How to find meaning in life

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 17 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
MEANING OF LIFE - Jordan Peterson | Find Your Meaning
Video: MEANING OF LIFE - Jordan Peterson | Find Your Meaning


Why am I here? What is a sense of life? What should I do with my life? Each person asks himself these questions at one point or another in his life, but the answers are often superficial or incorrect. Here's a quick introduction to the meaning of Life.


  1. 1 Find out how inquisitive and trusting person you are. Many people find religious belief systems more than enough to fill their lives with meaning. However, “faithfulness” will only lead to oblivion of one's own personality for the sake of identity with the collective. Midlife conflicts and crises will inevitably arise when the adopted concept of one's personality contradicts the true personality. If you are inquisitive and trust your own reason, then the first step is to find your true self. Opening yourself up is not for the faint of heart. Let go of social and personal biases by letting your personality surface beyond concepts.
  2. 2 Don't get hung up on the language. The universe existed even before the existence of people and, of course, before the existence of language, and it does not require any pedantic explanation. Words are not things or actions. These are vibrations of air molecules and squiggles on paper. The mistaken perception of words as reality is a mistake that brings politicians into offices and spreads all products, religions and systems of government around the planet. To perceive reality as it is, you need to accept the fact that words are a tool for conveying our perception of reality, and not reality itself.
  3. 3 To fill your life with meaning, you must be able to perceive it without language. The weakness of the tongue will undermine your search.
  4. 4 Search without intent. The universe will open and become clear to you when you begin to strive for knowledge without prejudice. Knowledge is not a destination, but the journey itself. In addition, human knowledge is imperfect. But don't despair, we know enough to come to firm conclusions. "Fact" can only mean "confirmed to such an extent that it would be perverse to abandon the preliminary concept." I suppose the apples will begin to rise tomorrow, but this opportunity does not deserve an equal amount of time spent in the physics classroom. Work with what you can know, not with what you can imagine.
  5. 5 Know that the universe doesn't have to live up to your expectations. It will remain the same whether you exist or not.
  6. 6 Know that your life in civilization is a construction, not a law of nature. Our way of life is a human construct of what we consider to be the best way to live. It is dotted with over 6,000 years of myth, superstition and dogma. Don't confuse the truth with what you do to survive. Society in most cases will not make sense.
  7. 7 With an understanding of yourself, the universe, and your place in society, it will be easy for you to find meaning because you define what matters. You will be able to separate the noise of language and society from the true sound of your soul. Determine for yourself what gives meaning to your existence. Your meaning will be different from that of other people. You will know that your life has meaning because you will not be afraid of death, aging or the various torments that each of us faces. Your purpose, the reason for your stay here will be obvious to you every minute of your waking hours. Contentment and bliss will come.
  8. 8 Determine how you fit into this life. You are a piece of the puzzle, most people live imaginary lives, and when faced with reality, they become frustrated and lose the meaning of life. Begin to see the bigger picture of life, and know that the little things you already know fit into that big picture.For example, if you want to set aside a certain amount of money, you just need to distribute how much money you need to set aside per day, going day by day, after a few years you will set aside the amount you wanted to set aside.


  • Watch what you put into your mind. Television, media and contemporary music can be detrimental to the process of discovering the meaning of life.
  • Question everything initially. This will hone your intellectual and observational skills, and it will also resent all your loved ones.
  • Meditation is a great exercise to see things clearly, just don't get bogged down in technique. Many people think they are meditating when in reality they are just performing the ritual.
  • You will know that the meaning of your life is essential when you can defend it in front of others. An open dialogue about the meaning of life is the most valuable and shortest path to the process.
  • Different people may have different meanings, search and over time you will find.


  • Remember that many people in modern society lack the ability to think freely, and many lack the ability to think outside the social dome under which they may be living. Your self-awareness may be viewed by some as oddity or rebellious, so don't share your views with everyone you meet.
  • Most people are comfortable with their worldview and uncomfortable trying to justify it. Don't instill your new meaning in life in others. This will only build barriers between you and those around you. But don't be afraid to explain your meaning to life to others.