How to pray effectively (in Christianity)

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 24 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Pray Effectively and Get Answers | Pray Better, Correctly, Properly (Christian)
Video: How To Pray Effectively and Get Answers | Pray Better, Correctly, Properly (Christian)


"... if you will not forgive others for their sins, your heavenly Father will not forgive yours."
Matthew 6:15; Mark 11:26

Are your prayers effective? "Father, bless my enemy peace ... "is a prayer that makes sense! Many people wonder why some prayers are being answered, while others ... or their own prayers never seem to be answered. Here are some ideas. So Here are the things to consider if you really want to strengthen your prayer.


  1. 1 Honor God: do whatever it takes to follow Christ and maintain reverence for God. Remember that He is the mighty creator of the universe and deserves glory, praise, and honor. Your prayer should acknowledge the Lord's rightful place in your life.
  2. 2 Pray with gratitude and praise to God! In the end, your prayer should be positive. Overcome impulses such as overly emotional pleading and pleading with God "before bed", as, for example, this can cause sleep disturbances, and bad thoughts can lead to bad dreams; be a peacemaker in your own head. Believe that God already knows and wants for you what you need and what you rightfully deserve (not greed or envy). Then say thank you in advance in anticipation of good results (this is trust).There is, of course, a time and place for pain and supplication: “work out your salvation with fear and trembling” at any time convenient for you, but the time before bed is not always the best time. Although happiness is not a goal, look for joy in everything you do. In order to stop disturbing thoughts and bad dreams - seek help from the Lord so that He will show you the main reasons for this, and you can turn to Him with meaningful prayers (personalized). Colossians 4: 2, “abide in prayer and see [the results] with thanksgiving;"- and everyday thanksgiving can bring peace to your life!
  3. 3 Strengthen (or begin) to give thanks and praise as you ascend (gain in strength) to God and Jesus with any a good thing (called a blessing) in your life. God and Jesus promised to bless the one who blesses others and thanks God for the blessings.
  4. 4 Stop harboring sin in your life: yes, it will kill everything at once! God cannot look at sin. First Corinthians 6: 9-10, "Don't you know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor malaki, nor soddlers, nor thieves, nor covetous people, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortionists, will inherit the Kingdom of God.
  5. 5 Forgive others: live like a child of God that he loves “positionally” in Christ, and you will always be in His joy, including in sorrow He will create consolation for you ”(joy). However, you need to access his righteousness and forgiveness, remember that you must also forgive, otherwise you will not be forgiven "relationally" as a friend (and partner). So you yourself can become more pleasing in His eyes, always forgiving, since it will return to you in kind! Mark 11:25, "And when you stand in prayer, forgive if you have anything against someone, so that your heavenly father would forgive you your sins.
  6. 6 Obey God: John 15: 7, "If you abide in me and my words abide in you, ask what you wish, and it will be done for you.“Notice that something you pray for should be pleasing to you. Sin is disobedience, and it separates us from Him (from His favor). The Holy Spirit cannot dwell in an unclean temple; therefore, you must repent often. , one day be saved and yield to the will and mercy of God. Everything that you plant in the lives of others will grow in your own life, ie: "You reap what you sow.
  7. 7 Believe without ever doubting. Be wise enough to pray for what you want and make sure you have the wisdom to believe what you ask and you will receive it. Faith will make it possible. James 1: 5-8,

    If any of you lacks wisdom, ask God, who gives everyone a choice - and without reproaching; and it will be given to him.

    But ask in faith, without any doubts. For the one who wobbles, it is like a sea wave, driven by the wind and thrust.

    Let such a person not think to receive anything from the Lord.

    A person with double thoughts is not firm in all his ways.
  8. 8 See the results and get inspired. How? Make a prayer diary or a list of things, people, and deeds for which you are praying. Your prayer diary will allow you to keep track of your progress with the things you are praying for. But be careful. Your prayer diary is a list of things you should pray for. This is not a card with God's answers!
  9. 9 Confirm God's will in prayer, God does not scold: what a person sows in other lives and hearts, so he will receive a harvest.
  10. 10 Ask God for the will to do it.Learn to show your firm faith in God,"to know the mind of God and His will from His written word.
  11. 11 Stand up, don't give up: sometimes God wants us to persist in prayer ... when we repent: this is what we need. Ephesians 6: 13-14, "... and, having overcome everything, resist. Stand, ...
  12. 12 Love your enemies and never treat others in the wrong way. Love one another as He loved you.Love mercy and do it! Matthew 7:12, "So whatever you would like this man to do to you, do the same to him: for this is the law and the prophets.
  13. 13 Bless and do not curse’. Look for benevolence and kindness towards others in everything you do or say! Pray that God will bless your enemies with good things. Please note that this is a direct command from His word, and we must follow it, whether we like it or not.
  14. 14 Pray incessantly"1 Thessalonians 5:17. Remain in a spirit of appreciation and gratitude: God bless others - listening to things like living prayerand that counts as unceasing prayer, praising God, treating others the way you would like to be treated. And whatever you do for them, good or bad, you are doing it for the Lord.
  15. 15 Open yourself to God and ask him what you will receive in faith. God obviously knows every aspect of your life (lying won't help) and he knows all about your problems and sins. He knows how you feel. He loves and cares for you without limits. Since he is love and mercy, he cannot be unjust in favor of anyonebecause he created and seeks to heal and save us all if we believe in God and follow his will.
    • Jesus said:

      When you pray, do not be like the hypocrites who like to pray standing in synagogues and at the corners to appear in front of people. I tell you the truth: they already receive their reward in full. But when you pray, enter your room, close the door and pray to your Father in secret. Then your Father, who sees everything that is done in secret, will reward you. Matthew 6: 5-6
    • Jesus also said:

      When you pray, do not keep mumbling like the Pharisees, for they think they will be heard because of their verbosity. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him. Matthew 6: 7-8
    • Pray with the right motives, not selfish motives. Let your thoughts be grounded, and as you pray, ask yourself if you are really going to bring glory to God or not. (James 5: 3)


  • Pray sincerely. Pray sinners, repenting, when you ask Jesus Christ to save you, then accept God's plan for your real life.
  • Be persistent in prayer. He knows what your next motive is because He knows the truth (because He is the truth) and knows your life (past, present, future). He has a plan for all of us personally. So if you give your life to Jesus, ask for mercy, God will forgive you and your sins.
  • Love your neighbor sacrificially, is there more love than when a person takes risks or gives his own life for a friend (or even a stranger)?
  • Read the Bible. It's full of candid conversations about how to pray and what works and what doesn't. God speaks through the Bible when you read it, although not always (it depends on Him and what you pray for).
  • Read the Gospel of Jesus; praise God and ask for help "in the name of Jesus" "Jesus said,"Ask, and it shall be given you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be open for you. For everyone who asks receives; and the seeker finds; and for him who knocks, the door will be open.”(Matthew 7: 7--8) God will answer if you wait for your time.
  • "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might; and thy neighbor as thyself." - Luke 10:27
  • The Bible encourages prayer for the following things:
    • Matthew 9: 37-38 - To work on the harvest of the soul.
    • Isaiah 58: 6, 66: 8, I Tim 2: 4 - Loss conversion.
    • I Timothy 2: 2 - Presidents, government and

      Peace, holiness and honesty.
    • Galatians 4:19, 1: 2 - Maturity in the Churches.
    • Ephesians 6:19, 6:12 - God to open doors for missionaries.
    • Acts 8:15 - The fullness of the Holy Spirit and his anointing for Christians.
    • I Corinthians 14:13 - Double portion of the Holy Spirit and gifts for Christians.
    • Jacob 1: 5 - Christians to receive wisdom.
    • Jacob 5:15 - Physical, mental and spiritual healing for Christians.
    • II Thessalonians 1: 11-12 - Power to glorify Jesus in evangelism.
    • Matthew 26:41, Luke 18: 1- Forces of overcoming requests and requests
    • I Timothy 2: 1 - Applications and inquiries.
  • Some people use rosary beads for rituals of certain types of prayers.


  • Do not ask meaninglessly, but ask Jesus when you need help or mercy - and ask God to be in your heart (in "essence").
  • Jesus said:

    • ... if you remember that your brother has something against you, go and do it right, and then return to the altar ..."(Matthew 5: 23-24)
  • When you pray, you must be in the will of God. If what you pray for is not in God's will, then you certainly won't get it. Prayer is not just "I asked him and I will take it." God always hears you when you pray, but sometimes God's answer to prayer may be "no" or "not now."
  • Pompous prayer or bragging isn't worth your breath.
  • Consider:

    • "... clear your mind of all double-minded!" (James 4: 8)
    • "... he who is not sure and not firm in all his decisions should not expect anything from God ..." (James 1: 5-8).
  • Praying against ordinary people won't work!