How to write a personal file

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 23 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to write a PERSONAL STATEMENT for university or college
Video: How to write a PERSONAL STATEMENT for university or college


You will need a personal file to get a job and education, as well as other professional or social growth opportunities. Some people write personal files to share memories of important events with friends or future generations. Accordingly, various recommendations and strategies have been invented for writing a personal file, and the following tips will tell you about one of them.


  1. 1 Create a timeline. Write down the sequence of major life events. Start with basic facts, including your name, where you grew up, how many siblings you have, what your faith and ethnicity is, at what age you took important actions or faced memorable circumstances.
  2. 2 Focus on interesting life events to highlight your personality traits. It is not necessary to remember everything yourself, a joint brainstorming session can be more fruitful.
    • Write down the special challenges of your life. Think about what events caused pain or suffering (for example, learning with a disability, fleeing political rebellion, confronting racism, and so on).
    • Create a list of life's victories. List each success in important endeavors and deeds, obtained through luck or hard work. Honors, your basketball team wins, the big lottery win, and so on.
    • Browse both lists to create an interesting storyline that depicts your growth and development milestones. For example, it was difficult for you to study at school due to physical limitations, but you were able to overcome all obstacles in order to graduate with honors and get a higher education (red diploma).
  3. 3 Tidy up your personal story. Consider for what purposes a personal file is being prepared and who will read it - events can be organized thematically or in a strict chronological order.
    • Use chronological narration to emphasize the sequence of events. If there have been a series of important events in the past, recount them in order, starting with the earliest experience of childhood.
    • The thematic format should be preferred if you want to highlight special hobbies or life lessons. For example, let's say you are applying to enroll in a conflict management course. Indicate in your personal file what difficult situations you encountered, and how you were able to resolve conflicts. Describe the life experiences and events that have shaped you as you are, and also aroused interest in studying this topic.
  4. 4 Decide on the volume of your autobiography. When preparing text for personal use, you can set the volume at your discretion. If the document is required to apply for a job or to go to college, you need to invest in the specified framework.
  5. 5 Start writing your personal file.
    • Start with an interesting introduction. Avoid clichéd platitudes like "My name is ..." You can start with something related to a particular job or university you intend to enroll in, or indicate your attitude to the academic discipline / position.
    • Use the lists of life victories and major challenges prepared earlier. Detail every aspect of your life, illustrating it with personal stories, ideas, opinions or observations, so that the reader can get an idea of ​​your personality (what is important to you, what you learned and what direction of further victories attracts you).
    • Take stock of your life. Write 1 paragraph of conclusions, indicating the main lines and lessons of your life. Link these records to the purpose for which the personal file is being prepared. For example, you grew up in a poor family, and you hope that a business education will provide for yourself and your family.
  6. 6 Read the prepared personal file. Set it aside for a day or two and read it again. Ask someone close to you to also read what is written. You need to make sure that the presentation is clear and accessible.