How to train your dog in commands

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 26 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Teach The First 7 Things To Your Dog: Sit, Leave it, Come, Leash walking, Name...)
Video: How to Teach The First 7 Things To Your Dog: Sit, Leave it, Come, Leash walking, Name...)


Dogs are very funny animals, but when they do not obey, they are very upset by the owner. Here are some easy-to-learn commands for your dog that will make your life easier. Keep in mind that teaching teams involves using food (treats) as a reward. But the best reward for a dog is sincere praise for every command it has completed. In addition, teaching commands creates a special bond between the owner and the dog, and this stimulates the dog to obey in order to gain attention.


  1. 1 Build a relationship of trust with your dog. If your dog is attached to you, it will be much easier to start training.

Method 1 of 5: Sit Command

  1. 1 Take a few scraps of your dog's favorite treat, whatever it is. This will help encourage the dog to obey you. It will be better if the pieces of the treat are small. Do not give your dog treats that it cannot chew, as this will lead to its aggressiveness.
  2. 2 Bring one bite of the treat to the dog so he can smell it, but not eat it.
  3. 3 Holding a piece of the treat firmly in your hand, and holding it over the dog's nose, clearly say “Sit”.
  4. 4 When the dog hears the command for the first time, show him what to do: Lightly press the back of your torso to the ground with a firm hand, pressing down on your hips (not your back) while pulling the leash or collar upward.
  5. 5 As soon as the dog finally sits down, say “Well done!”And give him / her a treat. Important: do not repeat the word "Sit". Say the command once, then force it to execute. Grunting doesn't work with dogs either.
  6. 6 Repeat these steps until the dog associates the command with the treat and the spoken phrase. When the dog finally remembers the command and is doing it well, stop giving the treat.

Method 2 of 5: Command to lie down

  1. 1Use the treat and the phrase again.
  2. 2 Command "Sit" if you are good at following the instructions above. If you fail, getting the dog to lie down will be even more difficult.
  3. 3 When your dog has sat down, keep the treat on the floor, but so that the dog does not reach with his teeth, and he / she has to lie on the floor to get the treat.
  4. 4 Say "Lie down" clearly and firmly.
  5. 5 If necessary, gently pull the front legs forward while keeping the treat on the floor to force the dog to lie down.
  6. 6 Give him / her a treat and say “Well done!»
  7. 7 As a result, try to wean the dog from the treat so that it only responds to the spoken phrase.

Method 3 of 5: Roll Over Command

This command is related to the “Lie down” command, and if it was difficult for you to get the dog to lie down, then getting it to roll over will be even more difficult.

  1. 1 Show your dog a treat.
  2. 2 Command "Lie down".
  3. 3 Say "Roll over" and bend over to the floor, do slow hand circles with a treat.
  4. 4 The first few times you can help roll over. After a while, demand the execution of the command after the uttered phrase and hand gesture.

Method 4 of 5: Wait Command

  1. 1 Command "Sit" and have someone else hold the collar.
  2. 2 Stand in the "Beside" position (the dog is looking to one side with you, its head and shoulder are in line with your leg, hip and shoulder).
  3. 3 Extend your arm 3-5 inches (7.5-12.5 cm) from the dog's face and say "Wait."
  4. 4 Back out 6 feet (1.8 m) and face the dog. At first, stand at this distance for only a few seconds, then increase the time and distance.
  5. 5 Walk around the dog, stopping in the Beside position.
  6. 6 Praise!
  7. 7 Remove the leash.
  8. 8 Repeat this for learning to wait while lying down.

Method 5 of 5: Teaching Your Dog to Paw

  1. 1 Command "Sit".
  2. 2Take one of the front paws and squeeze it.
  3. 3Say "Gimme a paw."


  • Remember, if your dog is unable to complete a command the first few times, the worst thing you can do is get upset or angry with her / him. This will scare the dog, and he will be reluctant to obey your commands. Just try again and again, praising and giving treats for doing the commands correctly, and soon your dog will sit on command anytime, anywhere. If the dog just doesn't understand what he needs to do, give him 20-40 minutes of break and try again.
  • Once you get into the training process, you may enjoy using clickers (you can buy them at any pet store), hand gestures, or any other signals in addition to voice commands. Dogs often understand a lot more than people think. Treats are always most helpful to get your dog interested in listening, understanding, paying attention and learning.
  • If you have more than one dog, separate the one you are training from other dogs so that there are no distractions.
  • Place your hand gently and press down slightly on the side of the dog's knees to make it sit down. Praise your dog with feeling, and I advise you to give her / him a treat. This will maintain her / his self-confidence and increase the desire to learn. Try to make the process fun for your dog and he / she will love, respect and obey you.
  • Don't overwhelm your dog, especially your puppy. The dog is tired when it gets bored or is often distracted.
  • Always speak new commands firmly.
  • Don't stop training your dog, just give it time to relax a little.
  • Don't scare the dog! In this case, she can become aggressive and attack!
  • You don't need to train every day. Leave enough time between workouts to allow the dog to rest. This way the dog will work better with you.


  • Be careful when pressing on the dog's back. You can damage it by pressing too hard.
  • Make sure that you don't give your dog too many treats, and he is not relying on treats only by doing something, or the dog may decide not to do anything if nothing is offered to him.However, in the final stages, it is worth celebrating the good behavior of the dog with at least the praise "Well done!"
  • Some members of your family will really like the way your dog performs new commands, and will often ask him to follow these commands. This is normal unless the dog is allowed not to execute the command. For example, if someone told the dog to "Sit" and the dog did not sit down after the first command, this does not mean that you have to repeat the command over and over until the dog runs away. As a last resort, you can say the command twice (if you have already trained the dog). After that, gently make the dog sit down. Just imagine a dog sitting down only when a treat awaits him. If such a dog runs into the roadway or chases after another dog, and you give a command, he will ignore it. Do not allow your family members to give commands that may not be followed.
  • Do not punish the dog for following the command. For example, if you are going to punish a dog for doing its thing on the street, do not call it to you, punishing it after that. This can teach the dog not to come when you call him - “The owner is calling me, so he will be punishing again. I will not come next time. " Sufficient punishment would be to approach the dog and firmly say "No". This is enough.

What do you need

  • Treats
  • Initiative
  • Dog (dogs)
  • Toy
  • Patience