How to gain weight as a vegetarian

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 7 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Vegetarian diet plan to gain weight - Ms. Sushma Jaiswal
Video: Vegetarian diet plan to gain weight - Ms. Sushma Jaiswal


Vegetarians mainly eat vegetables, fruits and grains, with some also consuming dairy products and eggs. Since there is no meat in a vegetarian diet, the transition to such a diet may be accompanied by weight loss. This is not to be feared! Even on a vegetarian diet, with the right choice of foods, you can gain weight.


Method 1 of 2: Gaining Weight on a Vegan Diet

  1. 1 Understand the difference between vegetarianism and veganism. A vegetarian diet excludes all meat products (beef, poultry, fish, etc.), and veganism goes even further. Vegans do not eat any food of animal origin, including dairy products (milk, yogurt, butter) and eggs. Instead, they rely entirely on nutrient-rich plant foods.
    • Vegans have more limited diets, so it is more difficult for them to get adequate nutrition (more difficult does not mean impossible). Plus, underweight people who eat a vegan diet may find it more difficult to gain weight.
  2. 2 Calculate your daily calorie intake. A calorie is a measure of the energy value of a food that, when consumed, will either be consumed or stored as fat. When losing weight, people create for themselves deficit calories, that is, they burn more calories by their activity than they consume with food. For recruitment weight needs to do the opposite: there are more calories than they will be spent during the day. A vegan diet can offer you enough high-calorie nutritional options so that you can gain weight without reducing the level of normal activity that keeps you in optimal shape.
    • Half a kilogram of fat is equivalent to 3,500 calories. In other words, eating 3,500 calories without burning them will put you on 500 grams of extra weight.
    • Your calorie needs will depend on your age, gender, and height. Use one of the online calculators to find out your daily calorie needs.
    • Since your goal is to gain weight, then you need to consume a few more calories than recommended, but within reasonable limits! Add an extra 500 units to your daily calorie intake for an extra 3,500 calories per week. At this rate, you will be able to gain half a kilogram of weight per week.
  3. 3 Continue to eat healthy foods. The easiest way to gain weight is by eating unhealthy, fatty vegetarian foods (like French fries or sweet baked goods). However, you shouldn't sacrifice your health for the sake of gaining weight, so you need to try to expand your diet with exceptionally healthy calories.
    • Eat healthy "healthy fats" snacks throughout the day, such as avocados, beans, nuts, peanut or almond butter, and hummus.
    • Drink high-calorie drinks! Instead of drinking plain water, drink juices, protein drinks, and smoothies that will provide you with calories without making you feel oversaturated.
    • Supply extra calories to a side dish. For example, add olive oil, nuts, seeds, and fruits to your salad.
  4. 4 Eat protein-rich foods to build muscle. Lack of protein is a major problem in vegetarian and vegan diets. People on these types of diets must constantly monitor their intake of adequate amounts of protein. Complete proteins (similar to those derived from animal sources) in the form of soy and quinoa are essential for the body to obtain all important amino acids. However, vegans and vegetarians can consume different sources of protein that complement each other (called complementary proteins) and provide the body with all nine essential amino acids. Alternatively, they may simply consume complete proteins such as chickpeas, spirulina, and flax seeds. An example of a good combination is brown rice and beans.
    • Beans are a good protein substitute for meat and are also an excellent source of calories. Ideally, you need to eat 3 cups of beans a week, but it is perfectly acceptable to eat more without any harm to your health.
    • Nuts and seeds are rich in protein, but some of them can overload your diet with cholesterol. Pay attention to pumpkin seeds, almonds, pistachios, and walnuts, but avoid macadamia and American nuts.
  5. 5 Consider soy as an alternative protein source. Soy protein can be considered vegans' best friend and is believed to lower bad cholesterol (HNL). Tofu and soy cakes are not very tasty, but they can absorb the flavor of the other foods they are cooked with, while increasing the amount of protein you eat. Some people don't like the soft texture of tofu, in which case you can use textured vegetable proteins and add them to food to make them look like grated meat (for example, in tacos or in pasta sauces).
    • Increase the calorie content of your food by using soy side dishes. In stores, you can find soy cheese, soy milk, and even soy sour cream. Use these foods to boost the calorie content of salads, potatoes, tacos, or cereals without making you feel full.
  6. 6 Increase your carbohydrate intake. You may have heard that people who are trying to lose weight are advised to reduce or completely eliminate carbohydrates. However, according to the researchers, low-carb diets are effective solely due to the resulting calorie deficit.Carbohydrate-rich foods can provide you with the same amount of calories as vegetables or beans without feeling oversaturated. For weight gain, you should eat rice, pasta, quinoa, and whole grain bread.
  7. 7 Eat small meals six times a day. If you fill yourself up quickly, you may have difficulty getting enough calories from three meals a day. If this is the case, you'd better divide your food into 6 smaller portions and distribute them evenly throughout the day. You shouldn't gorge yourself to a full belly, and small, frequent servings will help you consume more calories in a day.
  8. 8 Have frequent snacks. Even in between your small meals, you can consume extra calories along with nutritious snacks to support your body. A spoonful of nut butter, a protein bar, some cereal or kale chips will keep you from overeating, but will help you gain weight.

Method 2 of 2: Gain Weight with Dairy and Eggs

  1. 1 Start by following the Vegan Weight Gain Guidelines. Vegan and vegetarian diets are quite similar, but the latter allows for a lot of flexibility. Basically, a vegetarian should follow the same dietary guidelines as a vegan, but also include dairy in their diet.
    • Aim to consume 3,500 more calories each week to maintain your current weight. This will result in an additional 500 grams per week.
    • Eat high-calorie, protein-rich foods such as beans, nuts, nut and almond butter, soy products, and so on to replace the lack of meat in your diet.
    • Eat small meals often and have regular snacks to get enough calories for weight gain.
  2. 2 Increase the amount of egg white in your diet. If your diet allows you to consume dairy products and eggs, you should take advantage of the calories and proteins in these foods. While eggs are quite rich in protein, excessive consumption of yolk can lead to an increase in cholesterol levels to dangerous levels. Yolks are only beneficial in moderation, so you shouldn't eat more than one yolk a day. On the other hand, egg whites are good for you in any amount. You can simply remove the yolk from the eggs, or buy pure liquid egg white for high-calorie and nutritious protein meals.
    • For example, you can make an omelet with beans, cheese, chopped tomatoes, onions and bell peppers, and season the finished dish with sour cream, salsa, and avocado.
  3. 3 Include dairy products as a side dish. As with a vegan diet, you can increase the calories in salads by adding nuts, fruits, and other high-calorie foods. However, if your diet allows you to consume dairy products, then you can use real sour cream and cheese instead of soy substitutes. Cheese, sour cream, and butter contain saturated fats and should only be eaten in limited quantities. Overuse of these foods can cause heart problems.
    • Just 30 grams of cheese added to potatoes, scrambled eggs or salad can increase the calorie content of a dish by 100 calories!
    • Two tablespoons of sour cream will add 60 calories to your chili sauce.
    • Smearing a slice of bread with a thin layer of butter will increase the calorie content of your breakfast by 36 calories.
    • Adding dairy to side dishes will help you increase the nutritional value of your food by 500 calories per day and not leave you feeling oversaturated.
  4. 4 Snack on dairy products. In this case, the cheese should be approached with caution. However, while cheese can lead to obesity and heart problems, it is a key component of a very healthy Mediterranean diet.When gaining weight with cheese, the most important thing is choosing the right type of cheese. Avoid the healthier cheddar and Swiss cheese, and look for the healthier goat, feta, and mozzarella cheese as they are lower in calories and can be used as a light snack for extra calories. A good protein supplement to the diet is compressed cottage cheese, which does not pose any potential health risks.
    • Yoghurts are also a popular snack option, but you should avoid high-sugar yoghurts. Opt for plain Greek yogurt with fresh fruit instead.
  5. 5 Consider including fish in your diet. Many vegetarians who have given up meat still continue to eat fish. This is called pescetarianism and is a good option for those trying to gain weight. Like chicken, fish is a clean source of protein that can supplement your diet with calories. The human body is not able to independently produce omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in fish, while they help to build muscle mass, that is, they allow you to gain weight not at the expense of fat. Doctors recommend eating fish at least twice a week, while it is better to eat the following types of fish:
    • mackerel;
    • trout;
    • herring;
    • sardines;
    • longfin tuna;
    • salmon.


  • While foods like sodas, chips, and candy are high in calories and usually vegetarian, eating them for weight gain is a bad idea. They are too rich in sugar and fat and are low in nutrients.
  • Check with your doctor or dietitian before making any dietary changes or trying to gain weight.

What do you need

  • Nuts (almonds and walnuts)
  • Beans
  • Yogurt (optional)
  • Greens
  • Soy milk or another milk substitute
  • Peanut butter
  • Fruit in the form of berries
  • Olive or other vegetable oil
  • Cereals (rice, oats, or bread)
  • Avocado
  • Seeds (sunflower or flax)
  • Raisin

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