How to find consistency in life

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 20 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Be Consistent: 5 Steps To Get Things Done, All The Time
Video: How To Be Consistent: 5 Steps To Get Things Done, All The Time


Life situations are often complex and chaotic. Today you are sure that everything is in order, and tomorrow you start to doubt every decision you make. In order to find consistency in life, you need to show consistency in attitudes, habits and ways of thinking. Consistency will help you cope during difficult times and periods of self-doubt. Start by creating a more stable, permanent lifestyle, and then expand these principles to other aspects.


Part 1 of 3: Developing Important Habits

  1. 1 Get ready to change. The first step in any life transformation is the willingness to change. Making a conscious statement to yourself that you will be able to withstand and will try to achieve the desired result will help you stay motivated and will push you to achieve your goal. In this case, you are consciously preparing to make your life more permanent.
    • Think about your reasons for wanting more consistency. Are you looking for consistency for yourself, your family, or for a completely different reason?
    • Whatever your reasons, they motivate you. Whenever you start to doubt yourself or the appropriateness of the effort, always think about how much better your life will be.
    • Reassure yourself that you can do it and the results will be worth the effort.
  2. 2 Avoid chaos. Some people get used to the chaos, which is no better than addiction to drugs or alcohol. Such persons need what others consider to be truly unpredictable, and inconstancy becomes the only permanent characteristic of life. Undoubtedly, it is sometimes useful to break out of the routine, diluting the way of life with an unexpected event, but chaos in any of its manifestations is extremely unstable and cannot remain the same for a long time.
    • Chaos can take many forms. This can be confused behavior, mood swings, or immersion in other people's problems (often in an effort to avoid their own).
    • If there is too much chaos in your life, then stop and think about what your actions or inactions can contribute to this.
    • Step away from the chaos of other people. To do this, it is not necessary to get rid of these people in your life, it is enough just to resist attempts to be drawn into the whirlpool of other people's dramas.
    • You can never achieve consistency if you don't get rid of the chaos. Similar to the decision to find consistency, you must decide to prevent chaos.
  3. 3 Determine your intentions. Intentions do not necessarily imply goals. People with intentions often have clear goals that they strive for, but having goals does not make life meaningful yet. Setting realistic goals based on your interests and values ​​/ beliefs should help you identify life priorities and start transformation.
    • To define intentions, you first need to outline your own values, interests and attitudes.
    • Intentions and a meaningful life help develop patterns in everyday behavior.
    • Getting out of your comfort zone to seek out the emotions you are interested in is a great way to define your intentions.
    • Follow your values ​​and beliefs to envision your future life and set achievable goals.
    • It is not necessary to comprehend every last detail. You just need to be interested in your own intentions and take the first step.
  4. 4 Healthy lifestyle. Consistency in life encompasses daily habits and routines. An unhealthy lifestyle literally invites chaos and impermanence into it. One of the best ways to make life more permanent is to rethink your daily behavior.
    • Physical activity should be a part of every day.
    • Eat regularly with a specific diet.
    • Don't smoke or try to quit if you already smoke.
    • Try never to overdo it with food and alcohol.
    • Try to get yourself a healthy night's sleep.
  5. 5 Practice meditation. Some of the main rivals of consistency are anxiety and confusion. Meditation has been shown to help calm anxious mind and restore inner balance. Over time, you will even learn to better understand yourself, your thoughts, feelings, and those around you. Most types of meditation focus on relaxed breathing, while practicing as regularly as possible (preferably daily).
    • Find a quiet and private place.
    • Sit comfortably. If you wish, you can meditate while lying on your back.
    • Remove anything that might distract you. Turn off your phone or put it in silent mode.
    • Close your eyes (if that's convenient for you). If you are afraid to fall asleep, then you can simply focus on a specific point on the floor or in front of you.
    • Breathe deeply and slowly through your nose, feeling as you inhale and exhale air.
    • Breathe with the diaphragm (it is located under the ribcage, closer to the abdomen). Chest breathing will not be deep enough.
    • Whenever thoughts begin to creep into your head or something distracts you, just return your attention to the breath. Continue breathing slowly and deeply through your nose.
  6. 6 Train mindfulness. Mindfulness is a type of meditation. It helps you better understand your thoughts, feelings and actions. A conscious lifestyle promotes consistency in habits, both mental and active.
    • Watch out for small details. This can be both your actions (like you take a toothbrush in the morning, what you think about on the way to work), or other inconspicuous little things.
    • Try to see everything in a new light, with "fresh" eyes. Start noticing details of daily life that you previously missed.
    • Immerse yourself in the sensations. Watch what you see, smell, hear, feel, and think.
    • While eating, take the time to appreciate the smell and appearance (color, texture, shape) of the dish, and when biting off small pieces, chew them slowly to complete the taste.
    • Also consider all the ingredients in the product. It all starts with sunlight and water for growth, farming to harvest crops, truck driver and shop assistant to get the product in your kitchen.
  7. 7 Develop a consistent sleep pattern. Sleep heals and rejuvenates the body. Adequate sleep is essential, and quality of rest is just as important. To get optimal rest at night, you need to develop and maintain a consistent sleep pattern.
    • Stay asleep even on weekends. Always go to bed and get up at the same time.
    • Create a bedtime ritual that promotes relaxation. This can be meditation, reading, and even exercise (although some people find it difficult to fall asleep after exercise).
    • The temperature in the bedroom should be cool. The optimum temperature for sleeping is between 16 and 19 degrees Celsius.
    • Sleep for the required number of hours. Adults require 7-9 hours of sleep a night, and some may even need 10 hours of sleep.
  8. 8 Stick to a promise to yourself. Needless to say, in order to find consistency, you need to be consistent. But the fact is, you simply cannot find consistency in life without deciding to be committed to it and developing certain habits. This takes time, so don't be discouraged if you still have to force yourself to do some things. Be patient and don't give up.
    • According to research, it takes 21 days to form a habit. Other researchers claim it takes up to 66 days.
    • To change your life and make it more permanent, you need to maintain a continuous focus on consistency.
    • Do not give up. Consistency will bring stability, contentment, and joy to your life.

Part 2 of 3: Building Stronger Relationships

  1. 1 Focus on healthy relationships. This kind of relationship brings stability to your life. They are important to your well-being and self-determination, be it friendships or romantic relationships. The ability to build strong and healthy relationships will be rewarded with a general sense of contentment and consistency in life.
    • Always respect each other. You can joke and tease, but never go overboard.
    • Treat each other with respect, including your way of speaking.
    • Trust each other. If you find it difficult to trust people, then you should remember: this person is not to blame for being betrayed in the past, therefore, initially a non-trusting relationship is unfair.
    • Support each other in all endeavors.
    • Always be honest. Do not lie, do not deceive and do not betray, otherwise there can be no question of any trust.
    • Share responsibility for a friendship or relationship. Take responsibility for your actions and always contribute to the development and maintenance of the relationship.
    • Be prepared to compromise or negotiate to resolve disputes.
  2. 2 Create your own rituals. Rituals are small common practices of two people. They may look minor, but they are extremely useful for strengthening relationships between lovers or friends.
    • Rituals are very important as they strengthen your bond with a friend or loved one on an emotional level.
    • They help to strengthen relationships based on closeness and close connection.
    • There is no need to inflate the rituals to big events. The ideal and most personal rituals of two partners or friends lie in such little things as a greeting or a joke that only two can understand.
    • The ritual should not be far-fetched. Surely there are things that you simply do not notice, but which are quite your rituals, so learning to recognize them can strengthen your connection with the person.
  3. 3 Communicate with each other. Communication is the key to developing strong relationships. Taking the time to talk face to face is important, but openness and honesty are just as important, even if sometimes you literally exchange a few words (for example, when leaving for work).
    • Communication skills are the foundation for a healthy friendship or romantic relationship.
    • Communication promotes stability and consistency. If you can talk to each other about fears, fears, hopes and dreams, then a strong bond is formed between you, and such conversations become commonplace and are given without problems.
    • Talk about things that upset you or make you feel insecure (at the right times). Do not keep it to yourself, otherwise you will start to resent each other.
    • Learn to discuss any issue. You should be comfortable enough in each other's company so that you can always communicate openly and honestly.
  4. 4 Rebuild friendships / relationships if they are broken. Always maintain important friendships. If a dear friendship or relationship has become strained because of a trifling problem, then it is better to forget about disagreements and focus on more important things.
    • If you and your friend are arguing about minor issues, then try to simply side with your friend. If your beliefs are deeply incompatible, then things get a little more complicated, but in the event of an argument over whose turn it is to wash the dishes, you better just give up.
    • If you stop talking to a friend because of a minor argument, call or text him to apologize. Also offer to meet for a cup of coffee.
    • It is important to understand that not all relationships are healthy and not all of them are worth fighting for. But with people dear to you, you can make concessions.
    • If your friend or partner does not have the above qualities, then chances are that you are in an unhealthy relationship. In that case, you'd better get on with your life without that person in it.

Part 3 of 3: Finding Consistency at Work

  1. 1 Find a balance between work and personal life. Separating work and home / personal life is not easy. However, if you do not make an effort to separate these aspects of life, you can run the risk of overwork and unnecessary stress. This complication will negatively affect your ability to maintain stability at home and at work.
    • Don't get hung up on work. Sure, success and career are important, but you don't need to spend all your time at home planning or worrying about your next work day.
    • Keep track of how you spend your time. If work is exhausting you emotionally or physically, find some enjoyable daily activities that you can do before or after work.
    • Choose healthy and productive ways to spend your free time. For example, instead of going to a bar, you can go jogging or cycling to relieve stress.
    • In your free time, develop a hobby or do something that will fill your life.
    • Monitor your health when you are at home. Exercise regularly, eat healthy foods, and get enough sleep.
  2. 2 Be punctual. Consistency in the workplace means consistency from the moment you come to work until the very end of your shift. Get to work on time and prepared so you not only tune in for a productive day, but also avoid the risk of being fired.
    • Identify what might make you late. Traffic jams, finding a parking space or solving household problems?
    • If household problems are affecting your work, you may need to decide not to address household issues until the end of the day.
    • If the reason is traffic jams or parking, then you can leave the house earlier. Today, you can use a traffic jam roadmap (like Google Maps or Yandex maps) to build the best route to work.
    • Add up the time it takes to work on a typical day, plus the extra time for things like traffic jams. Leave to work with such a margin, adding another 10 minutes to it in case of unforeseen circumstances.
    • Reward yourself for consistency. Think of ways to pamper yourself, such as eating the other half of your cupcake after you get to work (but only if you arrive on time or earlier).
  3. 3 Prioritize the workload. You may have days when you are so overwhelmed with problems that you don’t know where to start. But if every day goes by like this, then it will be very difficult for you to cope with business and at the same time adhere to any schedule or order in the workplace.
    • You can set up an erasable marker or chalk board in your workplace to write your to-do list for the day.
    • Sort things according to what you can (and should) do today, what needs to be done by the end of tomorrow, and what needs to be done by the end of the week.
    • You can erase or cross off the to-do list as you complete it. This way you can see what has already been completed and what remains to be done.
    • Organizing and sequencing tasks in this way can help you feel focused and add productivity to your workplace, which fosters a sense of order in your life.
  4. 4 Make friends with a colleague and support each other. If you are having trouble finding stability in the workplace, then try to achieve it together. Perhaps it will be an employee with whom you are on good terms, or someone who is also trying to establish a workflow. Invite the person to work together to motivate and support each other. This will help both of you achieve consistency and develop a productive work style by helping each other.
    • Having someone who drives you to be consistent and productive will be beneficial to both of you.
    • You can think of various ways to track your success and motivate each other to increase productivity and develop consistent habits.
    • Find ways to celebrate and reward each other. For example, you might go out for ice cream or stop by a bar on a Friday night if you've met all of your goals.