How to dress up as a pirate

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 3 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
How to Dress Like a Pirate
Video: How to Dress Like a Pirate


Whether it's Halloween, a costume ball, a play, or just playing for fun, being a convincing pirate requires the right outfit and attitude. If you want to know how to do it, follow these simple tips.


Method 1 of 2: Look like a pirate

  1. 1 The right face. If you want to look like a pirate, make sure your face looks convincing. The right clothes won't make you a pirate the way the right face and head will. Here's what to do:
    • Sunbathe well or apply makeup a few shades darker than your skin to keep your face tanned. You spend a lot of time on the deck of a ship in the open sun, so tanning is natural.
    • You need pink cheeks. Both male and female pirates are busy fighting, sword fighting and running around the deck, so they should have flushed cheeks. Apply some blush to your cheeks.
    • You need smoky eyes. All pirates should have black eyeliner to create a smoky effect. Also apply dark eyeshadow, whether you are a man or a woman.
    • Pirate hair should be wavy and look natural, like sun dried.
  2. 2 Wear the right clothes. Pirate clothing will help you achieve the desired look. To create the image of a real pirate, just one face is not enough, you must wear a shirt and pants, like a real sea wolf. Here's what you need to do:
    • Whatever you wear, remember - you spend most of your time at sea, and you have no time to buy new clothes for yourself, and you wash yours in salt water. Your clothes should be faded and worn. The more patches and holes in it, the better.
    • Both men and women can wear a loose white shirt that can be tucked into their pants. Untied laces may hang from the collar. Men can show chest hair through a shirt, while women can show a small neckline.
    • You can wear a black or red vest over your shirt. Pirates can freeze at night in the sea, blown by all winds.
    • Men should wear tight leather pants or ripped black jeans. Women can also wear leather pants or a red skirt and black stockings with an interesting pattern on them. Stockings can be torn too.
    • Black boots with pointed toes or torn brown sandals can be worn on your feet. You can come barefoot if appropriate.
  3. 3 Find the right accessories. The right accessories will accentuate your look and show that you've given a lot of thought to your look. You don't need to wear too much, but a few items can accentuate the composition. Here are a few things to consider:
    • A pirate hat (also known as a cocked hat) is a must. A tricorne hat will add mystery to your look.
    • Leather belt. It will be a plus if there is a sword sheath on the belt.
    • Plastic sword. A gold or silver plastic sword should be sheathed. Be careful with it and let everyone know it's not real before pulling it out.
    • Parrot on the shoulder. This will really impress the audience. A stuffed animal or toy will work best.
    • Shoulder bag of gold doubloons. It should clink with coins, and coins may accidentally fall out of the bag. This will show that the time spent at sea was good.
    • Empty bottle of rum.Pirates love rum, so you can bottle a soft drink (like root beer or something similar) and sip from the bottle periodically. If you are at a party or any other place where drinking is allowed and you are an adult, you can drink from a real bottle of rum.
    • Several temporary tattoos. A skull, crossbones, or anchor tattoo on your arm, neck, or forearm will help complete the look.
    • Decorations. A true pirate should wear a thick chain with a pendant around his neck and round gold or silver earrings in his ears. If you are a man and your ears are not pierced, use clips.

Method 2 of 2: Behave Like a Pirate

  1. 1 Be casual. To look like a pirate, you have to be completely confident in yourself. If you behave naturally, people will be confident that you are a real pirate. Here's what to do:
    • Don't act like you're wearing a suit. When people praise your suit, look confused and don't take them seriously.
    • Walk with confidence. Walk around with your hands on your sides, confidently. Don't hide in a corner with your hands down, real pirates don't do that.
    • Wherever you are, walk around and look around as if you are preparing for a battle that you will win.
  2. 2 Act like a pirate. To look like a pirate, you have to sound like a pirate. You don't have to talk like an ordinary person, and you have to keep this in mind at all times. Here's how to speak:
    • Be a little aggressive at all times. Growl, howl, be unfriendly
    • Smear your words. The pirates are drunk all the time, so talk like you're a little drunk.
    • Talk about yourself in the third person. Like "Jack needs some more rum."
    • Make mistakes in words. For example, "You gotta sabrazza, you lousy rat!"
    • Random sailor phrases such as "On deck" or "Wow!" will serve you faithfully.


  • If you come with a team of pirates, it will add even more credibility to you.
  • Mention occasionally that you have recently had scurvy.

What do you need

  • White oversized shirt.
  • Pirate hat.
  • Ripped pants.
  • Leather belt.
  • Silver and gold earrings and necklaces.

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