How to sleep better with essential oils

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 8 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Essential Oils for Sleep
Video: Essential Oils for Sleep


Sleep problems are problems for many people. Various irritants, such as the location of the house on the main road or restless pets at night, all make the desire to fall asleep a struggle that is almost impossible. Essential oils have been praised for generations for their sleep-inducing abilities. Essential oils can be used to help induce sleep in several ways. This can be a preparation of a bath with oils, or even as a topical treatment, that is, application directly to the skin.

The first thing you need to know about essential oils is that only a few are needed. Even a couple of drops are enough to fill a large living room with a rich aroma. It is only allowed to use a maximum of 4 drops with each therapy, as too strong an aroma can have the exact opposite effect on the goal you are trying to achieve.


Method 1 of 4: Preparing the Bath

  1. 1 Create a dim light in your bathroom or use unscented candles as lighting, eliminating the need for harsh artificial light. You could also play soothing music; soft sounds can be extremely effective in preparing the body for a good night's rest.
  2. 2 Choose a scent that is not overly overpowering. Oils can have very different effects on each person, so finding a spectrum of smells that meets your expectations is a very important step. See below for a list of popular sleeping pills.
  3. 3 Instead of taking a hot bath, which is actually stimulating, try taking a warm bath. While the tub is filling, add 2-3 drops of your chosen oil to the water, right under the running water. This will help spread the oil.
  4. 4 Enjoy 5-10 minutes and then wash off with unscented creams and gels. Do not mix two different fragrances for essential oils and cosmetics.
  5. 5 Once you're done, pat dry with a dry towel and apply unscented talcum powder. Talcum powder helps keep you fresh throughout the night and is also a good temperature regulator to prevent overheating during sleep.

Method 2 of 4: Topical Treatment

  1. 1 Before bed, apply 1-2 drops of the same essential oil to either your temples or your wrists. We use these places on our body because there is high circulation, therefore, a stable and high temperature. The light heat of essential oils helps to disperse the fragrance, resulting in a faster effect.
  2. 2 Alternatively, you can try adding a few drops of your chosen oil to a piece of cotton wool and placing it under your pillow or wrapping it with tape around your palm.

Method 3 of 4: Awakening

  1. 1 Now, after a peaceful night's sleep, you must focus on waking up, and again, our good friends, essential oils come to the rescue.
  2. 2 It is no longer necessary to take another bath or even apply more oil to the skin. All you have to do is inhale peppermint oil or your favorite citrus oil and you will be revitalized and refreshed.

Method 4 of 4: Where to Buy

  1. 1 If you have never used essential oils before, it is advisable to try before you buy. Try shops like Holland & Barrett, or go to your local pharmacy or supermarket and sniff different oils to make sure they suit your taste. Let's be honest: while lavender oil is effective for falling asleep, if you don't like lavender, it won't do much good!
  2. 2 If you've already found your favorite oil, you can get it from the pharmacy, or better yet, online for a low price.
  3. 3 Always be sure to buy a pure essential oil, not a blend or room scent. If it is a natural oil without additives, it will last for a long time and the effect will be more powerful.


  • Good Oils That Promote Healthy Sleep:
    • Lavender (most well known oil for sleep problems; sedative and sedative)
    • Chamomile (sedative and sedative)
    • Jasmine (has sedative, antidepressant, and sedative properties)
    • Benzoin (has sedative and relaxing properties)
  • If your sleep problems are caused by stress or anxiety, the following essential oils can help calm, relax, and relieve stress, thereby helping you sleep better:
    • Neroli
    • the Rose
    • Sandalwood
    • Sweet marjoram
    • Ylang-ylang
  • Always be careful when applying essential oils to your skin, you may need to thin it a little first.


  • Find out before using any essential oils that you are not allergic to any of the active ingredients.