Texting a guy you like

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 24 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
What to Text A Guy You Like (Make Him Obsess Over You)
Video: What to Text A Guy You Like (Make Him Obsess Over You)


You're excited to text the guy you like, but you're afraid you're sending him the wrong thing. Or you fear that you seem too desperate or needy. The best tip is to send him text messages that are both fun and playful, and not too direct. If you're looking for tips on how to text the guy you like, you've come to the right place.

To step

Method 1 of 4: Make sure you have a good opening

  1. Ask him a good question. Starting your texting session with a question is an excellent way to show him that you are interested in him. You also make it easier for him to respond. He will also appreciate that you are so direct and don't waste his time on text messages that he can't answer directly. Here are some ways you can ask a good question:
    • Ask something specific about the boy himself. This will show him that you are interested in what he is doing.
    • Ask him something that he can easily answer. Don't ask him about the meaning of life; ask him what he thought of his math test.
    • Be direct. He'll appreciate it if you ask him a short, concise question.
    • Ask him an open question. If you ask him something he can answer in just a few words, it will be difficult to start a conversation. Rather ask him "How was the party yesterday?" then "What time were you home?" He can provide more information on the first question. This will also make the conversation easier.
  2. Be original. He'll be impressed if you ask him something that not everyone would just ask him. Instead of a simple "Hello" you can ask him an interesting question. Or, tell him something he'll want to respond to, which could start the conversation.
    • Make him laugh. If you're witty early on, he'll want to make you laugh in turn.
    • Make a witty comment. This is another great way to start. Make sure he can answer your comment.
    • Do not to work hard to come up with the perfect opening. If you do, he will probably soon notice.

Method 2 of 4: Hold his attention

  1. Be engaging. You should let him know that you are able to have a lively conversation. Keep the conversation open so he feels like it's easy to talk to you. Being engaging not only means that you answer his questions correctly, but also means that you make it easy for him to keep the conversation going. That's how you do that:
    • Ask him about something he did. He will enjoy telling you more about himself. This also shows that you value the things he tells you.
    • Be witty. If he says something funny, don't respond with a simple "hahaha". This will end the conversation. Instead, reply to him by saying something funny. This way you show that you can spar him.
    • Tell him something he's never heard. Maybe you heard something odd on the news or were impressed by some random fact. Tell him what you know, and he will ask you questions to find out more.
    • Be playful. He will appreciate your playful side. Moreover, it sets the right tone. You can show him you're smart without taking yourself too seriously. He will like this.
  2. Be flirty. When you're ready to start flirting, you can have fun with him without revealing too much of your feelings. Flirting with him will make him enjoy talking to you. He'll also be impressed by your guts, provided you don't sideline yourself. You can do this:
    • Tease him. Don't be afraid to tease him a bit. Also, don't shy away from being teased a bit yourself.
    • When the time is right, you can let him know what you're wearing. He'll be even more excited to see you now.
    • Send him a smiley with a wink every now and then, or make a nice allusion that makes it clear to him that you are looking forward to your next date ... and that it might be "exciting".
  3. Be interesting. If you want to keep him interested, then you need to be interesting. You need to show him that you are a versatile person with a variety of interests and friends. Show that you are always willing to do or learn something new. He should think you have a busy life, and that he should consider himself lucky that you are taking the time to text him. If he feels like you're waiting all day for him to text you, he'll quickly lose interest.
    • Show that you have a life. Let him know if you are out with friends, if you are going to karate, or if you are watching a new movie. He will learn that your life is not just about talking to him. This way he will want to be a part of your life even more.
    • Find a common interest. While you may not have time to have deep conversations by text message, he'll enjoy it even more when he finds out that you like the same music or movies.
    • Let him know what your passions are. This will show him that you are a driven person with many interests.

Method 3 of 4: Finish strong

  1. Know when to end the conversation. It is important to end your conversation at the right time. That way your guy stays interested. If he always ends the conversation, or if you try to extend the conversation as much as possible when he's busy or there's nothing more to say, then he'll leave the conversation without wanting to know more about you. These things indicate that you need to complete the conversation:
    • If you're struggling to find something you can still talk about.
    • If he answers your text messages with a few words, such as "Yes" or "No", he may not feel like talking further.
    • If he stops asking you questions, he may only answer out of politeness.
    • If he always finishes the conversation. Alternate things a bit. Try to end the conversation at least 50% of the time.
  2. Leave him with some food for thought. You shouldn't end the conversation with a simple greeting. Instead, try to open-ended the conversation - this will make it easier to pick up later. This can be as simple as saying you feel like talking further next time. Or by telling him something interesting about what you are going to do. That's how you do that:
    • If you meet up sometimes, it doesn't hurt to tell him you want to see him again.
    • If you're already having sex, tell him you can't wait to show him your new lingerie. Leave him with a sexy thought. He will love to see your new underpants!
    • Tell him where to go. If you are going to a concert of a band you both like, tell him. This way he can ask you about it afterwards.
    • Allow him to ask you out. Casually tell him you're going out with some friends, and that it would be nice to hang out with him too. If he wants to see you and isn't too shy, he might ask.

Method 4 of 4: Know what not to do

  1. Don't be too needy. The last thing a boy wants is a girl who is too needy. If your text messages already gave him the impression that you require a lot of maintenance, he will most likely think that it is a lot worse in person. Your text messages should be fun and light. Don't make him feel like you want anything from him. You shouldn't do these things:
    • Never ask him, "Did you get my message yet?" Unless his phone was stolen, he did get your message. He probably didn't feel like commenting on it. Don't make the situation any more awkward than it already is.
    • You can ask him about his weekend, but don't ask him if he kissed another girl. Don't ask him if he has met any nice girls. This only makes you seem jealous, and even a little creepy.
    • Don't question him if he doesn't respond to your text message. This will make him feel like you are panting on his neck, and that you are desperate not to get a message back.
  2. Don't be too greedy. Your messages should show your interest in the guy and make him feel like you're a nice girl to talk to. Your messages shouldn't make him feel like you're obsessed with him. Don't make him feel like you'd drop everything in your life to respond to him. To avoid appearing too eager, avoid these things:
    • Don't ask, "Are you still there?" If he hasn't responded after five minutes.
    • Don't send him two or three messages in a row. Wait for him to respond.
    • Don't respond to fast. You don't want to make it look like you're waiting for his texts. If it takes hours for him to respond to you, don't bounce the ball right back his way. Wait about five or six hours before you answer him.
    • Don't keep the conversation going if he wants to wrap it up clearly. If he only answers you with a few words or not at all, stop.
    • Don't use too many emoticons. A sporadic wink or smile shows him that you are flirting. A million exclamation points or smileys will scare him.
    • Don't text him when you should be having a good time. If you're out with your friends or at a party, you can text him every now and then to show him you're thinking about him. Just don't make him think you don't know how to have fun. Or that you are busy with your phone all the time.
  3. Don't embarrass yourself. When you're texting a guy, the last thing you want is to embarrass yourself. If you're embarrassing yourself through text messages, it can be difficult to start a new conversation. Getting into a relationship with the guy you like gets even harder. You shouldn't do these things:
    • Don't tell him how you really feel about him. You use text messages to have fun and to further develop the relationship. You don't use them to pour out your heart. You have to do this in person, when the right time has come. Telling him how much you like him via text message will make you seem a little desperate. It will seem that you are too scared to do this in person.
    • Don't send him ten messages in a row explaining your deepest feelings to him. If he has been away from his phone for a while and he sees your messages, he will be shocked.
    • Do not send him nude photos! Even if your relationship has already developed and you have had sex, this is still the stupidest thing you can do. He may feel like you're being too direct, but if you don't know him that well yet, it's even worse. He could be a creep, and later start blackmailing you with it.


  • Don't be afraid to text him first. Maybe he's a bit shy. Moreover, it is nice when girls show self-confidence. Just don't send him text messages all the time.
  • Don't ask him who he likes. Boys find this annoying; he just wants to have a nice conversation with you. Only if he asks you first can you ask him the question back.
  • If he doesn't answer right away ... don't immediately think he doesn't like you. Maybe he is doing something or his phone is broken. Don't fool yourself. Also, don't keep texting him without giving him time to respond.
  • If he doesn't respond until after a few days, wait a few more days and end the call. If he's really not interested in you, you're still in control.


  • Do not send nude photos to the guy you like. This can create a very embarrassing situation that you can regret. Even if the boy is your boyfriend, it's still not a good idea. You never know what he will do with the pictures when you break up ...