How to stay awake while driving

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 20 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
5 Tips To Stay Awake While Driving-Avoid Drowsy Driving
Video: 5 Tips To Stay Awake While Driving-Avoid Drowsy Driving


During long journeys behind the wheel, especially at night, it is not uncommon for you to feel tired. If you need to stay awake to drive, be sure to reserve strength for a long trip with a short nap. Drink caffeinated drinks along the way and grab some healthy snacks from time to time. Also try listening to music or radio broadcasts to stay awake. If you are too tired, then pull over and rest. Driving is extremely dangerous if you are unable to stay awake.


Method 1 of 4: How to recharge before a long trip

  1. 1 Take a nap before your trip. A short twenty minute nap will help you recharge before the trip. If you have a long way to go, try falling asleep and waking up with an alarm after 20 minutes. Even such a short nap will give you strength and keep you alert while driving.
  2. 2 Refresh yourself with a healthy meal. Food will give you the strength you need to function. Enjoy a healthy meal before your trip. Choose nutritious foods and recharge your batteries to stay awake while driving.
    • Give preference to complex carbohydrates and proteins. Whole grains and lean proteins such as turkey and chicken can help you stay alert on a long trip.
    • Avoid convenience foods, instant meals, or foods high in sugar and processed carbohydrates so you don't fizzle out soon after eating.
  3. 3 Take vitamins. Vitamins B and C energize the body. Take vitamins B and C tablets after meals to stay awake while driving.
    • Vitamins should be taken regularly only after consulting a doctor - check with a specialist for a safe dosage. Make sure vitamins do not interact with other medications you may be taking.
  4. 4 Choose the right time for your trip. Whenever possible, choose a time to start your trip, you should prioritize the moments of energy surge. Pay attention to the natural hot flashes and lows of energy during the day to plan your trip at the most appropriate time.
    • For example, if you finally wake up and feel a surge of energy around 9 o'clock in the morning, then it is better to leave at this time.

Method 2 of 4: How to stay vigilant with food and drink

  1. 1 Refuel on snacks that contain 100 calories. Snacks with an energy value of about 100 calories will help you to invigorate and give strength to fight fatigue. Higher calories increase the likelihood of experiencing a breakdown shortly after eating, so foods under 100 calories are the best choice while driving.
    • Often, the energy value of a package of fried seeds is about 100 calories, so you can refresh yourself with seeds. Buy a few packs for the trip.
  2. 2 Drink caffeinated drinks. A cup of coffee contains approximately 75 milligrams of caffeine, which is enough to keep you alert while driving. Drink a cup of coffee if you start to feel tired. The drink will help you wake up and stay awake.
    • Spot gas stations and cafes along the road. When you are tired, park in one of these places and have a cup of coffee. It will also be helpful for you to walk and stretch your legs, or even take a nap.
  3. 3 Use chewing gum. Make your jaws work. When a person is busy with action, it is easier for him to concentrate and remain alert. Buy a couple of packs of gum on the road. Chew gum when you feel sleepy.
    • Choose sugar-free gum to avoid hypoglycemia (a drop in blood sugar), which is accompanied by a feeling of extreme fatigue.
  4. 4 Control serving size. If you are stopping to eat, then choose small portions.Large and heavy meals can cause fatigue and fatigue. It is recommended to choose small portions and light snacks on the way. A few light meals will give you significantly more strength and energy than one or two large meals.
    • For example, refresh yourself with half a sandwich during the first stop, and if you are hungry, stop again and grab a second half.
    • Choose nutritious foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins.

Method 3 of 4: Avoiding Sleep Using Other Ways

  1. 1 Sleep in the middle of the journey. If you are tired during the trip, stop at the side of the road and get some sleep. A short nap lasting 15–20 minutes will allow you to recharge, regain your strength and continue your journey. Stop in a safe place and take a nap.
    • Select a location far enough from the main road to avoid accidents. In addition, you should not stop in an overly isolated place for your own safety. A suitable option would be parking near a gas station.
    • Set an alarm so that 20 minutes doesn't turn into 1 hour.

    Lorenzo garriga

    Traveler Lorenzo Garriga is a seasoned traveler who has been wandering the world for almost 30 years with a tight budget and a backpack on his back. Originally from France, he traveled all over the world, worked in hostels, washed dishes and hitchhiked across countries and continents.

    Lorenzo garriga

    Stopping frequently will help you stay alert.... Lorenzo Garriga, a seasoned traveler, recommends: “On long car rides, try to stop every hour, especially at night on major highways. Small roads are less monotonous than straight highways. Take a break of 10 minutes approximately every hour and drink coffee if you like it. However, do not overuse caffeine, so as not to experience sudden fatigue. "

  2. 2 Play music at 90 decibels. If you feel sleepy, use your car stereo. Play music at a volume of at least 90 decibels. This will help you stay awake.
    • If the radio does not show the volume in decibels, then be guided by ear. Raise the volume to a level that will allow you to feel a surge of energy.
    • If you are tired, only play music for short periods of time. Continuous listening to music at high volumes can damage your hearing.
  3. 3 Travel with company. If possible, take companions on a long trip of several hours. This will make it easier for you to remain vigilant, and you will also be able to take turns driving. If you are very tired, ask your companion to get behind the wheel.
  4. 4 Open the window. The cool breeze will help you cheer up. In case of fatigue, you can open the window for a few minutes. In addition to the coolness, background noise will be heard from the street, which will help you not to nod off.
  5. 5 Find ways to have fun. Listen to broadcasts to stay focused. If you constantly listen to music, it is easy to "disconnect". Better turn on audiobook, podcasts, radio broadcasts. Listen carefully to the words to stay focused and stay awake while driving.

Method 4 of 4: How to stay safe

  1. 1 Be on the lookout for signs of fatigue in time. If you are too tired to drive safely, stop for the night. Driving when tired is very dangerous as it increases the likelihood of an accident. Signs of excessive fatigue:
    • you blink frequently and your eyelids are heavy;
    • it is difficult for you to keep your head straight;
    • you have frequent visions;
    • you do not notice the markings, unintentionally change lanes, do not keep the distance;
    • you cannot remember the last few kilometers.
  2. 2 Read the information on the medications carefully. Some medications can make you drowsy. Please read the package insert carefully if you are taking medications. Make sure there is no drowsiness among the side effects.
    • If the medication makes you drowsy, it is not safe to take the medication while traveling. If you need to regularly take a drug that makes you drowsy, you will need to discuss your medication strategy while traveling with your healthcare provider.
  3. 3 Avoid driving between midnight and six in the morning. At this time, there is a natural decrease in the circadian rhythm. It is dangerous to drive at such times because of the risk of falling asleep while driving. If possible, try not to drive between midnight and 6 a.m.
  4. 4 Do not drink alcohol before traveling. Alcohol, even in small amounts, can cause drowsiness. Do not drink alcohol if you need to drive soon. Also, remember that it is illegal to drive while intoxicated.


  • If you are traveling abroad, in some countries you may be arrested for driving when you are very tired.