How to build muscle

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 21 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Build Muscle, According to Science
Video: How to Build Muscle, According to Science


Exercise will help you strengthen your muscles, shed fat, and make your skin look tighter. To get a "fit" look, you will have to regularly lift weights and in addition do cardiovascular exercises. To be fit, you need to train 5 days a week or more. So read these instructions and get started today.


Method 1 of 5: Part One: Choose Your Goals

  1. 1 Determine which parts of your body are weakest. To get in shape, you need to pump up weak muscles so that your entire body is physically fit.
    • If you are not sure which muscles you need to pump up, sign up for a personal trainer in the gym and take a functional test. The coach can test your strength and gymnastic abilities and point out the points to work on.
  2. 2 Set goals for aerobics and strength training. It will help you keep exercising and move mountains on the path to changing your body.
    • For example, your cardio goal might be to run 3 km in 15 minutes. Interval training and sprinting 3, 4 times a week will help you reach your goal.
    • For example, your strength training goal might be 10 presses in 2 months.
    • In most cases, these goals for men and women will be very different. Men will want to gain more muscle mass, and women will want to dry out their muscles. The difference is how much weight you lift.
    • If you want, add to the list of goals, lose weight. You can tighten your body, build muscle, and lose weight at the same time. Lifting weights will speed up your metabolism, and in order to burn more fat, you will have to spend the same amount of time on aerobics.
  3. 3 Write down your goals. So that you can track your progress, divide the process of achieving the goal into 4, 5 stages.
  4. 4 Schedule your gym visits. Try to adjust to doing 3.4 times of weight lifting workouts per week. There should be one day off between workouts. Do a cardio workout at least 3 times a week for 30 minutes. 3.4 times a week, do body lifting exercises. On rest days, add a warm-up to your schedule.
    • Remember to set aside recovery days. If you feel like you are too busy or feel too tired, take one day off so your body can recover. Alternate weight training days with cardio days throughout the week. Pay special attention to your body so that it can restore muscle strength during rest.

Method 2 of 5: Part Two: Mass Gain Exercise

  1. 1 Learn how to properly do basic body lifting exercises that involve multiple muscle groups. These exercises include squats, lunges, push-ups, side push-ups, calf raises, push-ups, and pull-ups.
    • To learn how to do these exercises correctly, sign up for a choreography workout, general workout, training course, or TRX workout course. You should learn how to do these exercises yourself at home, in the gym, or after class.
    • If you feel a strain on your lower back, stop lifting. Seek help from a professional trainer. Ask him to show you an alternative exercise.
  2. 2 Do weight exercises 3.4 times a week. You can combine these workouts with either cardio workouts or weight lifting workouts.
  3. 3 Do sets of mass exercises in a circle with 30 seconds breaks between sets. This strength training will be more effective if you take shorter breaks between sets.
  4. 4 Do 2, 3 sets of 10, 15 reps. To use different muscles, do the exercise slowly, pausing during the ascent and descent.
  5. 5 Increase the difficulty of the exercises. As you exercise, lift higher or grasp with a wider grip. Every 2, 3 weeks of constant training, you should increase the difficulty.

Method 3 of 5: Part Three: Weightlifting

  1. 1 Start with strength machines. If you have never done weightlifting before, first learn how to do the exercises correctly.
    • Choose a weight with which you can do at least 2 sets of 10 reps. Those who need to dry out muscles can do the weight less, 3 sets of 15 reps.
  2. 2 Work long and short muscles. After you have done the full range of motion exercises, do a series of low range exercises at a fast pace. This will help develop fast twitch muscles as well as long muscles.
  3. 3 Exercise on different muscle groups on different days. For example, on Monday, do your arms and shoulders, do your legs and abs on Tuesday, and do your chest and back on Wednesday. Never do one muscle group for 2 days in a row.
  4. 4 Work on the target muscle group until they fatigue. When you stop doing the exercise, the muscles you are training should be completely exhausted. Thus, you will quickly build muscles and tighten your body.
  5. 5 Increase the weight you lift every 3 weeks. Increase the weight from 5 to 10 pounds (2.2 to 4.5 kg).
  6. 6 As soon as you learn how to do it right, start lifting free weights. Make sure your body is not swaying. Lifting weights without the aid of machines will help build muscle faster. You can also add weight lifting on machines to it.

Method 4 of 5: Part Four: Cardio Workout

  1. 1 3, 4 times a week, do 20, 30 minutes of cardio exercise. With a little fat in this way, you will look more toned. It is very difficult to combine strength training with cardio training.
  2. 2 Try interval training. After 1, 2 minutes of running, add 4.5 minutes of combined intense exercise. Interval training will improve your metabolism, which means you burn more fat.
    • If you choose interval training, the benefits of 20, 30 minutes of training will be the same as if you were training for 45 minutes or an hour on a regular basis.
  3. 3 Try working out on cardio machines or doing sports that include cardio workouts. Run, swim, bike, row, walk or exercise in the orbit track. This way you target different muscle groups and prevent overload.
  4. 4 Take rest days and warm up after aerobics.

Method 5 of 5: Part Five: Eat Right

  1. 1 List your diet with more protein. Protein is the backbone of muscle, and you need to consume protein both daily and immediately after training.
    • A healthy protein that helps build healthy, strong muscles is found in low-fat Greek yogurt, fish, chicken, turkey, lean pork and beef, beans, milk and eggs.
  2. 2 Limit your intake of refined carbohydrates. With the development of muscles, your metabolism will accelerate and such carbohydrates will no longer be able to saturate you for a long time.
    • Eat complex carbohydrates such as oatmeal, quinoa, whole grain bread, brown or wild rice, and lentils.
  3. 3 Eat more vegetables and fruits. To stay healthy, you need to get vitamins and minerals, and for that you need to eat fruits and vegetables. Seek help from a trainer if you feel you need dietary supplements. But first, try changing your diet so that you don't need to.
  4. 4 After your workout, eat protein-based snacks such as fruit yogurt, nuts, or chicken roll. This will help satisfy your hunger when your metabolism is active.


  • Always drink plenty of water before, after, and during your workout. Dehydration can injure your muscles and not achieve the results you want. Drink 2 liters of water each day of your workout.

What do you need

  • Personal coach
  • Target muscle groups
  • Goals
  • Workout Schedule
  • Gym Membership
  • Weight training equipment
  • Free weights
  • Choreography lessons / weight loss / training camp
  • Exercises with weights
  • Interval workouts
  • Healthy protein
  • Complex carbohydrates
  • Post-workout snacks