How to meditate in yoga

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 8 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
7 Min Meditation to Start Your Day  |  Yoga With Adriene
Video: 7 Min Meditation to Start Your Day | Yoga With Adriene


In Sanskrit, "yoga" actually means "union with the divine." The stretching exercises associated with yoga in the west were originally intended thousands of years ago to help regulate the strengthening of your own life force, the spiritual energy known as kundalini. When this energy rises from the base of the spine up to the top of the head, a state of expanded consciousness called self-realization can be achieved.

With practice, a self-realized person can feel not only their own kundalini as it moves between the 7 primary energy centers (chakras) of the body, they can also experience "collective consciousness" - an advanced awareness in which one can feel their spiritual energy.


  1. 1 Find a quiet place to be alone for 5 to 10 minutes.
  2. 2 Sit straight on a chair that is not too hard, remove your shoes, and spread your legs slightly. If you're comfortable, sit on the floor with your shoes off. Place both palms on your knees.
  3. 3 Close your eyes. Stay aware of what is happening around you, then turn your attention inward, to the base of the spine. Pull your attention slowly through the center of your body, along your spine, until it comes to rest at the top of your head and slightly in front of where the soft spot was when you were a child.
  4. 4 With your eyes closed, press the palms of your right hand firmly onto this soft spot on your head, then raise your right hand about 15 cm above your head, palm down. Move it up and down until you find energy between your head and hand. You can feel it in the palm of your hand through the cold or warmth.
  5. 5 Maintain your attention on the arm above your head, then bring your hand back to your knees. You can repeat step 4 with your left hand, as one hand may be more sensitive than the other.
  6. 6 Sit like this for 5 to 10 minutes in mental silence. If a thought comes up, just see if it is happy or sad, or say "I forgive" or "Not now."
  7. 7 Open your eyes slowly at the end of the meditation. Become aware of any changes you feel in your body, or any shift in your attention.


  • Meditation should be effortless, not trying, but just doing - you need to constantly remain with clear thoughts.
  • Meditate twice a day for best results
  • Buy meditation magazines