How not to blush

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 2 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
How To Stop Blushing (5 Easy Tips)
Video: How To Stop Blushing (5 Easy Tips)


It may seem like there is no way to avoid that awkward blush every time you fail, hear a nasty joke, or make a mistake. The feeling of embarrassment is understandable, but it doesn't have to be accompanied by the paint of embarrassment. Some people blush in embarrassing situations, others do it for no reason, which, on the contrary, causes embarrassment. And some even have a fear of the blush of embarrassment, which is called erythrophobia. If you think that your blush is starting to interfere with your daily life and you want to solve this problem, these tips are for you.


Method 1 of 2: How to Prevent Redness at a Specific Point

  1. 1 Pull yourself together and relax. When you blush, the color can quickly go away if you relax your muscles, especially the muscles in your shoulders and neck. Try to let go of the tension you are experiencing at this moment. Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart.
    • To relax, try the following:
      • Remember to breathe. Breathe in as deeply as possible, exhale.
      • Remind yourself that this is not the first time this has happened to you, and most likely it will not be the last time. Strange, but it can be reassuring.
      • Smile. Smiling can save the day, because when we smile, our cheeks usually turn red; smiling can also help you feel happier, which will eliminate the anxiety associated with communication.
  2. 2 Don't get hung up on your redness. Many people do just that, only making the situation worse. And research shows that the more we think about blushing, the more we blush. If you find a way to stop focusing on the redness, your chances of blushing will be greatly diminished!
  3. 3 Try to pay attention to this. If, for example, you are on a date, and something very awkward happens, one way to save the situation is to pay attention to it: "It really turned out awkward. Believe me, I'm usually not such a fool all the time!" By noticing the awkwardness and talking openly about it, you expose it. You can do the same with the embarrassment paint on your face.
    • Of course, this method is not suitable for every situation, but it is worth winding up on your mustache. Often times, you blush even more because you are afraid that people will reveal your concerns. And if you yourself speak up about your excitement before people even understand it, you will have no reason to blush.
  4. 4 Try different exercises. To cool off a little (both physically and emotionally) and distract from the redness, try these mental exercises:
    • Imagine jumping into a lake of icy water. Imagine diving deep, reaching the bottom of the lake and feeling the ice water envelop your limbs and skin. This should cool you down and relax you a little.
    • Imagine all the people around in their underwear. For some inexplicable reason, this trick really works. He makes you realize that you, like everyone else, are an ordinary person, and that you are not the only one who can make mistakes. More often than not, your performances will make you laugh.
    • Compare your situation to the situations of other people in the world. For example, you need to stand up and speak in front of your class and you are very confused. But these are just flowers compared to the fact that someone is fighting for life or forced to get food. Remind yourself how good it is that you have the opportunity.

Method 2 of 2: How to prevent redness in general

  1. 1 Understand what redness is. This is an involuntary blood flow to the face, usually due to excitement in public. As a result, the face turns red and the person can sweat.Since the skin of the face is more permeated with blood vessels than any other area of ​​the skin, it is on the face that redness is most visible.
    • Understand that redness can be caused not only by "communicative" reasons. Many people blush when they feel uncomfortable with other people. But that's not why others blush. This type of causeless redness is called idiopathic craniofacial erythema.
    • Understand that some people may have a true phobia of redness called erythrophobia. Such people need professional advice to overcome their fear.
  2. 2 Above all, try to prevent redness, if possible. First, determine when you blush. Does this happen when you are angry or nervous? Or when you look at or think of someone? Or when everyone pays attention to you? You don't have to try to avoid the things that make you blush, just try to train your body to believe that there is no reason to blush when that moment comes. This is the first step in combating redness.
    • Make a list of situations in which you blushed, especially if it was related to communication. Write down what the outcome of this situation was. Have they made fun of you? Did others notice it? In most cases, well-mannered people do not consider redness a problem and do not focus on it. Why should they do this? After all, it is impossible to control. Try to realize that redness isn't always as important as you think.
  3. 3 Don't feel responsible for the redness. Whatever you do, not worth it feel responsible for blushing. After all, this is an involuntary phenomenon. Train your brain to understand that your conscious thoughts are not related to this autonomous body response. You are not to blame for this, and you should not blame yourself. If you let go of your guilt over your redness, chances are you will stop blushing so often.
  4. 4 Stop worrying. Not only is it not as noticeable as you think, it is worth remembering that many people even like it, it seems cute and attractive. There are benefits to blushing. For example:
    • People who see that someone blushed feel sympathy for them, do not evaluate them so strictly. In such cases, redness even helps build relationships.
    • Researchers believe that people who blush tend to behave better in relationships, they are more often monogamous and very reliable people.
  5. 5 Train vigorously. You will only benefit from this: your face will have a natural reddish tint, which looks more "normal", you will reduce the pressure so much that you can develop immunity from redness. It all depends on how and how much you train, say from 30 minutes to 2 hours. Even if your exercise redness goes away, your temporary immunity will be maintained.
  6. 6 Try different relaxation techniques. Tune your mind and body to relax with meditation and calm exercise before the redness takes over. If you are relaxed and in control, this will primarily help you not to blush.
    • Try yoga. This is a great workout for the body and brain, which will help direct thoughts in the right direction and ensure normal blood circulation throughout the body, and not just to the face. Experiment with different types of yoga, there are tons of them. Find the one that suits you best.
    • Try calm meditation. Meditation can be used for many different purposes. One form of meditation that you can try is to become aware of oneness with your body and send this awareness to every part of your body, achieving liberation. Concentrate first on the thoughts in your head, and then send them to the parts of your body until the body becomes one.


  • Drink plenty of water! People often blush due to dehydration.
  • If you want not to blush during an event, for example, during a speech, drink a bottle of ice water 5-10 minutes before. Drink quickly, but not enough to make you sick. It will save you redness for about half an hour and it really works! Just do not do this more often than once a day or many times in total, because it can be bad for your bladder.
  • Breathe deeply. This helps prevent and eliminate redness.
  • Yawn or cough! Or pretend you got something in your eye.
  • If none of the above helps, forget about all these tips and remember that some people find it cute. Take this as an advantage.
  • Reduce the room temperature. Redness is the dilation of the blood vessels in the face when you are under stress or the like. The vessels also dilate when the temperature rises to release heat from the body and cool it down.
  • Cough every time you blush.
  • Ask an opposite friend to tell you things that make you blush until you stop doing it.
  • Commenting on your redness is the easiest way to stop worrying about it.
  • Redness won't be a problem as long as you put on a serious expression or smile broadly.
  • You can rehearse removing redness in front of a mirror if you can bring yourself to blush.
  • Think of something fun.
  • Putting powder on your face will not stop the redness, but it will be invisible to others.


  • Trying to hide the redness will only make the situation worse.
  • Don't try not to blush or think what will happen if you blush because you necessarily blush. Just stay calm and don't think about redness.
  • Remember, if you are a teenager, redness can be hormonal.
  • Don't be too calm, you are not going to ignore everything.