How to get rid of blackheads

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 26 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Get Rid of Blackheads | Dear Derm | Well+Good
Video: How To Get Rid of Blackheads | Dear Derm | Well+Good


At some point in their lives, most people experience discomfort from acne caused by hormonal changes in the body during adolescence or stress. Contrary to popular belief, the appearance of acne is not always a sign of skin pollution. In fact, over-cleansing leads to more skin irritation. However, not everything is so hopeless - this problem can be eliminated using simple techniques. Here's how to get glowing, healthy skin and get rid of blackheads.


Method 1 of 3: Getting Rid of Blackheads at Home

  1. 1 Wash your face twice a day with a benzoyl peroxide cleanser. Such remedies are most effective in treating acne. Benzoyl peroxide is found in many cleansing products. Wash your face with this product on waking and before bed.
    • If possible, purchase a product with exfoliating particles to make your skin smoother.
    • If you have acne on other areas of your body, such as your shoulders, back, or chest, cleanse your skin with the same facial product, also twice a day.
    • Never go to bed without washing off your makeup. This is a surefire way to increase the number of blackheads and make it harder to remove them. Use a non-fat make-up remover along with cleanser to completely cleanse your face before bed.
  2. 2 Apply a salicylic acid toner. After cleansing your face, pat your skin dry with a clean towel. Apply some tonic to a cotton pad and spread evenly over your face. The toner helps the skin rebuild after cleansing, and the salicylic acid helps fight acne.
    • Tonics are available in the form of napkins, pads and sprays.
  3. 3 For topical treatments, use a benzoyl peroxide gel. This gel can be purchased at pharmacies or health and beauty stores. Apply spot on acne and blot with a clean finger. Look for products containing 3% benzoyl peroxide to avoid skin irritation.
  4. 4 Use a non-comedogenic moisturizer after acne treatment. Acne products often cause dryness and irritation. A moisturizer will help restore moisture levels in your skin. Apply it after healing and cleansing procedures. Remember, it must be non-comedogenic - not clogging pores and therefore not causing acne.
    • Typically, these products include glycerin, aloe vera, and hyaluronic acid.
  5. 5 Use the Oil Cleansing Method (OCM). This is a fairly popular facial cleansing method in Asia. OCM is a gentle way to cleanse the face and is especially suitable for people with sensitive skin.
    • Oils such as olive oil, egg oil, castor oil, grape seed oil, or emu oil work well.
  6. 6 Exfoliate your face. Exfoliate with mild scrubs to remove the top stratum corneum, which is a breeding ground for acne breakouts. Peeling can be chemical or mechanical.
    • For a gentle exfoliation, use the chemical exfoliants AHA (alpha hydroxy acids, fruit acids) or BHA (beta hydroxy acids). They exfoliate the skin well at a pH of 3 to 4.
    • BHA cosmetics contain salicylic acid and have a pH level of 3 to 4. They help to get rid of dead skin cells and stimulate the growth of new ones. As a result, you may experience dry skin and peeling in the acne area. As the skin regenerates, these phenomena will disappear. Mix the product with a facial cleanser, or apply only to acne-prone skin areas.
    • Acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin), which also contains salicylic acid, can be ground, mixed with water, and applied directly to acne.
    • Apply a small amount of honey to pimples and leave it on for 30 minutes. Rinse off with warm water. The pH of honey can be from 3 to 6, but if the pH is from 3 to 4, it means there is AHA acid in it, which exfoliates the skin.
    • For mechanical exfoliation, use a Konnyaku sponge. It is soft enough for exfoliating facial skin.
    • Use oatmeal for mechanical exfoliation. Mix it with honey and rub gently into your face for 2-3 minutes, then gently wash off with warm water.
  7. 7 Use essential oils for active acne. Neem oil and tea tree oil have antibacterial properties that help kill the bacteria that cause acne. Apply a drop of diluted tea tree oil or neem oil to blackheads, or soak a cotton pad with one of these oils and wipe the problem areas with it.
    • Tea tree oil is a powerful antibacterial agent that can help cleanse impure skin. Do not apply undiluted to your face, it may burn your skin. Read the instructions before use.
  8. 8 Use a sulfur-rich face clay. There is no exact data on why sulfur can clear the face of acne, but it is known for sure that it is very effective. This is probably because it helps reduce sebum production.
  9. 9 After cleansing, apply a toner to your face. After you wash your face, carry out exfoliating procedures and apply the mask, you should wipe your face with a tonic. The toner will help close your pores so dirt and dust don't get trapped in them. Buy a special acne toner from your local drugstore. You can also wipe your face with a cotton pad dipped in witch hazel or apple cider vinegar. No need to rinse your face after tonic
  10. 10 Always apply a moisturizer. Oily skin contributes to the formation of blackheads. To prevent this, apply a moisturizer after cleansing your face in the morning and evening. Moisturize your face after applying the toner.
  11. 11 Use retinoids. In many countries (including Russia and the CIS countries), such funds can only be purchased with a doctor's prescription, so be careful and read the instructions before using. These are skin cleansers that are high in vitamin A. They help unclog clogged pores and remove dirt. A prescription for such a remedy can be obtained from a dermatologist.
  12. 12 Find foods that contain azelaic acid. Azelaic acid is an antibacterial agent that helps reduce redness and inflammation. It is found in wheat and barley.Use azelaic acid to unclog pores and reduce blackheads.
  13. 13 Use face masks. Face masks contain ingredients that soothe the skin and kill bacteria. Use face masks 2-3 times a week to unclog pores. You can buy face masks or make your own at home ..
    • Make a cucumber and oatmeal mixture. Cucumber will help reduce skin redness, while oatmeal will soften and smooth irritated skin. Grind both ingredients in a blender to make a gruel and apply to your face. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes, then rinse.

Method 2 of 3: Get Rid of Acne with a Dermatologist or Spa

  1. 1 Use prescription drugs. A dermatologist may prescribe medications for you if you have severe acne. Like all medicines, they can also have unwanted side effects, so be careful when using them.
    • Oral medications can help kill the bacteria that are causing the rash. Topical antibiotics can also be used.
    • Take birth control pills (if you are a woman). Some oral contraceptives containing estrogen can help balance hormones and get rid of acne. Be sure to consult with a dermatologist beforehand.
    • In some particularly difficult cases, the drug "Roaccutane" is prescribed. It is an oral medication that must be used over several months. It helps to significantly reduce the number of acne breakouts. At the same time, the drug has serious side effects and should be taken under close medical supervision.
  2. 2 Sign up for facials. These are available in most beauty salons and include the use of various cleansers, masks to remove blackheads and pimples. If you are uncomfortable giving your face to the care of a salon beautician, then make an appointment with a dermatologist who will provide more qualified assistance.
  3. 3 Go for a facial exfoliation. This is a special gel that contains acids that exfoliate the dead skin of the face. Regular application of exfoliation along with daily cleansing procedures will reduce the likelihood of acne breakouts.
  4. 4 Try microdermabrasion. Microdermabrasion is an effective, at the same time safe method of mechanical peeling of the face. The application of this procedure once a week for several months is the most effective way to combat skin problems, since it is aimed at removing only the top layer of the skin.
  5. 5 Try laser therapy. Many dermatologists offer laser acne treatments to kill overactive fat-producing subcutaneous glands. This process can be painful, but it has been shown to reduce acne by 50%.
  6. 6 Try phototherapy. Phototherapy (or phototherapy) is a method of exposing the skin to a directed beam of high-density light flux. Unlike laser therapy, phototherapy is painless. Please consult your healthcare professional before deciding on this procedure.

Method 3 of 3: Changing Your Lifestyle

  1. 1 Regularly exercise. Exercise can help reduce the risk of acne breakouts. During vigorous exercise, the body produces the hormone endorphin, which reduces stress levels and, as a result, sebum production. In addition, sweat is actively released during sports, which also allows you to get rid of dead skin cells. Try to exercise every day for at least thirty minutes to reduce acne not only on your face, but also on your chest, shoulders, and back.
  2. 2 Don't touch your face. This can be difficult at times, but it is necessary. Do not squeeze pimples, touch your face with your hands or scratch it. In an attempt to squeeze out acne, there is a high risk of infecting and exacerbating the state of affairs.
  3. 3 Shower twice a day. Do this in the morning and evening. Alternatively: in the morning and after physical activity, whether it be workout or work. Cleanse your body with soft shower gels. Shampoo your hair to reduce the production of scalp sebum. Always shower after exercise to remove dead skin after you sweat profusely.
    • You may be worried about paying for water receipts, but frequent showering can reduce sebum production, kill bacteria, and help remove dead skin.
  4. 4 Eat right. Foods that are highly processed and high in fat can increase the likelihood of acne on your body. Whole grains, fruits, vegetables and protein contain many nutrients, which works well for your skin. Avoid high sugar foods whenever possible.
    • Sugar can make acne worse. So avoid foods high in it, such as baked goods, candy, dairy desserts (like ice cream), and sodas.

    Kimberly tan

    Licensed beautician Kimberly Tan is the founder and CEO of Skin Salvation, an acne clinic in San Francisco. She has over 15 years of experience as a licensed cosmetologist and is a specialist in the traditional, holistic and medical ideology of skin care. She worked under the supervision of Laura Cooksey of the Face Reality Acne Clinic and personally studied with Dr. James E. Fulton, one of the creators of trentinoin and a pioneer in acne research. Her business combines skin care, effective product use, and holistic health and sustainability education.

    Kimberly tan
    Licensed cosmetologist

    If the acne is not permanent, it may be a matter of nutrition. Kimberly Tan, an adult acne specialist, says: “Depending on your sensitivity, nutrition can be a problem. Most often, the rash occurs due to dairy products, soy and coffee. Sometimes the cause of acne is sugar or nightshade. Sugar is especially dangerous in large quantities. And if you have intestinal candidiasis, even a little sugar can cause a lot of skin problems. "

  5. 5 Sleep at least 8 hours. So you will kill two birds with one stone: you will help to relax the body and get rid of toxins. With a lack of sleep, the process of cell regeneration is disrupted. Go to bed at the same time of day and sleep for at least 8 hours.
  6. 6 Drink plenty of water. You've probably heard that you need to drink about 8 glasses of water a day, but the amount of water you drink per day depends on the characteristics of your body. Water detoxifies your skin, so drink plenty of water throughout the day.
  7. 7 Relax. When stress levels are high, the amount of sebum produced increases. Take a bath, read books, do yoga and soon you will notice how all this will affect your skin.
  8. 8 Don't forget to wash. Wash regularly everything that comes into direct contact with the skin: towels, clothes, pillowcases, sheets. They should be washed at least once a week. For washing, use a mild detergent designed for sensitive skin.
  9. 9 Use oil-free cosmetics. If you apply makeup daily, you can clog your pores, thereby contributing to the appearance of new blackheads. Find fat-free cosmetics to combat acne, rather than just covering your acne with foundation. Sometimes you can apply professional foundation on your face. Avoid applying makeup whenever possible to avoid clogging your pores.
    • Clean your makeup brushes regularly.
  10. 10 If the rash is caused by cosmetics, hair spray, or creams, stop using them. If you start using the product and notice the appearance of acne after a couple of weeks, it may be because of its ingredients. Stop using it for a few weeks and see if your skin improves.
  11. 11 Apply sunscreen to your face every day. Ultraviolet radiation contributes to acne. Moreover, ultraviolet radiation can cause cancer. By protecting your skin from harmful UV rays, you will prevent acne redness and age spots.
    • Strong sunlight can lead to premature aging, age spots and wrinkles. An anti-aging sunscreen is a must for all ages to prevent future skin cancer. It is a powerful remedy for keeping skin youthful. Prevention is better than cure. There is no such thing as a safe tan.
    • Moreover, it is very important to use a cream with an SPF filter of at least 30. This cream provides sufficient protection against UV rays. The difference between SPF 40 and SPF 50 is not that great. SPF 100 sunscreens are banned in some countries.
    • For UVA protection, different manufacturers use different detection methods such as IPD, PPD or PA. It should be noted that different PA systems are used in different countries. When using a protective cream with PPD, it must be taken into account that the cream must be PPD20 and no less.
    • When you're in the sun for a long time, try to stick to the shade and wear a wide-brimmed hat and light-colored long-sleeved clothing. Wear sunglasses. You can open the umbrella. In Asia, they are considered a popular fashion accessory.
  12. 12 Avoid scrubs with apricot pits and plastic microbeads. They can harm the skin and cause micro-cuts.
    • Apricot pits are too hard for peeling the face and cause micro-cuts, and as a result, aging of the skin from ultraviolet rays.
    • The plastic microbeads found in scrubs are banned in many countries.


  • Don't use many acne removers at once. Otherwise, you will not be able to understand what exactly helped. Instead, use one remedy at a time, try different methods until you find one that works.
  • Be patient. It would seem that acne appeared overnight, but no remedy can get rid of them so quickly. Perseverance will bring results.
  • Find out as much as you can about the natural ingredients you can use to cleanse your skin. You may not want to apply toxins to your skin, so be careful when choosing products that are marketed as “natural” or “homemade”. Natural - not necessarily skin-friendly! Use only products that are dermatologically approved and safe for the skin.


  • If you are using salicylic acid to treat acne, then use sunscreen. This acne-fighting chemical makes the skin very sensitive to the sun's rays.
  • If you are pregnant (and pregnant women often have acne), consult a doctor before use any over-the-counter products.