How to find joy in everything

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 16 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Matthew McConaughey - This Is Why You’re Not Happy | One Of The Most Eye Opening Speeches
Video: Matthew McConaughey - This Is Why You’re Not Happy | One Of The Most Eye Opening Speeches


Sometimes it is difficult to enjoy a completely joyless activity. Fortunately, life can become much more joyful if you just change your view of the world. Using a few techniques, you can find joy in literally everything.


Method 1 of 3: Put joy first

  1. 1 Have fun. Adults often think that their life should be serious, of work and family commitments. With age, the time of rest and entertainment does not lose its importance in comparison with childhood. Adults play to learn and expand their horizons, feel the competitive spirit, indulge in fun and forget themselves in joyful pursuits. Do not expect that a good mood will find you on its own. You need to actively incorporate activities that are enjoyable for you into your daily routine or plan for the week.
    • Examples include new artistic hobbies, regular get-togethers with friends to watch movies or play games, and time with the kids.
  2. 2 Learn to see the positives. You can enjoy any activity if you can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Even grueling deeds give us valuable results; you just need to consider the positive aspects and let them into your life.
    • You can find positive every day using the following method. Take 10 minutes every day for three weeks. Start by listing 5 things that make you happy (for example, "watching the sun rise in the morning" or "hearing loved ones laugh"). Now think about the moments when things didn’t go well. Describe the situation. After that, you need to find three ways to help you see the positive aspects of this test.
    • For example, your car breaks down on the way to work. You are devastated and anxiously awaiting the arrival of the mechanic. But wait time can be used in a different way: it is an opportunity to read the same verse that your friend spoke about for a long time. You also have a couple of minutes to call your mom and inquire about her health. Finally, waiting will help you collect your thoughts before diving into a new work day. The ability to notice positive moments will help you to see the positive even in unpleasant situations.
  3. 3 Celebrate any success. You may not find joy in life because you are not taking advantage of small miracles and successes. Have you recently achieved your goal? It's time to celebrate this. Has your friend found a new job or lost weight? Celebrate together. Find ways to celebrate all small victories.
    • Buy a calendar with all the weird holidays and try to celebrate as many events as possible.
  4. 4 Change the environment. Bring fun to your surroundings at home, work, or school. Re-paint your office or bedroom in stimulating vibrant colors that will make you smile. Get some home plants. Use new lighting, fabrics, colors and other decorations, and books that cheer you up.
    • The colors you choose can have a positive effect on your mood and perception of the world. One study found that indoor green walls reduce the likelihood of stress compared to red indoor spaces.
    • In general, yellows and greens enhance the sense of joy. If these colors are not very appropriate for your walls, then you can use artwork, decorative elements, and even flowers in spring tones. You can place fun toys like colored springs or anti-stress balls on the shelves to keep you in a good mood.

Method 2 of 3: Enjoy the little things

  1. 1 Find pleasure in pleasant sounds. Sounds can have a huge impact on the perception of the business you are currently doing. For example, you need to clean your bedroom or kitchen. It's a boring activity, but if you include one of your favorite songs, then cleaning immediately turns into a joyful concert.
    • Find sounds that lift your mood or help you relax. Music, laughter of children, roar of waves, singing of birds in the trees. Try to surround yourself with such sounds as often as possible. If you are far from nature, then you can listen to them on the Internet.
    • Identify which sounds make you sad or angry. The noise of traffic, the sharp ringing of the phone. Try to avoid them whenever possible. If this is not possible, then neutralize them with pleasant sounds, listen to relaxing music in vacuum headphones to protect yourself from incessant calls. It is possible that you are lacking peace of mind, and a little quietness will make it easier for you to get on with your day-to-day tasks.
  2. 2 Notice pleasant touches. People need warmth and physical touch, as this is the primary expression of empathy. In the digital age that has come, all touch has become even more important. They enhance feelings of security and safety, enhance overall well-being, build trust, strengthen bonds, and reduce the likelihood of illness.
    • As you go about your day, try to surround yourself with people whose touch brings you joy. This will fill almost every aspect of your life with contentment.
  3. 3 Enjoy your favorite food. Even a meal can give you joy if you take it thoughtfully. For many people, food can feel guilty. It might sometimes be better to skip a slice of chocolate cake at a corporate party or a second bucket of popcorn while watching a movie. However, by eating mindfully as opposed to mindless snacks, you can enjoy your favorite meals without feeling guilty.
    • Divide the chocolate into small pieces or use finely chopped fruit. Study their shape, smell, size, texture. What is your reaction to foods (salivation, impatience, etc.)? Put a piece of food in your mouth and try not to chew it for half a minute. After 30 seconds, start chewing your food. Subsequently, compare your perception of taste and texture of the product before and after a meal. Then compare these sensations with your usual sensations while eating.
    • Start using this approach with any meal. Get rid of distractions like TV or a book and focus entirely on your food intake.
  4. 4 Smile. If you have recently experienced stress, then only the use of an adhesive plaster can cause a smile on your face, since the effects of stress do not allow you to relax. According to the research project "Greater Good Project" in Berkeley, any smile (even a forced smile) has a positive effect on our health. It speeds up the recovery of the heart after stressful experiences.
    • Try to smile even during unpleasant activities to improve your mood and well-being. You will feel better immediately.

Method 3 of 3: Change Your View of the World

  1. 1 Become a tourist for a day. If we live in one place for months and years, then we cease to perceive it as unusual or inspiring.Recover lost affection for your place of residence and turn into a tourist for one day.
    • Visit local museums, parks, and art galleries. Take photos and try to look at your home places through the eyes of tourists. Go to a restaurant you've never been to, or order a new meal at your favorite place. Take a look at your life through the eyes of a visiting person, in order to feel again why you love your city.
  2. 2 Practice meditation. When you think of meditation, you are most likely thinking about work, not rest. Silence and concentration is required for meditation, but it can bring joy and pleasure. It allows you to know your inner self and your environment so that you can consider all the possibilities for joy that are available to you.
    • Find a pleasant partner to make your meditation a source of joy. Change your environment, which is both challenging and exciting. You can also choose a guided meditation with interesting sounds and prompts.
  3. 3 Mute negative self-talk. If the voice in your head constantly complains or criticizes you, then it will be difficult to enjoy life. Overcome negative self-talk and bring positive vibes into your life. Use the following guidelines.
    • Watch your thoughts carefully.
    • Determine how helpful your thoughts are (do they make things better or worse)?
    • Hack negative thoughts at the root. Try not to give them a single chance.
    • Turn negative dialogue into positive thoughts. For example, "Because of all these tasks, I will never have time to be with friends" can be turned into the following: "If you do all the tasks and do not postpone them, then halfway I can take a break and find time to meet friends." ...
  4. 4 Be grateful. Learning to be grateful will allow you to see pleasure and joy in many things. There are many ways to do this, from simply expressing gratitude to people to keeping a gratitude journal. One of the most effective ways to change your perception of the world is to change your way of speaking.
    • For example, we often complain about all the things that we have to do. Try changing the words you use to describe your upcoming business. If you say "I will do" instead of the words "I have to", then life will certainly sparkle with joyful colors and any business will be within your reach.

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