How to start a conversation with a guy

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 3 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Start A Conversation With A Guy Over Text
Video: How To Start A Conversation With A Guy Over Text


Don't know how to approach a nice guy and start a conversation with him? Do you lack courage? Here are some simple tips on how to do it. Treat it like a conversation with a friend, and remember, guys are often nervous when talking to girls, too.


Method 1 of 3: How to start a conversation

  1. 1 Introduce yourself. The most direct way to start a conversation with a young person is to walk up to him and introduce yourself. Whether it is a newcomer at work, a handsome student in the lecture hall, or a handsome stranger in a café - straighten your shoulders, smile, and walk up confidently. Say hello, then introduce yourself and ask his name.
    • Once you know the guy's name, try to use it often in conversation. People love to hear their name. It also makes the conversation more personal and creates a sense of closeness between you.
    • Tell him something like, “Hi! My name is Olya, how are you? " Simple and effective!
  2. 2 Take advantage of the circumstances around you. One of the easiest ways to start a conversation is to take advantage of the circumstances around you. It can be anything: the weather, the schedule of lessons, the result of a sports game. You can ask him what he thinks about, for example, heavy rain or extra steam, or comment on the situation yourself and wait for his answer.
    • Talking about the weather might sound too trivial to start a conversation, but it works. Try saying something like, "Great weather, isn't it?" The purpose of this phrase is simple - to start a conversation. As soon as the conversation goes well, start discussing more interesting topics.
    • If you are sitting next to a nice guy on a train or bus, try to take a breath and say, as if to yourself, about late transport or ticket prices. If you are interesting to him, then he will take it as an invitation to talk and agree with you. The main thing is to get his attention.
  3. 3 Ask him for help. Men love to help women. They are biologically attuned to it. So a little game of "girl urgently needs help" can help you start a conversation. Call on his masculinity and muscle strength to help him gain confidence and make him feel more comfortable with you, which will help the conversation flow more freely.
    • If you have a heavy stack of files or a bulky box in your hands, ask him to help you. If you are having trouble opening a bottle of water, tell him about it.
    • Remember to smile and thank him after he helps you. We all love to hear words of gratitude when we do good deeds.
    • One word of warning: don't overdo it. You just need his attention, so don't play the girl who needs help too often.
  4. 4 Praise him. Guys love compliments as much as girls. Be sincere. Complimenting him is the best way to start a conversation. How to compliment depends on how confident you feel.
    • If you are determined, then compliment his amazing eyes or his smile like Brad Pete. He will understand that you find him physically attractive, which is what all guys love.
    • If you're trying to be a little less obvious, then compliment his suit, tie, or cologne. By doing so, you will compliment its excellent taste.
    • Compliment him about how he is doing his job or playing on the sports field. Tell him that he did a good job on his presentation or that he played just fine. He will know that you paid special attention to him.
    • If you come across him on the street walking his dog, then praise his pet. Or tell him that you approve of his choice of a sandwich for lunch. Any situation will do that makes him talk.
  5. 5 Ask him a question. Questions are a great way to start a conversation, especially if you're feeling a little uncomfortable.The questions themselves can be simple, but try to avoid those questions that can be answered with a short yes or no. Both you and him may become embarrassed, as a result of which the conversation may simply fizzle out.
    • Ask questions in such a way that he is forced to think what to answer you, or at least in such a way that he gives more than monosyllabic answers. Men are sometimes inactive and, frankly, clumsy (in every sense of the word), so try to stir him up. He will soon realize that you are more interested in him than in how to get to Red Square.
    • Ask him for a pen for a minute, or find out if he watched a soccer game last night. You need his attention to start a conversation, so don't worry about not understanding football.

Method 2 of 3: How to get him to keep talking

  1. 1 Find common interest. The search for common interests is the basis of dialogue. If you find a topic that interests both of you, then the conversation will flow much easier. Even if you don't know something, show your interest by asking him questions and letting him talk.
    • For example, if you both love Russian rock, then get to know his favorite band, favorite guitarist, and so on. You will not stop him, and he will probably think that you are a pretty cool girl, since you are interested in it.
    • His clothes, objects on the desk, books will hint to you about his interests. If he has a photograph on his monitor where he is holding a pike in his hands, then it is likely that he loves fishing. Pay attention to the small details that will help you choose the right topic for conversation.
  2. 2 Ask him open-ended questions.. They are needed to continue the conversation. Avoid questions that can be answered in one word or automatically without thinking.
    • For example, don't start a conversation with the phrase, "How are you?" Instead, ask him what he did this past weekend or what he thinks about the new boss. Such questions will make him think about the answer.
    • Alternatively, you can ask him an “either-or” question to start a fun discussion. Ask him if he prefers Real Boys or Univer, rock or hip-hop, English or computer science teacher. Try to jokingly chide him for the choice to make him laugh.
  3. 3 Listen more than you say. Conversational etiquette requires you to listen more than you speak. That's why you have two ears and only one mouth, right? Therefore, try to really listen to him during the conversation. By the way, if you've never noticed this, guys tend to like the sound of their own voices.
    • Even when you are silent, let him know that you are interested. Show it with a smile, nod, or gesture.
    • Being a good listener during your conversation will do two things: first, you will make a good impression on the guy, and second, you will see if he is really worth the time.
    • By listening to what he has to say, you can get a pretty good idea of ​​his personality. You can then decide whether to meet with him further. If you do not find it interesting now, then you will not find it more interesting in the future.
  4. 4 Ask him interesting questions. So that he does not consider you uninteresting, ask him questions that will interest him and make him think. From such questions, he will begin to think about you long before the end of the conversation.
    • For example, ask him questions such as: "If you could visit anywhere in the world now, where would you go?" - or: "If a fire started in your house, what three things would you save?" - or: "If you were a fictional character, who would you be?" These questions will make him smile, and his answers will better reveal his inner world.
    • Or you can get serious and ask him questions like, "Have you ever been in love?" - or: "What do you regret the most?"
    • Please note that these are not the questions that are asked at the beginning of the conversation, otherwise the young man will think that you are some kind of abnormal. These questions are best left for later when the initial awkwardness has passed, perhaps after a few drinks.
  5. 5 Discuss pop culture. Talking about popular culture is an old and reliable means of continuing a conversation. Every person, regardless of their interests, will have something to say about movies, music, television shows, books, or the names that crazy celebrities give their kids. Once you get an idea of ​​what he is interested in, you can ask him what he thinks about a movie, whether he has read this or that book or whether he has heard the new album of a popular band.
    • Also ask his opinion on the aspect of pop culture in which he considers himself an expert. Guys love to showcase their vast knowledge, especially to an interested audience.
    • For example, if he loves Woody Allen's films, and you have never watched any of his films, then ask the young man from which film you should start getting acquainted with the work of this director. Maybe you'd better watch this movie together?
    • Or maybe you are both interested in something that not everyone is interested in. Impress him with your knowledge of 70s French punk rock bands or playing a popular PC game. Perhaps so he will begin to think that you are the one he has been looking for all his life.
  6. 6 End on a high note. Know when to bow gracefully. Always leave him wanting more. After a particularly funny joke or story, you should say goodbye to him. Tell him you need to go back to work or be home already. Hopefully he'll be sorry about you leaving and look forward to another opportunity to speak with you.
    • If you feel like everything went well and you really like this guy (even more than before), then invite him to meet after work for a cup of coffee sometime. If you are embarrassed to say it out loud, then do as girls do in the movies - write your number on a piece of paper and give it to him.
    • Before you leave, you should look the guy in the eye, smile and say, “I was happy to talk to you, ______ (his name).” He will remember this phrase much better than "see you later."

Method 3 of 3: Give the Right Signals

  1. 1 Smile and laugh. Guys are more attracted to happy, laughing and smiling girls than gloomy and frowning divas. And this is a fact. A smile will make you seem friendly and approachable before you even start to say anything. The young person will feel more comfortable with you and will be more open to you. Laughing at his jokes will greatly boost his ego, which in turn will make him feel good and you look even more attractive.
  2. 2 Maintain eye contact with him.. Eye contact is one of the most important aspects of a successful conversation. Think about it. If you constantly look away or look away, then you will either look strange or as if you are not interested in him at all. When you look him in the eye, you show him your confidence and interest, which is exactly what you are trying to achieve. However, do not look at him without taking your eyes off, otherwise it will scare him away.
  3. 3 Don't be easy targets for him. Your goal is to make the guy understand that you are interested in him, but you should not reveal all the cards. You can smile at him, look him in the eye, laugh at his jokes and ask questions, but don't do this too often and you don't have to literally look into his mouth. Try to keep it mysterious, make it earn your attention.
  4. 4 Look your best. You don't have to be a supermodel to attract guys. Guys are always attracted by a good mood, wit, kindness, and sometimes the willingness to hitchhike from Moscow to Vladivostok. But when trying to get the attention of a young person, it doesn't hurt to make you look your best. This does not mean that you have to put on high-heeled shoes and apply makeup all over your face. Rather, it is about things like clothes that fit your figure, clean, scented hair, and the right makeup to bring out your best features.
  5. 5 Don't overdo it with questions. Be sure to ask your guy questions during the conversation, but try not to scare him away. Do not ask him questions that you yourself would be ashamed to answer. Plus, you don't want him to feel like he’s on a job interview or in an investigator’s office.
  6. 6 Maintain physical contact. You can make a young man feel a slight chill and understand without a single word that he is interesting to you, just by lightly touching his shoulder or arm during a conversation. Don't overdo it, but one or two touches during the conversation will have the desired effect.
  7. 7 Ask him out on a date.. Everything went to this, right? You talked to a young man, you liked him, you liked him - why not ask him out on a date? To do this, you do not need to invite him to dinner at a restaurant. Try asking him if he would like to have a cup of coffee (or something stronger) with you after work on Friday. This will give you the opportunity to be together again, without the stress and excitement that comes with "official" dates. Consider that you have an additional opportunity to work on your speaking skills.


  • Don't overdo it with perfume, makeup, and jewelry. Otherwise, he will think that you are trying too hard to get his attention.
  • If you have a mutual friend, ask him to help melt the ice. Set up a meeting to kick-start a relationship with a guy you like.
  • Always be yourself.
  • Don't pretend you like what you really don't like. Otherwise, you will have to spend time where you will not have fun at all, or do what you do not like at all. For example, if he is a fan of country music and you don't like this kind of music at all, you shouldn't say: "I just love country music!" Otherwise ... otherwise you will have to listen to her all day long. Better tell us what kind of music you like - perhaps he will love it, and you can listen to it together.
  • Spend more time with him to get to know his tastes. For example, you can invite him to a movie - so you can find out if he is a movie fan.


  • Don't ask him if he likes to be alone or if he has ever been in love. Otherwise, he will decide that you are pressing on him and rushing things, which may scare him away.
  • When you ask him out on a date, there is always a chance that he will say no to you. If this happens, don't be discouraged. Someone better will definitely appear in your life.