How to avoid the most common mistakes men make on dating sites

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 16 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
5 Biggest Mistakes Men Make on Dating Apps & Dating Sites
Video: 5 Biggest Mistakes Men Make on Dating Apps & Dating Sites


Attention:this article is intended for people over 18 years of age. If you are unlucky with online dating and are a man, you are likely to make the same mistakes over and over. Today women are attacked every day by men on dating sites, and they have learned to filter out perverts, weirdos and just boring guys. Avoid these mistakes and increase your chances of finding a partner online!


Method 1 of 3: How to Create a Good Profile

  1. 1 Remember that when you create a profile, the smaller the better. You need to stand out and be remembered without telling too much about yourself. Keep your story short, cocky, playful, and positive. Include enough personal details to create a quick connection, but not so much that there is no room for a puzzle.
  2. 2 Upload from 2 to 5 good but true photos. Resist the urge to add old photos in which you had 30 percent more hair and 20 percent less pounds. You must smile in at least one photo; unless you ever smile in real life, 2-5 photos without a smile will give the impression of a gloomy and gloomy person. Even if you have great abs, don't expose the top in your photos. Another bad idea is not to unbutton your shirt and pants to showcase your "character", abs or designer lingerie. Even if you look great in a photo with your ex, don't upload a cropped photo of a phantom hand with a manicure on your shoulder. Very useful if you have a photographer friend or professional who can take some beautiful photos.
  3. 3 Don't lose touch with reality. Some readers will verify your profile on review sites. And every second member of the site will avoid a second date if you are not the man you introduce yourself to.

Method 2 of 3: Content messages

  1. 1 When texting a potential couple, say something friendly and meaningful about their profile. Women on dating sites receive dozens of messages a week from men that say nothing but "Hello, how are you? Would you like to meet?" it gives the impression that many men are lazy about sending the same message to as many women as possible, hoping to get a response from at least one of them, and trying to sound cool and casual. This strategy has the opposite effect. You should sound like you are interested in her, not like you desperately want to date anyone.
  2. 2 Check your spelling and grammar. It won't take long, and most people say that illiteracy is repulsive instantly.
  3. 3 If she responds with questions about you, take the time to answer them. Be friendly.

Method 3 of 3: Meeting a New Partner

  1. 1 After you meet, offer to meet for coffee and chat to determine if you like each other. Forget about messing around for months and solving all the questions in letters. The longer you put off a meeting, the less likely it will be. Ask for a coffee meeting within the first two weeks of the correspondence. This will save you tons of time and energy and keep you from frustration. If the second person does not agree to the meeting, then move on and do not worry about it. There are many options.
  2. 2 Choose a place and time if you are inviting. People tend to respect decisive partners. So choose / suggest a cafe, time and date. If the person cannot meet at your appointed time, reschedule it. The person will get the impression that you are not timid and can make decisions comfortably. That's fine, but you don't have to look assertive, demanding, or adamant; find a comfortable middle ground. If she suggests a time or place that is more convenient for her, try to adjust as much as possible.
  3. 3 Keep your expectations low before your date. Staying calm can help you stay in line during your date without complicating things with high expectations, and you can avoid disappointment that way. Your goal is to have fun and find out if there is potential chemistry between you, and not get down to serious topics and find out as soon as possible if you have found your soul mate.
  4. 4 Ask enough questions to keep the conversation going, but don't ask long series of unrelated personal questions like you're interviewing. Talk about yourself so she can get to know you better, but don't brag about your accomplishments or burden her with your problems.
  5. 5 Relax during your date. Don't mention past partners or that you haven't been in a relationship for a while. Just have some fun and enjoy your time together.


  • Treat online dating the same way you would when shopping online. Often there is more than one item in stock. Feel free to go through all the options. Many of them have regular men with whom they communicate.
  • When filling out your profile, avoid the most common cliches: "I'm looking for my soul mate." (What does this mean?) "I'm looking for a best friend" (Don't you have friends yet?) "If you want to know more about me, write me a message" (Yes, of course). "I don't play games" (If that's the case, you wouldn't be talking about it!)
  • When describing your interests, remember that hockey, darts, billiards, racing and hunting are mostly male hobbies. List them, but think again before fantasizing about how many women would love to do this with you on a date. List some interests that women will be attracted to.
  • Go on a date on a weekday. This will make her think you have a life and are busy at the weekend.
  • Be realistic about who you are writing to and expect low response rates. Remember, there are five men for every woman on the site.
  • If you are talking to several people at the same time, keep a folder for each person. Make sure you jot down details, like your favorite food or color, so that you can mention them later in the conversation.
  • Online dating is suitable for someone, but not for everyone. There are other ways to find a match.
  • Avoiding popular mistakes will save you a lot of time, money, energy. This will save you from frustration before you find exactly the woman you are looking for and deserve.


  • It's not just women who need to be careful with online dating. Men must also beware of dangerous people.
  • If a dating site has a message board, don't complain about the lack of results. Don't start an argument about how men underestimate good guys like you. This has been done hundreds of times before, and you will only look like a jerk.
    • Don't associate your emotional well-being with the keyboard and monitor. Keep busy. What makes a man desirable is how he spends his time. Do you sit on the couch all the time and spend time at the keyboard, or do you lead a stimulating, interesting, active and healthy lifestyle?
  • Do not get carried away with the choice of a partner so much that you forget that there are people around with real feelings, hopes, dreams, thoughts, opinions and points of view. At the very least, you will enjoy coffee with interesting people that you would not otherwise meet. If you have reached the stage where meeting new people does not bring you pleasure - if you feel that communicating with members of the opposite sex is a waste of time, unless you feel "chemistry,"; if you find yourself complaining about the lack of "quality" people - it is wise to take a break from dating.
  • Be wary of the profiles of people from other countries. It's tempting to connect with someone who lives far away from you, but it can also turn out to be a waste of your time, energy, and focus. If you are not ready or willing to start a long-distance relationship (which, if successful, will cause one of you to change your place of residence), then focus only on people from your area. Most of the scammers will not be from your city (and even if so, they will never meet with you) and over time they will start asking you for money (usually, for a plane ticket, as well as for solving family problems, etc.)
  • There is a difference between decisiveness and assertiveness. Don't force someone to do something that makes them uncomfortable. There is no better way to minimize your chances.
  • Don't sacrifice what's really important to you.If your goal is to get married and you feel like you can only marry a Catholic, don't date an attractive Protestant "just like that" until the right Catholic appears on the horizon. Nobody wants to be a "temporary substitute".
  • Remember, it's easy to hide your "madness" online. It is easy to avoid an illiterate bully or an infantile prankster on the net. You just delete them. You must beware of non-stupid people. It is worth being afraid of those who are smart enough to tell you everything that you want to hear and become for you. The Most Interesting Man / Woman in the World. "Remember that Ted Bundy had an excellent education and was an amazing conversationalist. And it all happened in real communication. So don't be confused by the rich vocabulary and quotations from classical literature. Especially offline, where anyone can use the dictionary and instant access to the Wiki-everything.

It's also easy to hide your shy, introverted personality online. Those who appear perky, flamboyant, and witty in writing have problems with spontaneous, unprepared conversations, where if they spoke the way they write, they would sound pompous and artificial. Many highly intelligent people, however, naturally speak in a pompous manner, as if they had rehearsed the conversation beforehand. They tend to speak slowly, choosing their words carefully. Online, everyone has plenty of time to come up with a catchy expression or a witty answer. ' This is not at all the case in real conversations, where the conversation should flow smoothly and not seem to be scripted.

What do you need

  • Computer or access to it.
  • At least two clear, new photos of you (and only yours) in a shirt and trousers, with a pleasant expression on your face.
  • A unique, short description of yourself.
  • Spell checker.
  • Cash for coffee.
  • List of your interests and goals.
  • Realistic list of qualities that should possess a partner.
  • A healthy attitude towards yourself and the opposite sex.
  • Patience!