How to be a good class leader

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 6 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
4 Tips to Improve Leadership Skills | Brian Tracy
Video: 4 Tips to Improve Leadership Skills | Brian Tracy


If you have proposed your candidacy for the role of headman or have been holding the position for more than a year, then you are probably wondering how to be the best headman. It is important to remember that you must help both teachers and students. Become a good example to your students, follow school rules, and help others to successfully fulfill their commitments.


Method 1 of 3: Become a Good Example

  1. 1 Show a positive attitude. Do not be discouraged or angry in the presence of students. As a prefect, you must demonstrate that optimism and good attitude can help you succeed even in difficult situations.
    • For example, if classmates complain about a canceled dance evening, then instead of complaining, say something positive: "It's a shame that the dance was canceled, but it's better to think about how to have a fun evening."
  2. 2 Respect others. It is important to behave with respect when dealing with students, teachers and other school staff. Be a good example, because the students will determine the acceptable limits based on your behavior. If the headman allows disrespect towards a person, then other students will consider this behavior acceptable.
  3. 3 Study well. Participate in class and complete your homework on time. If the subject is poorly given, then talk to the teacher or contact the tutor. Other students will notice that you are trying to study well.
  4. 4 Don't lie. Don't cheat students and teachers, don't make excuses. If you forgot to do your homework, tell the truth. Show that sincerity is better than deception, even in the face of threats of punishment.

Method 2 of 3: Follow the rules

  1. 1 Wear suitable clothing. If a certain form is adopted at school, then come to lessons in such clothes. Make sure that the form is clean and ironed. If the form is not needed, then remember that things must be neat and suitable. Study the school's dress code to keep the order in line.
  2. 2 Take classes regularly. Do not skip without good reason and skip classes as little as possible for health reasons. Absenteeism interferes not only with studying, but also with fulfilling the duties of the headman.
  3. 3 Come to class on time. Do not be late for class, as the absence of the headman is always noticeable. If you are late for a good reason, bring a note and pass it on to the teacher right away.
  4. 4 Be in your place. Avoid standing in the hallway or leaving school if you need to be in a different location. It is important that students and teachers can easily find the prefect. If you are studying in a boarding school, then be in your room at the appropriate time so that other students can always find you.

Method 3 of 3: Help Others

  1. 1 Be open and friendly. Smile and greet the students in the hallway, and be friendly during the conversation. Don't be distracted by foreign objects like your mobile phone or hide behind a book.
  2. 2 Learn to communicate. Keep in touch with your students to stay up-to-date and know how you can help. If students ask questions, refer them to the school leadership. You are the liaison between students and teachers, so communicate with both sides of the learning process so that all views are heard.
  3. 3 Help students. If the student is having difficulty learning a subject or has no friends, offer help and support. Do not tease students or discuss them with your friends. If a person has confided in you, then never tell his secret to others (except when it is necessary to inform the elders).
  4. 4 Be fair. Do not single out outcasts and favorites among students. Keep your personal opinion to yourself and treat everyone fairly. Friends need to understand that they shouldn't expect special treatment from you. Don't be afraid to report inappropriate behavior from friends to teachers.