How to write a script and make a film

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 5 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
How To Write A Movie Script (Complete Guide For Beginners)
Video: How To Write A Movie Script (Complete Guide For Beginners)


Hollywood movies often have large budgets, crew and resources. This article will show you how to write and direct a film if you are on a tight budget.


  1. 1 Think about what kind of movie you want to make. What is the genre? Horror, Romance, Drama, Science Fiction, Comedy, etc. Remember that each genre has its own specific challenges. How long will your film be? Where will the events take place?
  2. 2 Assess the resources you have. Your film will be much better if you have a budget, even if it is very small. Try to find volunteers and people to help you make the movie.
  3. 3 Decide what characters, props, and decorations you need. Prepare a synopsis of the entire story. Be sure to include detailed descriptions of your characters, filming locations, plot; you will refer to them as you write the script to maintain the integrity and direction of the story.
  4. 4 Start writing your script. Print it on your computer. Use your sketches as a basis.
  5. 5 After you write the first draft, reread it and then consult with your team. Refine your script to make it better.
  6. 6 Print the script. Make multiple copies to make sure all the actors have enough.
  7. 7 Depending on your scenario, make a budget to determine how much money you would like to make your film.
  8. 8 Now that you have determined how much your movie will cost, find and secure funding resources for your movie.
  9. 9 Find people willing to volunteer for your film.
  10. 10 You need to budget everything you need and how much you can spend. If you are short on money, you can use indiegogo or sign up at a site like to raise capital.
  11. 11 Conduct an audition. Set up an audition date ahead of time for those who pre-signed so that everything goes smoothly.
  12. 12 If you are not going to direct yourself, then find a director and one or more assistant directors.
  13. 13 Make sure your film crew has agreed on a date and time for meeting and dating. Make sure everyone is free that day and can arrive on time. Make a good first impression with your film crew and come prepared; they must always be motivated to finish filming.
  14. 14 Set aside at least a week for rehearsals to give the actors time to memorize their lines.
  15. 15 Let the directors shoot and edit the film.


  • Make sure the people on your team can work together and finish filming your movie.
  • If you have night shots, shoot no later than 19:00, no later than 21:00.
  • Also, be sure to give the actors roles that suit them. This means that a 20-year-old young man cannot play as an elementary school student. It just doesn't fit.
  • Be sure to remove all foreign objects from the set. For example, in ancient China, you could not see a game console, cell phone, or other electronic handheld devices.
  • The best time of day to shoot outdoors is “golden hour” an hour before sunset.
  • Be creative.
  • Have some fun!
  • Make sure no one is under pressure or nagging too much during filming, or your actors may leave the project. Try to keep the atmosphere as light as possible.
  • To draw attention to your project, you can make flyers on your computer, print and post them in different areas. Be sure to include the time and place.
  • If you want to make a scary movie using blood, then it is recommended to use red paint with a small amount of water.


  • Try not to spend too much of your own money on filming; use other people's money.
  • If you're filming a movie, you do a lot of things, you don’t need to write your name in the credits 24 times as director, producer, scriptwriter and editor. It's tasteless and stupid. Just write "movie (your name)"
  • Some scenes can be filmed in real rain. They can be removed without damaging the camera. Use clear protective film. Real rain doesn't look good on video. In Hollywood, they shoot artificial rain because it looks better on film.
  • One lazy person among your cast or crew can ruin everything. Rotten apple injures its neighbors. Be sure to treat your crew well and explain to them how important it is to be on time.
  • If you are shooting at night, do not set the camera to night mode. It will just look silly. Use homemade lighting (store bulbs, halogen bulbs, high beam headlights).

What do you need

  • Computer with video editing software
  • Imagination
  • Video camera
  • Lighting - You can buy lamps from the store or bring them from home.
  • Props, costumes and equipped your set.
  • Volunteer actors
  • Director and assistant director as volunteers
  • If you want to look super professional, get yourself a director's chair with your name on it and a clapperboard.