How to treat bruised ribs

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 22 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
How to Take Care of Bruised Ribs
Video: How to Take Care of Bruised Ribs


Pain when coughing, sneezing, breathing deeply, bending over or bending the torso may indicate a bruised rib. If there is no fracture, the pain can be healed on its own. If it becomes unbearable, seek medical attention. Ice, over-the-counter pain relievers, compress, and rest will speed up the healing of your ribs.

Attention:the information in this article is for informational purposes only. Please consult your doctor before using any method.


Method 1 of 3: Immediate Pain Relief

  1. 1 Apply a cold compress to the injured area periodically for the first 48 hours after the injury. The cold will help relieve pain and reduce swelling by speeding up the healing of bruised tissue. Apply a cold compress for the first 48 hours after injury and refrain from using a heating pad.
    • Find a bag of frozen vegetables (such as peas or corn), or fill a ziplock bag with ice shavings. Wrap the ice pack with a towel or T-shirt and place it over your ribs.
  2. 2 Take pain relievers as directed by your doctor. If you feel pain every time you breathe in, pain relievers can help you fix it. Take an over-the-counter pain reliever, such as acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin), naproxen (Nalgezin), or paracetamol, following the directions for use. Be sure to talk with your doctor about the need for pain relievers. Do not take ibuprofen in the first 48 hours after injury to avoid interfering with the healing process.
    • Do not take acetylsalicylic acid if you are under 19 years of age because you are still at risk for Reye's syndrome (acute liver failure and encephalopathy, "white liver disease").
    • While your ribs are hurting, over-the-counter medications can be taken throughout the recovery period. Most importantly, strictly follow the instructions for use or doctor's advice.
  3. 3 Apply a warm compress after 48 hours. After a few days, the warmth will help the bruise heal and relieve pain. Apply a warm, damp compress (such as a wet rag) to the bruise or take a warm bath.
  4. 4 Do not wrap your ribs. In the past, for bruised ribs, doctors recommended wrapping an elastic bandage around the chest. However, that has now changed, as restricted breathing can lead to complications such as pneumonia. So do not wrap elastic bandages around your ribs.

Method 2 of 3: Recovering from a bruised rib

  1. 1 Rest as much as possible. Try not to overexert yourself, especially if breathing hurts. Rest is the best medicine for a quick recovery. Read books, watch movies - allow yourself to relax until your ribs heal.
    • Take a few days off from work, especially if it involves physical activity or long periods of being on the move.
    • Do not push, pull or lift heavy objects. Do not exercise, exercise, or engage in physical activity until your doctor tells you to.
  2. 2 Control your breathing. If your ribs are bruised, it will hurt to breathe.To avoid complications such as bronchitis, it is very important to breathe normally and cough up if necessary. If you feel like coughing, place a pillow over your ribs to keep movement and pain to a minimum.
    • Take deep breaths. Take one deep breath every few minutes, then exhale slowly. If the ribs are so damaged that it is out of the question, try to take one deep breath every hour.
    • Do breathing exercises. When you feel better, start taking slow breaths for three seconds, hold your breath for three seconds, and then exhale for three seconds. Breathe in this way for a few minutes, repeating this exercise 1-2 times a day.
    • Do not smoke. During the recovery period, lung irritants make the body more susceptible to infections. Take this opportunity to quit smoking.
  3. 3 Sleep while sitting. Lying down and turning from one side to the other can make the pain worse. For the first few nights, try to sleep seated, such as in a reclining chair, to reduce discomfort. This position will also restrict your movements at night and prevent you from lying on your stomach, which will reduce pain.
    • Try to lie on the injured side. It may sound counterintuitive, but it will actually make your breathing easier.

Method 3 of 3: Medical Assistance

  1. 1 Get immediate medical attention at the first sign of shortness of breath or chest pain. Shortness of breath may indicate a more serious problem than bruised ribs. If you suddenly experience chest pain, find it difficult to breathe, or are coughing up blood, call an ambulance immediately on 103 (from your mobile) or 03 (from your landline).
    • Note the floating rib fracture. The chest becomes pathologically mobile when three or more ribs are fractured and can significantly impede breathing. Seek medical attention if you suspect that you may have multiple broken ribs and are physically unable to take a deep breath.
  2. 2 See your doctor for the slightest suspicion of broken ribs. A bruised or cracked rib is considered damaged, but it remains in the chest. However, a broken rib is dangerous because it moves from its normal position and can pierce a blood vessel, lung, or other organ. Seek medical attention and do not try to heal yourself if you think your ribs are not bruised, but broken.
    • Run your hand gently over your chest. Try to feel for the swollen area near the cracked or bruised rib. Get immediate medical attention if you think you have a broken rib.
  3. 3 Make an appointment with your doctor if you have persistent severe pain. There can be several causes of chest pain, and some of them are life-threatening. An accurate diagnosis will make sure that the treatment is correct. If a fracture is suspected, your doctor may order you to have a chest x-ray, CT scan, MRI, or bone scan. However, cartilage damage or bruises will not be detected during these examinations. Seek medical attention if:
    • feel a growing pain in your abdomen or shoulder;
    • you will have a cough or fever.


  • Use your abdominal muscles as little as possible and sleep on your back to help relieve pain in your ribs and shoulders.
  • Beware of complications during the recovery period, such as bronchitis.
  • Try to maintain good posture. Compensating for rib pain can lead to back pain.
  • Take a bath with medicinal salts, eucalyptus oil, baking soda, or add each ingredient to the water.
  • Don't forget to check back with your doctor a week or two after your injury.


  • Call an ambulance if you have difficulty breathing, feel pressure or pain in the center of your chest, or pain that spreads to your shoulder or arm.These could be symptoms of a heart attack.
  • This article does not replace the need to see a doctor.
  • Do not try to heal a fractured rib yourself. Get immediate medical attention if you experience symptoms of a fracture.