How to dress like Harry Potter

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 18 June 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024


Forget bulky, hot cardboard suits and face makeup! Harry Potter's outfit is not only comfortable, but also easily recognizable. Just look to see if there is anyone nearby in Lord Vol's costume ... that is, Someone-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named!


Part 1 of 2: Clothes like Harry Potter

  1. 1 Wear dark pants and a white shirt. If possible, opt for wide slacks and a dress shirt with buttons. Hogwarts dress code obliges everyone to look stunning!
    • If the weather is cold, wear a burgundy jumper or red sweater.
  2. 2 Throw on top of an old-fashioned black robe. Although Harry Potter does not constantly wear a robe in films, in the books it is a must-have garment for all Hogwarts students. Plus, the pants and shirt themselves look too Muggle. You can get a mantle in the following ways:
  3. 3 Look at alumni stores that sell academic clothing. You can find out if they have old robes that they could sell cheaper for a suit.
    • Look in second-hand shops and carnival costume shops.
    • Ask your friends who may have robes (university professors, graduates, judges), what if they agree to lend you one?
    • You can wear a long black cape backwards or throw a long black skirt over your shoulders.
  4. 4 Hide long hair under a hat. A black pointed hat is optional for the Harry Potter outfit, but it will make it easier to recognize a wizard in you. In your case, the main purpose of such a hat will be that you can hide long hair under it, if necessary.
  5. 5 Make “broken” glasses. Look at thrift stores or opticians for round black-rimmed glasses. Wrap the transparent tape between the lenses a few times, as Harry did when his glasses broke.
    • Toy stores sell toy glasses with a nose and mustache. If you cut off the extra parts (mustache and nose), then they are perfect for you.
    • If you wear glasses yourself, you can paint your frames black with volumizing paint. A quick option is to cut out circles for glasses from black cardboard and attach them to the frame.
  6. 6 Make a red and gold scarf. If you're lucky, you can find a red and gold striped scarf at a clothing store, or have someone sew or knit one. Otherwise, you will have to get by with an ordinary red scarf for now. You can add yellow or golden stripes like this:
    • Wrap the scarf in a spiral with yellow ribbon. Use a stapler to attach the tape or sew it to your scarf.
    • Cut a piece of felt or cardboard into narrow rectangles. Place the rectangles in the desired order on the scarf, and then staple or sew on them.
    • Paint the scarf with fabric dye.
  7. 7 Make a red and gold tie. Find a red tie in a cheaper store - hardly anyone in your family will appreciate it if you start coloring their things. A tie can be decorated in the same way as a scarf, but the dyed version looks the best.
    • In the films, Gryffindor students wear red ties with diagonal gold stripes. Draw a thin line with gold paint. Step back 3 cm and draw two thick lines, leaving a small distance between them.Step back another 3 cm, repeat all over again.
  8. 8 Draw a lightning bolt. Draw the famous lightning bolt on your forehead. To do this, use a red lip liner, lipstick, or a non-toxic, washable highlighter.
    • The scar is described and shown as a vertical mark either in the center of the forehead or on the right side of the forehead.

Part 2 of 2: Adding Details to the Look

  1. 1 Make a magic wand out of an ordinary wand. Find a sturdy twig, about 28 cm long. Paint it with your own paint, or make a convex spiral pattern with a volumetric paint or glue gun. Harry's magic wand looks pretty simple in the movies, but yours doesn't have to be an exact copy.
    • Instead, you can find a thicker wooden nail at a home improvement store.
    • If you need to make your wand easier and faster, tape a few pencils, twigs, or sushi sticks together with tape and wrap them with brown paper on top.
  2. 2 Take a toy white owl with you. Place your very own Boucle on your shoulder or arm! If necessary, attach it with thread. You can find an owl at an inexpensive toy store.
  3. 3 Make a pen for writing. A writing nib can be made from any sturdy nib. A simple option is to stick a nib from a craft store onto a pen or pencil. You can even find fake parchment or scrolls in craft stores to write on with a pen.
  4. 4 Find a broom. Harry the Player-In-Quidditch must have a flying broom! Opt for a wooden broom with natural twigs to match your look perfectly.
    • Bring the Golden Snitch with you to complete the look. Paint the table tennis ball with gold paint and glue the yellow paper wings to it.
    • Get your friends to play Quidditch with you!


  • If you are dressing up as a character for Halloween or themed party, point your wand at the guests by saying “Expelliarmus!” “Expecto patronum!” or any other phrase in the spirit of "Harry Potter".
  • If you're serious about preparing your costume, embroider the Hogwarts emblem on your robe.
  • If you're a girl, tie your hair into a slightly messy ponytail or bun.


  • Make sure to use a washable highlighter or makeup for the scar, as it won't take long to get rid of the marks of the permanent highlighter.

What do you need

  • Dark wide leg slacks
  • White shirt with collar
  • Glasses
  • Transparent tape
  • Black robe, coat or long skirt
  • Red scarf
  • Red tie
  • Gold or yellow fabric dye, ribbon, felt or colored paper (cardboard) for needlework
  • Lip liner, lipstick or washable highlighter for a lightning scar

Possible image details:

  • Toy white owl
  • Sprig for magic wand
  • Broom
  • Feather for writing

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