How to get a high school student interested in a beginner

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 9 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The 5 principles of highly effective teachers: Pierre Pirard at TEDxGhent
Video: The 5 principles of highly effective teachers: Pierre Pirard at TEDxGhent


Ah, the theme of school love.More often than not, the problem is that you, a new to high school, just got out of high school - a hole that no one wants to return to. This article will help you overcome this swamp and bond with an attractive high school student.


  1. 1 You are not too cool for your old friends. Keep this in mind, even if you're aiming for the hottest boy in school. Your old friends couldn't suddenly become youngsters compared to you, and you will look stupid if you left them just to impress your high school student. In fact, friends can be a valuable resource and support group if things go wrong and you find yourself on the sidewalk alone. If you're worried that your friends will act like a schoolboy, try not interacting with them when your high school student is around.
  2. 2 Get to know your passion. Where else to start? Be friends at first if you like.

Method 1 of 3: Guys

  1. 1 Now you need to assess yourself soberly. Are you significantly shorter than she is? If so, then, most likely, the chances are slim. Puberty cannot be accelerated purposefully in order to get a masculine voice and a pronounced chin sooner. It's not your fault, but she's unlikely to want to date someone who looks like her younger brother. Are you tall but look like a nerd? Forget about her, boy. Live on.
  2. 2 If you answered “no” to the above questions, you may have a pretty good chance, unless you go out of your way to “impress” her. The girl does not need to see you drinking milk at speed or performing a "cute" trick on a skateboard. In fact, your physical actions are not the main thing. She needs a confident and determined guy. Or if you like intellectual, confident and witty. Remember that your opponents are much older and older than you. You have to manage the relationship, not be afraid and watch her reaction. If she thinks your courtship is "cute" or laughs when you open the door for her, then she understands that you like, but thinks that you are too young. Proceed with caution. Do not show yourself in front of her, but do not pinch or act like a youth.

Method 2 of 3: Girls

  1. 1 Don't be an eternally whimpering, dramatic traitor. Many girls get rid of these qualities by the time they graduate. If you are one of them, only communicate with people like you. At the same time, nobody wants to sound like a pedophile. Take note of this, girls: if you look much younger than your age, back off.
  2. 2 Be aware that your boyfriend may ask you to dress sexy. If you feel like it too, make sure it doesn't cause discomfort. If you're not ready to dress like this yet, don't let the pressure on you. If he doesn't like your cute look, he may not pay attention to this image and will be attracted by your personality. It is also likely that he likes cute girls.

Method 3 of 3: Boys and girls

  1. 1 Be yourself! If a person doesn't like you the way you are, you can't always pretend to be someone else for him. The relationship will come to naught. Let it all go by itself. If all else fails, take it as an experience. Try different flirting techniques, get to know yourself. In any case, the graduates will leave the school in a year!
  2. 2 Accept the difference between you. He or she may be busy getting ready for college, so don't whine and say something like, "Why can't you hang out with me anymore? !! Whoo !!"


  • Once a graduate turns 18, your relationship, if it involves sexual contact, will become illegal in many countries. Remember this. Note that it is not the relationship itself that is illegal, but sexual intercourse, which can be reported as rape if found out.
  • Remember that this relationship may be a deliberate disaster.
  • Don't leave your friends for another person.You are not ready for this.
  • Many high school students who roll up to new girls are just looking for an affair. Keep this in mind.