How to start a conversation with a girl via SMS messages

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 28 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
7 BEST Questions To Start A Conversation With An ATTRACTIVE Girl
Video: 7 BEST Questions To Start A Conversation With An ATTRACTIVE Girl


At the very beginning of communication, when you still don't know your interlocutor well, the best way to get closer and find common interests is to start a conversation through messages. If you want to chat with a girl via SMS, but have no idea where to start, read this article.


Part 1 of 2: How to start a conversation with a girl

  1. 1 First, find out her phone number. Try to find out from her personally, because it is not very pleasant to correspond with someone unknown.
    • The easiest way to find out her number is to promise to send her a website link or a funny video. Say: "listen, I would have thrown you a link to this video, but I don't know your phone number!" Try to behave as usual, do not make a big noise out of this, then the girl will feel more comfortable with you.
    • If this method does not work for you, read this article.
    • If the girl does not want to give you her phone number, do not try to find out from someone. In any case, she will not be happy about it. So wait for a while and then try again.
  2. 2 Tell: "Hey". But don't stop there, ask how she's doing, what she's doing.
    • It is a great idea to ask questions because they will help keep the conversation going. If you ask her what you asked in English, she might say something to start a conversation with. But if you just say hello, she won't know how to answer.
    • Ask questions that cannot be answered yes or no. For example, instead of asking if she likes comedies, ask what films she likes. Most likely, she will start telling you about her favorite films - and this is a chance to start a conversation.
  3. 3 Start a conversation and try to continue it. If you are communicating for the first time, it is important that your messages look casual and casual so that the girl will not feel embarrassed. Talk about something that concerns both of you.
    • For example, if a party is coming up at school soon, ask, "Are you going to go to the school party?" If the communication is going pretty well, you might even take the risk and invite her to the party with you. If you're shy, you can invite her to go with you and a few of your friends.
    • You can discuss common interests or say something very minor, such as "oh, I saw you at Starbucks today!" or "did you hear the English teacher yell at that student?"
  4. 4 Talk about what she is interested in. If you know what she likes (eg TV shows, movies), talk about it! Ask if she liked the last episode, if she liked the music from the show, and so on. This will demonstrate your interest in her hobbies.
    • This method works great when the girl is really very interested in something. People love to talk about their interests. Plus, your interests may converge.
    • If you disagree with something the girl is saying, you shouldn't immediately express your displeasure. The little friendly argument about "which Beatles song is better" is just fun that shouldn't spill over into a quarrel.
  5. 5 Send her emoticons. Emoticons can be fun or flirty and can help create a friendly atmosphere. Feel free to send emoticons;)
    • If you don't know when to insert emoticons into the text, insert them at the end of the sentence. For example, ask “have you watched the last episode yet? She is cool! :) "
    • Most often, winking or smiling emoticons are used in correspondence. Some other emoticons may be ambiguous or just off topic.
    • Do not overdo it with emotions and emoticons, otherwise you will look stupid.
  6. 6 Continue the conversation! Once you have struck up a conversation and found something in common, try to get the girl talking.
    • If you run out of ideas on how to continue the conversation, read this article: How to send SMS to someone you like.
    • Soon you can take your communication to the next level and make an appointment or even a date. Offer to meet and spend time together. Text messaging is a good thing, but real communication is a completely different level.

Part 2 of 2: When texting isn't a good idea

  1. 1 If you understand that the girl is not very interested in communicating with you, give up your attempts. For example, if you notice that she answers you very "dryly", and sometimes does not answer at all, you should not grovel and bombard her with questions. If a girl directly says that she is busy or cannot correspond, it is better to just stop writing to her.
    • Understand that if the girl is not interested in communication, you are simply wasting your time. Find another girl who will be interested in you.
    • If the girl has made it clear to you that she does not want to communicate, and you are still bombarding her with messages, it will feel like harassment.
  2. 2 If you have something important to say, call her or tell her when you meet. Messages are a great way to make contact or remind you of something, but some conversations are best done in a meeting or over the phone. For example:
    • If you want to invite her somewhere. Call her and invite her somewhere, but you shouldn't do it through text messages.
    • Break the relationship. If you want to end the relationship, have respect for yourself and the girl, tell her about it in person or over the phone. Only children end a relationship with messages.
    • Through messages, you can give advice or suggest rescheduling the meeting. For example, if a girl recently lost a relative and is now very worried, you can write to her: “I will call you a little later to talk about it,” but you should not express your condolences via SMS - it is better to do it personally. In this case, it will be important for the girl to hear your voice and see you.
    • If you are in doubt about whether to discuss a particular topic through messages, ask yourself how important the topic is. Through messages, you can discuss something not very important, for other cases there is a phone, as well as personal meetings. Therefore, if you want to discuss or report something serious, it is better not to resort to messages.
  3. 3 Approach your message writing the right way. Remember that you cannot return a sent message back. Please note that the phone may fall into the wrong hands, so do not send these documents or important photos to anyone through messages.
    • If your partner is under 18 years old, do not submit your nude photos, because it is a crime to distribute sexually explicit images to minors. If these photos fall into the hands of other people, who knows where they might end up.
    • You should not discuss or suggest any illegal activity through messages, as this can be used in court.
    • Also, do not discuss teachers, parents, boss, and so on through messages. Please be aware that these messages may be seen by third parties. Even if you are sure of the reliability of your interlocutor, remember that the phone can be stolen or lost.


  • Flirting is nice and sweet, but sometimes it can just be annoying. If you decide to flirt with a girl, pay attention to her reaction. If she flirts back and sends flirty messages, that's a good sign. If the girl responds very sluggishly, just return to your usual topics.