How to write a thank you letter for a cash gift

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 12 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Letter to your friend thanking him for the birthday gift
Video: Letter to your friend thanking him for the birthday gift


People give money for a variety of reasons: birthdays, graduation from school or university, other holidays, and even just like that. After receiving money as a gift, it is important to write a letter or a short note and express your gratitude for the attention shown. Depending on your relationship with the donor, such a letter may be more or less formal. When composing such a letter, you should adhere to a few simple rules of etiquette.


Part 1 of 2: Preparation

  1. 1 Buy thank you cards. If you do not have such cards in your stock, buy a set immediately. In doing so, remember the following:
    • You need to choose a design that matches either your character or the occasion for which you received the money. If, for example, you want to express gratitude to the person who gave you money to cover the funeral expenses, you shouldn't thank him with a funny and playful postcard. At the same time, such a card will be appropriate if you thank the person who gave you money on the occasion of graduation or for your birthday.
    • Buy postcards in bulk so you can always send as many postcards as you need. Usually cards are sold in sets of 8-10, but you can also find packs of 20 and 50.
    • Pay attention to whether there is a pre-prepared text inside the postcard. Most of these postcards do not contain text, but just in case, you should make sure of this. You can choose from both blank postcards and postcards with pre-prepared text.
  2. 2 Prepare all the necessary supplies. You will not need so many items, but it is better to have everything close at hand so that you do not have to interrupt in search of them while writing a letter.
    • Thank you cards and envelopes
    • Pens
    • The address book
    • Stamps
    • Return address stickers
  3. 3 Make sure you have a recipient address. If, after looking into your address book, you find that the address you want is missing, you need to figure out how you can find it.
    • Check the address directly with the recipient of the postcard
    • Check with a family member or friend who knows it.
    • Try to find it in another address book or in documents.
  4. 4 Make yourself comfortable at home where you can focus on your letter. Perhaps you only need to write one such letter, or maybe several at once, and depending on how many people gave you money. Find a comfortable place at home where you can focus on writing for a while.

Part 2 of 2: Writing a Thank You Letter

  1. 1 Sit back in a pre-selected location. Make sure you are comfortable and have everything at your fingertips.
  2. 2 Open the card and write the date inside. The date is written in the upper right corner on the right spread of the inner side of the postcard. The format for writing dates can be different:
    • 1st January 2015
    • January 1, 2015
    • 01.01.15
    • 01/01/15
    • 01.01.2015
    • 01/01/2015
  3. 3 Write the text just below the date, but on the left fold of the postcard. Once you've written the date, move your hand down a bit and place it on the left-hand page of the postcard. The text should be written here. The level of formality of the tone depends on who the recipient is. A friend or relative can be approached informally, while a boss, doctor, or other important person should be approached in a formal manner.
    • "Dear Irina"
    • "Dear Victor Ivanovich"
    • "Dear Ilya and Anya"
    • "Dear Katyusha"
    • "Seryoga!"
    • "Dear Sophia Alexandrovna"
  4. 4 The first sentence of the text should be written immediately below the greeting. After writing your greeting, again move your hand slightly lower and step back a couple of centimeters from the left edge. This is where you should start writing your first sentence.
    • Consider the sweep of your handwriting. With the exception of those cases where the handwriting is very small, the card can fit 3-5 sentences, not counting the date, greeting and signature.
  5. 5 Write your thank you text. If you want to thank someone for the donated money, it is important to thank you for the generosity and / or consideration towards you, express your gratitude, tell how you plan to dispose of this amount and mention the continuation of further communication.
    • “Thank you for the money as a gift for my graduation from school. I am very grateful for this contribution to my future. I am planning to deposit this amount into my account so that I can use it to pay for university tuition in the future.I'll come home for the New Year and really hope to see you! "
    • “I want to say thank you very much for the money you sent me for Christmas. It was a very generous gesture that came as a pleasant surprise to me. I know where there is one amazing dress, and now I can buy it myself. Thanks for the funds for another gift! Hope to see you on New Year's holidays. "
    • “I just don’t have words to express my gratitude for the money you donated. I was having a tough time financially and this unexpected gift helped me so much to cover some urgent expenses! I am so grateful that there is such a person in my life as you. I am planning to have a small party in a couple of weeks and I will be glad if you can come. "
    • “We would like to express our most sincere gratitude for the money that you gave us so carefully for our wedding. We have already started saving money for our first home, so now we can make another contribution to this amount. Thank you for taking us one step further towards our dream thanks to you! When it turns into reality, you will be the first to know about it. "
  6. 6 Finally, sign your name. When you are finished writing your thank you text, move your hand down a little, and then to the right, to the lower left corner of the right spread. Subscribe here. Again, respect the chosen level of formality of tone.
    • "With love, Anna"
    • "Best regards, Daniel"
    • "Your friend, Andrey"
    • "I hug you, Varya"
    • See you, Sasha "
    • "Thanks again, Alexey"
  7. 7 Close the postcard and place it in the envelope. Then seal it. You can simply lick the sticky surface, or you can wet it with a damp cloth or sponge.
  8. 8 Sign the recipient's address. On the front of the envelope, write the recipient's address in neat handwriting. It is important to write the entire address, including the zip code.
    • If the letter is intended for more than one person, contact all recipients, for example, "Mr. and Mrs. Smirnov." Alternatively, you can contact "Dear", "Dear family" and simply by the name (and, possibly, patronymic) of all recipients.
  9. 9 Use stickers with your return address. Return address stickers are glued in the lower right corner. The upper right corner is for stamps.
  10. 10 Send the letter by mail. It is very important to send the postcard on time. As a matter of etiquette, you have approximately two weeks to express your gratitude for the occasion.
    • A slightly different rule applies to weddings. If you received the gift before the wedding, then the two weeks rule applies. However, if you received a gift on your wedding day or later, you have two whole months, that is, you should express your gratitude within a month after the honeymoon.


  • Sign the card in your neat handwriting. This may take more time, but it is important that the recipient can understand what is written.
  • Write with all your heart. Be sincere and if you promised something in the continuation of the postcard, do not forget to keep your promise.