How to train a guard dog

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 12 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
Guard Dog Training Step by Step!
Video: Guard Dog Training Step by Step!


A guard dog can be a great option for those people who want to protect their property. In most cases, the mere presence of a dog that barks at strangers and warns you of potentially dangerous intruders is sufficient for security purposes. However, some dogs can be much more aggressive when it comes to defending territory and their owners.In this case, it is very important to properly train your guard dog.


  1. 1 Teach your dog a general course of obedience and establish yourself as a master in his eyes. The dog must be able to carry out basic commands such as "sit", "place", "stand", "fu", "towards me", and must also be trained to walk on a leash. Use positive incentives to reinforce the right behavior, ignore the wrong behavior.
  2. 2 Socialize your dog. For a dog to be able to identify dangerous people or dangerous events, it must be familiar with the typical course of daily life.
    • Introduce her to all family members (including other pets) and friends who often come to you.
    • Let your dog get used to the household sounds of your home (e.g. lawn mower, vacuum cleaner, cars, thunderstorms).
    • Let your dog see you in different situations: with an umbrella, hat, sunglasses.
  3. 3 Encourage your pet to bark or alert you to strangers.
    • Encourage your dog to bark at strangers approaching your home. A treat or praise can reinforce this behavior.
    • Say "fu" to your dog if it barks at people who have been included in its socialization circle.
    • Ask friends or family members with whom the dog is not familiar to make noise, knock on windows and doors. Praise your dog for its alertness and barking.
  4. 4 Set the boundaries of the dog's territory. The dog should only protect only your property. Clearly defining boundaries will prevent the dog from attacking people outside of your territory.
    • Walk your dog around the border of your territory every day. Order her to return if she goes outside the territory.
    • Establish an underground or invisible fence for the dog if it stubbornly goes outside its territory. Once the boundaries have been fixed in the dog's mind, such a fence can be removed.
  5. 5 Do not let your dog eat food from other people. This is very important as burglars often try to distract the dogs with food.
    • Choose one person to feed the animal.
    • Never allow friends and family to offer food or treats to your dog outside of your home.
  6. 6 Seek help from a professional dog instructor if you want to train a guard dog for more than barking. It is unwise to train your dog to bite and attack without an instructor.


  • Place a warning sign at the entrance: "Caution! Angry Dog!" This will scare off burglars, and if the dog bites someone, it will be evidence in your favor. The warning label must be large enough to be clearly visible.
  • You can train the dog to perform the command "face" using a protective suit. However, be careful, the robbers may have weapons, they may shoot the animal.


  • Be careful when children are around the guard dog. Never leave children unattended with the dog.