actors launch a range of human emotions within the walls of the theater, plus there are many interesting stories of the phenomena associated with them. There are those in which this does not happen.
    • Battlegrounds are great places simply in their essence. Many violent deaths in one place always keep several ghosts and psychic energy at bay.
    • Churches - There is a long history of believers returning to the church they venerated. Here they can seek the salvation that was promised to them, and not find it. Look between the seat cushions or in the box of found items in the nave.
    • Hotels / Motels / Pensions - Many dark deeds and highly emotional events took place in these rooms.
    • Historic Sites - Many historic buildings, due to their age, have a long time to collect spirits. These buildings are often open to the public, making it easier for you to get started. There are even many stories of spirit apparitions known, and you may be able to gain access to the building after closing by talking to the guards, or you can simply break into it.
    • Books about haunted places are what I used in the beginning to get to some places. They allow the author to post the fact that the place is haunted, so there is a chance they might allow you to get a glimpse of the place.


  • Make sure you tell someone where you will be in case of an emergency.
  • The best times are from 9 pm to 6 am, these are hours of mental activity and night hours in the Western Hemisphere, but any time can be effective. Photographs have long been best taken in the dark, while cameras do not perform well in well-lit environments, but don't let that get in the way of taking them with you during the day.
  • Do not smoke, drink alcohol or drugs during the study for obvious reasons. Only if you really want to.
  • Never go alone. This is just a sane approach. If you feel bad, who will help you? If you are alone, and no one is near you, then you yourself have to help yourself.
  • Make sure you bring your ID (driver's license, passport, Junior Ghostbuster badge, etc.) so that you can prove who you are in the event of police interrogation.
  • Be a skeptic, look for reasons such as natural or artificial for any phenomenon. As a researcher, you will have to make sure that the final proof stands up to scrutiny. By eliminating all other explanations, your proof will become stronger.
  • Watch for signs No unauthorized entry. Make sure you haven't passed such a sign. If you are in private territory, then you risk running into a fine or you may be arrested or in some places you may be shot. You can get permission from most owners or guards. We often notify the local police that we will "take photos" at the grave site so that they are aware of our presence. If you are asked to leave, do so immediately. You won't be able to defeat this argument and will only hurt other researchers if you make a scene.
  • Don't whisper, it can ruin your notes. Indeed, it is better not to talk at all.
  • Check the area during the day so that you are familiar with it. Look for dangerous spots and obstacles that you cannot see in the dark.
  • Always bring your digital recorder with you to be able to talk to a ghost or ghost.
  • Find everything you can about the history of the place. Newspapers, city chronicles, web materials, and books can be useful for finding legends or accurate facts about the area. Books and web pages dealing with information on this topic are enormous. If the books are too big, read them outdoors, where they won't bump into walls.
  • If it is raining, snowing, or foggy and you plan to do outdoor ghost hunting, please cancel it. You cannot do proper research under these conditions. You will catch a deadly cold. Please wear a sweater.
  • Do not use perfume, cologne, or anything else with a strong scent. This is so that someone else does not make a mistake and does not mistake the smell for a supernatural phenomenon. You can't even imagine how many times people have mistaken the smell of Old Spice for a devilish delusion. Ghosts often use scents and scents to get our attention. Ghosts are particularly partial to Chanel # 5, while poltergeists prefer musky scents.
  • The office of tax experts can provide you with historical information on many of the places of your visits.You can also take this opportunity to pay all taxes that you owe.
  • Keep your mind open. Any negative feelings can scare the spirits away. If you just went through a bad period or were laid off from another job, the spirits will pick up on this and start to distance themselves from you. Be respectful of the places and the dead.


  • Act as if you are in the beautiful home of the grandparents! Remember that the spirits call this place home because he / she loves it or cannot leave. Don't destroy it!