How to eat and lose weight

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 6 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Eat Pizza and Chocolate and Still Lose Weight | This Morning
Video: How To Eat Pizza and Chocolate and Still Lose Weight | This Morning


Did you know that you can eat a lot and still lose weight? Sounds too good to be true, doesn't it? There are several ways to do this.


  1. 1 Consume more fresh food! Choose fresh, nutrient-rich, “healthy, low-fat” foods over unhealthy foods.Unhealthy foods can range from burgers to cookies you always buy! Adding lots of vegetables and fruits to your diet will help you feel fuller longer than with processed foods, so you won't even feel the need to overeat. Also, drinking broth, Haitian soup made with filtered water, will help you feel full.
  2. 2 Exercise every day! This is probably the hardest step. But you can start slowly but gradually increase the amount of exercise. For example, today you will walk for 10 minutes, repeat this throughout the week. Double the load next week. This way you can climb the mountain! The most important thing is to speed up your heart rate and start now!
  3. 3 Feed your temptations once and for all. Go and eat a donut or a slice of pizza, but before that, drink 8 glasses of water and eat a bowl of raw vegetables such as cucumbers, celery, carrots, and tomatoes. They will fill your stomach and leave very little room for "unhealthy" food.
  4. 4 Buy foods that are calorie-free. There are two things we eat and drink, and they are calorie-free: water and fiber. The more of these foods in your diet, the better for you. For example, you can eat a pound of green salad with fresh vegetables (carrots, red cabbage, celery, broccoli, onions, etc.) with a low-calorie or no-calorie salad dressing and only absorb 100-150 calories. This is due to the high water and fiber content of the salad and the low calorie dressing. Also consume plenty of celery. It only has 8 calories, but surprisingly more calories are consumed to digest it. Thus, you BURN calories when you consume celery! That's about 2 calories per stem, but it certainly won't hurt.
    • Avoid carbonated drinks whenever possible. Drink flavored water or unsweetened iced tea instead. Caffeine, found in low-calorie drinks like black coffee or unsweetened tea, speeds up your metabolism and causes your body to burn calories. Too much caffeine is bad for your health, so be smart about your caffeine intake.
  5. 5 Consume foods that burn fat for you. By choosing your foods carefully, you can lose pounds without feeling hungry. There are many foods that have been proven to help you lose weight, such as chili, green tea, berries, and whole grains. These foods will help you shed pounds by avoiding insulin spikes and maintaining your metabolic rate.
  6. 6 Consume broth soups. They are usually low in calories. Available ready-to-eat soups average just 80 calories per serving, far less than diet milkshakes and nutritional bars.
  7. 7 Practice good eating habits. Always use utensils and sit down at the table. If you eat on your feet, you will consume more food. Remember to eat slowly and "stop" when you are full. As in the previous step, if you can't stop, drink! Perhaps your body is thirsty and not hungry! You can also do other things (besides "food"). For example, go shopping, play badminton with a friend, or play a fun computer game!
  8. 8 Drink plenty of water. Sometimes we confuse thirst with hunger, which means we eat when we don't need to. By maintaining a balance of water in your body, you will feel less hungry, you will have clear skin and shiny hair.
  9. 9 Fractional food! Eat small meals more often, instead of three large meals. If you eat 100-150 calories every two hours, then your body will work in a mode of increased metabolism. This will allow you to burn more calories than eating 3 times a day.
  10. 10 Write down what you eat! This is a very simple and very powerful exercise to help you keep track of whether you are following your dietary plan. We often don't count the snacks we take between meals, and in fact we think our diet is failing. But the truth is, we do a lot of things without thinking. Research shows that if you eat breakfast, you tend to consume fewer calories throughout the rest of the day. If you don't write it down, it will seem like you are doing everything right, even though you are not following your dietary plan.
  11. 11 Make vegetables a major part of your diet! If vegetables are not a major part of your diet, then it's time to revisit it. Research shows that vegetables play a very important role in weight loss. This is due to the fact that vegetables are high in water and fiber and low in calories.


  • If you are in a restaurant that is known for especially large portions, then share your portion with a friend.
  • Choose chicken or fish over red meat and boiled potatoes or rice over fries. Choose food that is steamed, grilled, boiled, or baked instead of fried. Avoid foods that are labeled “breaded,” “crispy,” or “in batter,” which are the code words for “fried” foods.
  • Encourage your friend to follow your diet as well. Sometimes, when you are on a diet alone, you can break it because it is only you. But if you stick to the diet with a friend, you will have a partner who will hold you back.
  • Walk 15 minutes every day and you will lose weight very quickly.
  • Salt is not good for you. Don't eat salt. Only when needed. Also drink plenty of water.
  • Junk food is food that is high in calories but lacks nutritional value. These calories are called "empty calories".
  • Avoid consuming cold drinks with hot food, as this builds up bad fat. If you drink green tea or hot water, it will "wash away" the fats, preventing them from accumulating in your body.
  • Avoid fatty foods. Consume lean proteins.
  • Exercise is not only for weight loss, but also for your health.
  • Don't skip meals, especially breakfast. If you skip meals, next time your body will store more fat, which will lead to weight gain.


  • Limit the following:
    • Sodas: Sodas are high in calories, sugar, and other chemicals.
    • Large amounts of bread / butter: A slice of bread and butter contains approximately 170 calories (100 calories for a medium slice of bread and 70 calories for 10 grams of butter).
    • Large portions: you end up eating a lot less and, as a bonus, save money!
    • Dressing: Salad dressing is the main source of calories. Use vinegar or hummus as a low-calorie dressing.
  • You must exercise and eat better, otherwise you will not notice any improvement, even worse, you can gain weight.
  • If you need to lose more than 10% of your body weight, then consult your doctor before starting weight loss.