Ways to Gain Weight

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 1 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Gain Weight | How To Gain Weight
Video: Gain Weight | How To Gain Weight


Since everyone seems to be obsessed with losing weight, it can be difficult to know how to safely and safely gain weight. But don't worry - gaining weight is entirely possible if you are determined to make a plan and stick to it.


Part 1 of 3: Eat to gain weight

  1. Increase calories in meals. When you cook, think about ways to increase the calories in food. Can you put a slice of cheese on a sandwich? Add a poached egg to hot soup? Sprinkle olive oil on vegetables or sprinkle nuts, seeds or cheese on salads?

    Claudia Carberry, RD, MS

    Nutritionist Claudia Carberry is a licensed nutritionist specializing in kidney transplantation and weight loss counseling at the University of Arkansas Medical Sciences. She is a member of the Arkansas Institute of Nutrition and Dietetics. Claudia received an MS in Nutrition from the University of Tennessee Knoxville in 2010.

    Claudia Carberry, RD, MS

    Claudia Carberry, licensed nutrition consultant, said: "High-calorie foods will help you gain weight faster. Add fats like oil or butter to foods to make them more energetic. "

  2. Stock up on high-fat snacks. Fat is an essential part of your diet, and consuming it can be a healthy way to regulate weight. Eat nuts, seeds, and nut butters. Try fresh cheese and crackers or fresh fruit and yogurt. Hummus sauces are great to eat with bread or vegetables. A fair amount of sesame butter and olive oil can help increase your calorie intake. Olives and cheese will go well if you like the rich flavor.
    • Store sauces such as guacamole, tapenade, pesto, and hummus in the refrigerator for convenience.
    • Bring a couple of nutmeg bars to satisfy your cravings when you go out.

  3. Drink milk and other high-energy drinks. Drinking water is fine, but water can reduce your appetite. If you need to drink while you eat, you should try to include energy drinks such as milk, smoothies and shakes.
    • Drink fatty milk instead of skim milk.
    • Add peanut butter or protein powder to smoothies and shakes.
    • Plant-derived milk such as coconut milk and peanut milk are rich and delicious drinks.
    • Try traditional nutritional drinks that are famous around the world. Kefir, horchata, chia fresca, lassi, misugaru, and telba are all high in calories and protein.
    • Drink water and other low-calorie beverages after eating.
  4. Eat protein. Protein is an essential ingredient for weight gain. Red meat can help you gain weight, especially if you're working out to build muscle. Salmon provides many calories and good fats. Yogurt is also high in protein.
    • Other fish oils may also help you gain weight. You should store canned sardines and tuna in the kitchen cabinet.
    • Legumes are excellent sources of protein and carbohydrates.
    • If you find it difficult to get enough protein, try a supplement like whey protein (whey protein).
  5. Eat energy-rich vegetables. Instead of celery and other water-rich vegetables, eat vegetables with calories. Avocados contain good fats and are easy to cook with. Starchy vegetables like potatoes, sweet potatoes, zucchini and corn can also help you gain weight.
    • Fruits such as bananas, blueberries, grapes and mangoes can provide calories and fiber.
  6. Eat whole-wheat bread. Breads, pastas, pastas, and crackers are higher in nutrients and calories than processed grains. Enjoy bread with butter, olive oil, peanut butter or sesame butter and honey.
  7. Desserts. While you should not rely on foods high in sugar, it doesn't hurt to eat sweet occasionally. You don't have to worry about treating yourself with pastries or ice cream from time to time. If you crave dessert every night, try small portions and choose healthy options: dark chocolate, full-fat yogurt with whole grains and fruits, a mix of nuts and dried fruit whole grain cakes or pastries made from whole grains.
  8. Eat more meals. Light weight people can eat more quickly. The solution to this problem is to eat more meals. You should try to schedule 5-6 small meals a day instead of just 3 meals. Eat snacks between meals.
    • Eat a meal or snack right before bed. Eating before bed can help you gain weight.

Part 2 of 3: Building muscle mass

  1. Build muscle with strength training. Muscle is heavier than fat, so you will gain weight when you build muscle. Do strength-strengthening exercises at least twice a week. Crunches, knee bends, and squats are all exercises you can do at home. You can also lift weights, exercise with warm weights, dumbbells, or elastic bands.
    • If you like the gym, you can do it on the machine.
    • Sign up for a Pilates class.
    • Sign in to class or watch a video of the assignment before starting a new exercise format.
    • Remember to stop if it hurts. Pain is a sign that you are at risk of injury.
  2. Do aerobic exercises. Regular aerobic activity won't build muscle as fast as strength training, but it will help balance your workout schedule. Cardio exercises help strengthen the heart, improve or control certain chronic conditions like high blood pressure or diabetes, and help increase endurance throughout the day.
    • Cardio exercises can include: jogging or walking, cycling, swimming or hiking.
    • If you are doing aerobic exercises that make it difficult to maintain weight, you may need to reduce the intensity, frequency or duration of the exercise.
  3. Eat before and after exercise. Carbohydrates will energize you before training, and carbohydrates combined with protein will help you recover muscle after training.
    • Eat a snack or snack at least an hour before your workout.
    • If you have just eaten, wait 3-4 hours before you start exercising.
    • Suitable post-workout snacks can include peanut butter sandwiches, yogurt and fruit, chocolate milk and crackers, or smoothies with milk, yogurt or whey protein.
  4. Find a personal trainer. If you find it difficult to schedule an effective workout, a personal trainer can help you on the right track. They can guide you through specific exercises or schedule them to help you gain weight.
    • Find a coach at the gym. Many times you will find a coach at the gym, they can even reduce the fee for the first consultation.
    • Talk to your trainer about your weight and goals. Say you want to gain weight in a healthy way.

Part 3 of 3: Stay safe

  1. Gradually gain weight. Rapid weight gain is both unhealthy and impractical. If you eat so much that you feel uncomfortable, you are harming your body. Avoid binge eating: stop eating when full. If you are concerned that you are not eating enough, then you can have a snack.
    • Work with your doctor, dietitian or a trainer to set weight gain goals.
    • You can gain about 0.5 kg to 1 kg of muscle per month if you are determined to gain weight and stick to the exercise regimen. Each month you can gain more weight than this, but that's the weight of both muscle and fat. Increasing about 0.5 kg to 1 kg per week is a healthy rate of weight gain.
    • Without weight training, each month you can gain about 1 kg - 2 kg of weight, including fat and muscle.
  2. Avoid unhealthy foods. It is much easier to increase your calorie intake if you eat fast food every meal, but your health will definitely be affected. Instead, cook with your own if you have the time. If you don't like cooking or are too busy, find ways to eat out in a healthy way. Stores that list meal ingredients such as burgers or smoothies are good places to choose.
    • If you want to cook for yourself but are busy throughout the week, try to make plenty of food on the weekends. If you are worried about spoilage, you can freeze half of the cooked food.
    • The general rule of thumb is to avoid fried foods, sugary snacks, soft drinks, and candies.
  3. Talk to your doctor or dietitian. If you have lost weight unintentionally, talk to your doctor. There is a possibility that some underlying problem has caused you to lose weight. Your doctor can check your thyroid and see if you have a hormonal imbalance. If your doctor can't help, see a registered dietitian for advice. advertisement