How to stay awake at school

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 20 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


If you've been preparing for a test all night or haven't slept well, chances are you know how difficult it is to stay awake during class. The situation can be aggravated by the teacher's calm voice, which sounds like a lullaby, or the boring and dark office in which lessons are held. If you want to stay awake, take an active part in the lesson, be creative, and remember to bring food with you in between lessons.


Method 1 of 3: Get Actively Involved

  1. 1 Take a seat at the front of the class. Knowing that you are in full view of the teacher will make it easier for you to stay awake. In addition, by choosing a seat at the beginning of the class, you will be able to actively participate in the lesson. In addition, there will be your classmates next to you, who also actively participate in the discussion. Their voices will keep you awake.
  2. 2 Participate in the discussion. Ask questions and also answer them. Listen carefully to your teacher. If the lecture is boring, questions will help you understand the essence of the lecture. Plus, asking questions will keep you awake and less likely to fall asleep.
    • Make it a goal to ask or answer at least three questions during the lesson.
    • Ask questions related to the topic of discussion so as not to annoy the teacher. For example, you might say, “I don't quite understand the last part of the proof. Could you elaborate on this in more detail? "
  3. 3 Listen actively during the lesson. This is a great way to keep yourself awake, as active listening involves not only the mind, but the body as well. Even if you are not taking notes, active listening will help you stay awake during the lesson.
    • To learn to actively listen to your teacher, you should make and maintain eye contact, pay full attention to what the teacher is saying, imagine what the teacher is talking about, ask questions when appropriate, and respond to words, gestures, or tone of voice. which show the importance of the spoken information.
  4. 4 Chat with classmates. Group discussions are a great way to cheer up and stay awake. Take an active part in the discussion and give your opinion. Sit next to people who are actively participating in the lesson. This will also help you actively participate in the discussion.
  5. 5 Take detailed notes. This is a great way to stay focused on the teacher's words and be attentive in the lesson. Listen carefully to your teacher and take detailed notes. You can use different colored markers or pens to highlight important points or organize content.
    • Some people are close to the visual way of perceiving information. If you find it easier to perceive information in this way, do small sketches. Draw maps, diagrams, make sketches. These are important points in the learning process.
  6. 6 Ask the teacher to turn on the light. If you find it difficult to stay awake during the lesson, ask the teacher to turn on the lights. Unless the teacher plans to watch a movie with you or work with PowerPoint, he will not mind the lights on.
  7. 7 Get a friend's support. Sit down in class with classmates who have no problem staying awake. Before class, ask a friend to wake you up if you fall asleep. It will be easier for you to stay awake if you know that someone is watching you and will wake you up if you fall asleep.

Method 2 of 3: Stay awake with food and drinks

  1. 1 Have a coffee or caffeinated beverage before class. This is especially useful if you are going through a long and boring lecture. If possible, make coffee at home and take your thermos with you to school. A caffeinated drink will help you to invigorate quickly.
  2. 2 Drink cold water to invigorate. Take a bottle of cold water with you to school. Not only will you prevent dehydration, you can also be invigorated by drinking cold water. Drinking enough water will help you feel refreshed and avoid unpleasant fatigue.
  3. 3 Include three healthy meals in your diet. Regardless of which shift you study on, make sure your daily diet consists of three balanced meals. Thanks to this, you are not in danger of fatigue. Food will give you the energy you need and help you stay awake. However, avoid heavy foods such as pasta just before class, as otherwise you will feel sleepy during class.
    • Your daily menu should consist of fruits, vegetables, protein, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats.
    • For example, a great breakfast would be Greek yogurt, oatmeal with fruits and nuts, wheat bran with berries.
  4. 4 Bring food you can eat at school with you to keep your energy levels at the right level. If your teacher doesn't mind, bring some snacks to eat to keep you feeling energized. Snacks will give you the energy you need, and your thoughts will not just revolve around the fact that you are very tired.
    • Bring healthy snacks such as nuts, berries, fruits or vegetables such as small carrot roots or celery sticks with you.
    • Be sure to eat quietly and not draw attention to yourself. Noise can annoy others.
    • Avoid fatty, sugary, or salty foods because you will be very tired.

Method 3 of 3: Take Care of Your Body

  1. 1 Sleep at least 8 hours every night. A good night's sleep is a guarantee of vigor for the whole day. For most students, 8 hours of sleep is enough to keep them feeling alert at school. However, consider the needs of your body. Go to bed at the same time every night. Your body will get used to sleep and wakefulness.
    • Give your body a chance to relax before bed. Put aside your phone and all your homework and other stressful activities.
    • Combined with regular exercise and a healthy diet, a good night's rest will help you feel energized throughout the day.
  2. 2 Sit in a chair with your back straight. Sitting in a chair, do stretching exercises. By monitoring your posture, you can feel energized. Small stretching exercises will help you to cheer up. Stretch your wrists, shoulders, and neck.
    • Be careful not to slouch. Whenever you notice that you are starting to slouch, straighten your back.
    • If you have a choice, choose a chair that is not very comfortable for you. This will keep you from slouching.
  3. 3 Walk before and after the lesson. Physical activity will signal your body that now is not the time to sleep. Take a walk at recess, go outside if you are allowed to do so. Physical activity improves blood circulation. You will feel more energized. After you stop moving, you will feel tired again. However, you will still be better off.
    • If you are very sleepy, ask your teacher for permission to leave. Go to the bathroom for a little refreshment. Taking a short walk can help you cope with sleepiness.
    • Take the stairs. Climbing stairs will make your heart beat faster and you will feel more alert.


  • To avoid fatigue, sleep for at least 8 hours every night.
  • Take a long break if you can.


  • Avoid drinking too many caffeinated drinks throughout the day to stay alert at school. If you feel your heart rate or feel nervous while taking caffeine, eliminate it from your diet.