How to find your dream job

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 23 March 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
Find your dream job without ever looking at your resume | Laura Berman Fortgang | TEDxBocaRaton
Video: Find your dream job without ever looking at your resume | Laura Berman Fortgang | TEDxBocaRaton


When you were little, people may have asked you, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" Perhaps a fireman or an astronaut. Or maybe an actor, lawyer, or doctor. With burning eyes, you dreamed of the day when you will live in a rich mansion with maids and butlers. Then it seemed that this moment is still very far away. But now that it's time to choose, your interests have probably changed. Finding the right career for yourself is difficult, but possible.


Part 1 of 3: Analyzing Your Ambition

  1. 1 Ask yourself a key question. Respected philosopher Alan Watts said that the best way to know what you should be doing in life is to ask yourself, "What would you do if money didn't matter?" What if you won the lottery and could do what you want? Of course, you would like to rest and relax a little, but soon you would be tired of it. So what would you do to be truly, truly happy?
  2. 2 Break down your dream job into its main components. Take any activity or job you found during the last step and break it down into major parts. If you were explaining this job to a three-year-old child, how would you describe it? If this child asked you what is interesting and fun about this work, and how the people doing it feel, what would you say? These essential ingredients make up what you should look for in your career.
  3. 3 Think about what really makes you happy. Think about the main components of this career and decide which aspects appeal to you. Realize what attracts you to this career. Do you enjoy making people happy? Or are you more attracted to the art of acting and the process of creating such a work of art as a film?
  4. 4 Explore which jobs provide similar feelings and experiences. Look for a job that offers the same feelings you are looking for in a career.For example, if you were a millionaire and traveling, the job that reflects this eventual experience would be that of a tour guide, teacher abroad, or flight attendant. If you were more of a day outdoors in nature, you might consider working as a geologist, lumberjack, wilderness guide, or park ranger.
  5. 5 Reflect on all the advantages and disadvantages of this career. When considering these more affordable careers, be sure to do your research. Be knowledgeable about the life that this career path will bring. You will need to be aware of the downsides of this job if you want to make an informed decision.
  6. 6 Decide on your financial needs. If you really do something that fulfills you and makes you happy, you don't care if it makes you rich. However, life is full of commitments that go beyond your happiness. If your dream career cannot support your family or pay off your student loans, you may need to look for other options. But you’re always better off looking for jobs that feel similar to those that make you happy.

Part 2 of 3: Setting for Success

  1. 1 View vacancies in your chosen field. Before you seriously start looking for a job, look for open positions. The city of the location is not important (within your country or open to your nationality). Look at the requirements. What were the main requirements that you envisioned? You need to aim to meet and exceed these requirements.
  2. 2 Chat with the professionals in this business. Find a few people who are doing what you would like to do. In addition, you should find contact with those responsible for hiring this job. Chat with those and others and find out the details that are not in the job description. What skills and characteristics are most important? Put the information on your list.
  3. 3 Look at your education. Review the list to see if these requirements can be met. You will likely need additional education (as expected), but do not feel that this is limiting you. There are many government programs that help people get the education they need to work, especially if there is a demand for the job. Also, you can find scholarships, internships and vocational training to acquire the necessary skills.
  4. 4 Work to make your resume meaningful. During this time, engage in volunteer or other work that shows that you are creating the skills you need for your dream job. Consider vacancies in the same industry, or even volunteer positions that will take you directly in this field. Even if the experience is more abstract (working in a store for a customer service experience), it can help in the long run and help buy the funds for a better education.
  5. 5 Make friends in the right places. You don't need to join the Ivy League or any secret organization. Just meet people in this area and get to know them (and let them get to know you). You can volunteer with their organizations, go to a conference in the field, and even go to a job fair to meet these people. Just make sure you make a good impression and that they recognize your name.

Part 3 of 3: Getting a Job

  1. 1 Take the initiative. Of course, whatever you've done if you followed the previous steps is technically proactive. Just make sure you don't stop. You need to follow your dreams and take an active part in making them come true. If things go wrong, pull yourself together and try again. Find new ways. Do whatever it takes to achieve what you want.
  2. 2 Expect to work hard to advance to higher positions. You won't reach the top of the career ladder in a year or two. Understand that getting your dream job can take some time and several intermediate steps. But it's worth it: in the end you will get it and, moreover, you deserve it.
  3. 3 Find places to get a job. Job fairs and Internet and newspaper searches are the main ways to find a job. But don't forget that you can also come to the company directly. Find out who you want to work for and keep an eye on openings on their website. You can even contact the company directly and see if they can review your resume.
  4. 4 Get good references. Your resume should look great if you've followed the previous tips, but don't forget the good guidelines. Do not consider work that has little to do with what you are currently trying to do. Of course, avoid mentioning people you have had problems with. Always make sure you mention people who might not just be featured in a recommendation, but who can actually give a good review of you.
  5. 5 Get the highest grade in a job interview. Once you sign up for your interview, show how unbeatable you will be when applying for a job. Dress appropriately and prepare. Review common interview questions and ponder the answers. Also, you should consider asking questions that demonstrate that you are serious about the job.


  • Be sincere and nice to people. You will impress all the people you need.


  • Treat your resume like it has value. While you want to send your resume to people who can positively influence your job search, do not post it on every bulletin board - it will give the impression that there is no way you can get a job.

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