How to write a note to the boy you like

Author: Alice Brown
Date Of Creation: 28 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Write a Note to a Boy You Like
Video: Write a Note to a Boy You Like


Sometimes it can be difficult to express your feelings in words. And then the best solution is to write them in a note. Very often, expressing feelings on paper is much easier than saying them in person. If you like the boy but are afraid to confess to him, don't worry! Just write your feelings on a piece of paper and give him a note!


Part 1 of 3: Come up with text

  1. 1 Be honest with yourself. If you really really like this boy, tell him about it! Think about what you want to achieve with this note. Do you want him to leave you his number so you can write to him? Then ask for it in a note! Do you want to hang out with him after school? Then invite him over to watch a movie. Think about what you want to achieve with your note and write about it - it will be much easier that way.
    • Plus, be honest with yourself. You do not need to write that everything is in order if your sympathy is unrequited, and that you can only be friends. Don't post about it if it's not true. Everything that you wrote in your note must be true, otherwise you will start communicating with lies.
    • You can write that you just do not know what to say. You can write: "I do not know how to tell you about this, but I really like you very much." It will be cute, and the boy will be flattered that you had the guts to do it.
  2. 2 Design your note like a poem. There is no single right way to admit your feelings, so you can always get creative. To tell the boy about your sympathy, you can write a poem.
    • The note doesn't have to be rhymed if you don't feel like it. There are many poetry styles, you can experiment and figure out which one works best for you.
    • If you don't like all the other rhymes, go back to the classics. You definitely can't go wrong if you write something like: “Everyone is smiling, enjoying the spring. I'm not a poet, but I like you. "
  3. 3 Remember the quote. If you can't find words to express your feelings in any way, use quotes. For example, you can quote a quote from your favorite movie or book, you can recall a quote from a song that you associate with this boy. It is not so important how you say it, the main thing is that he understands the idea.
  4. 4 Compliment him. With the help of a note, you can express feelings that you would be ashamed to say to the person in person. You can compliment, praise the boy's hairstyle or clothes, talk about his character, why he seems attractive to you. If he is not interested in you, he will still appreciate the compliment.
  5. 5 Add a touch of humor. If you are already good friends, chances are you have a common joke. Try to include this joke in your note. In a relationship, such details are unique and play a special role, so the guy will appreciate that you thought about it.
  6. 6 Make a little gift. Your sympathy should be shown not only in words. If you are shy about confessing your feelings in person, try to explain your feelings through a song. Take a disc and write down a few songs that you associate with it. If you are a creative person, draw a picture, depict yourself and him together.
    • Whatever you decide to give him, it's important to include a note with the gift.You don't want the boy you like to wonder where such a wonderful gift came from.
    • The note and gift do not need to be signed in detail. For example, you can simply write: "Dima from Lena." Your gift will speak for itself, so the accompanying note can be quite discreet.

Part 2 of 3: Decorate the note

  1. 1 Choose pretty paper. Before writing a letter, think about what you will need. You can write a note on a regular notebook sheet. But if you recently went somewhere with your family, it is better to write a note on the postcard from that place. If you have special paper or a favorite notebook, write a note in it.
  2. 2 Fold the note in the shape of a heart. To do this, take the paper you are going to write on, cut a 6 by 6 cm square out of it. Then fold the piece of paper twice to make four identical squares. Now fold the top corner down to the center fold. Fold the bottom corner up to the center fold. Now fold the bottom corner so that it touches the top corner. Now fold the right side up to the center fold, then do the same on the left side. Turn the paper over and fold the top corners down.
  3. 3 Decorate the note with stickers or drawings. If you are going to put a note in an envelope, you can decorate it too. You can write the recipient's name on a sticker or using a stencil. If you want a touch of humor, try cutting out the letters of the boy's name from magazines. Then stick them onto the envelope. Then it will look like a ransom note.
    • Keep in mind that the guy might not like it if you put on too many decals and stickers. Usually, less is more, if you don't want the note to look silly.
    • If you are writing a note and want your letter to be taken seriously, it is best to stick to a simple design: write the recipient's name on the envelope in nice, even letters.
  4. 4 You can paint the envelope with watercolors. To make the envelope brighter and more beautiful, add colors. All you need for this is paints and brushes. Just draw some wavy lines in different colors.
    • When painting an envelope with a note, hold the brush at an angle, slowly moving it over the entire surface of the envelope.
    • Wait for the envelope to dry, then put the note in there.

Part 3 of 3: Pass the note

  1. 1 Give the boy the note in the hallway. If you meet him often in the hallways of the school, give him the note the next time you meet. You don't have much time until the next class, so you don't have to nervously stand by and talk.
    • If you are too nervous and afraid to hand over the note yourself, ask your friend about it. Make this request only to the person you trust so that no one else reads your letter and tells others about it.
    • You can pass a note in class. Most likely, the boy will be surprised and too intrigued to do anything else (apart from the educational process, of course). The main thing is that the note does not fall into the wrong hands. You don't want to be picked up by your instructor (or worse, read aloud).
  2. 2 Put the note in your jacket pocket (or in his locker if you have personal lockers at school). If you don't feel like giving the note directly and you have no one to ask for it, put the envelope with the note in this boy's jacket pocket. The main thing is that it was definitely his jacket!
  3. 3 Submit your note electronically. If you can't pass it on at school, try emailing it. Some people think that email correspondence is devoid of romance, but this is not entirely true. In fact, it doesn't really matter how you pass the note, the main thing is that you are honest and open about your feelings.
    • You can also send SMS or a message on a social network (Facebook, VKontakte). Use whichever is most convenient for you.
  4. 4 You can send your note anonymously. If you are absolutely sure that there is no way you can send the letter by signing on your behalf, let it be an anonymous note. The boy you like won't know who his secret admirer is. But many people love mysteries and riddles. But keep in mind, if you want to start some kind of relationship with this boy, you still have to open up.


  • You should not give the boy a note when he is in the company of friends. Around them, he can behave in a completely different way. The boy will want to impress them, because of this, his reaction may upset you. It is best to pass the note in private.
  • Be bolder! Forcing yourself to confess your feelings is really scary. Trust me, you are doing everything right, so go ahead!
  • Do not be afraid. Give him a note when he is alone and in a good mood. Believe in yourself!!!


  • Keep in mind that the boy may not react to the note in the way you expected. Despite your acceptance, there is still a chance that he is not interested in spending time with you. Don't let this circumstance upset you and affect your self-esteem. Believe me, you will find a worthy person.