How to control pressure

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 10 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Lower Blood Pressure Naturally, How To Reduce Blood Pressure Naturally
Video: How To Lower Blood Pressure Naturally, How To Reduce Blood Pressure Naturally


The need for time, energy, and money grows year after year, and you probably react to this with anxiety. You may feel stressed at work, in the family, trying to be a good family member, or providing for someone. However, stress and anxiety become dangerous to your health, which is why it is so important to learn how to deal with the stress and move on.


Part 1 of 2: Responding to stressful situations

  1. 1 Understand exactly when you are stressed. Fussing, rapid breathing, dizziness, and mood swings are some of the signs that stress is affecting you physically and mentally. Then try to figure out the origin of the stress. Most likely, this will not be difficult to do.
  2. 2 Take a few deep breaths. If you can, breathe calmly for 2 minutes. If you can't, inhale 5 times for 10 seconds.
  3. 3 Ask yourself a question: whether you can control the situation. If not, then go back to what you can control. Once you have chosen something that you can control, you can try to eliminate the tension.
  4. 4 Don't react aggressively. Experts on tense negotiations believe that it rarely gets what you want. Instead, be rational and present an argument that doesn't provoke anyone.
    • People often refuse to accept even lucrative offers if the person reacts unkindly, with anger or aggression.
    • You are more likely to achieve what you want if you take a few breaths and do not show strong emotions.
  5. 5 Act as a team. If someone else is under the same stress as you, separate your responsibilities so that it’s easier for you to cope together. Moral support will reduce the strain on your shoulders.
  6. 6 Make what you can control a priority. Make a list and break it down into steps. Then the stressful situation will be easier to cope with.
  7. 7 Try mantras. Repeat something like “Calm down and carry on”, “This will pass,” “Do it,” or “I accept what I cannot change.”You can install an application that will change these mantras on your desktop, or listen to a song with your favorite mantra like “HakunaMatata” or “Every little thing is gonna be alright.”

Part 2 of 2: Reducing Constant Pressure

  1. 1 Add breaks to your schedule. Set a timer on your phone so you can rest for 10 minutes every hour. It is especially important to take a break for lunch and leave on time at the end of the working day - as with a lot of stress, your body needs a break to recover from emotional and physical stress.
  2. 2 Sleep more. More precisely, sleep more for half an hour or an hour during a time when you are experiencing strong stress. Write down everything you need to do before you go to bed so that it doesn't distract you from your sleep.
  3. 3 Take at least 30 minutes a day to exercise. Exercise lowers blood pressure, helps manage stress, and regulates hormones like serotonin, which can help you think positively.
  4. 4 Do not overuse caffeine and alcohol. Caffeine can help you focus, but it can overwhelm you. Alcohol in small doses reduces anxiety, but increases stress after just a few drinks.
  5. 5 Try to be competent, but not perfectionism. No one is perfect and those who are constantly trying to achieve perfection are more upset when they do not achieve it. Do whatever you can and move on.
  6. 6 Accept your mistakes. Try to put up with the best when things don't go the way you intended. Learning from mistakes distinguishes people who experience stress from those who learn from stress.
    • Thinking about how to react to stress after it happens will reduce the likelihood that you will suffer from stress and tension again.
    • Don't let mistakes destroy your self-esteem. Everyone makes mistakes.

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