Ways to make people like you

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 2 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
6 Psychological Tricks To Make People Like You IMMEDIATELY
Video: 6 Psychological Tricks To Make People Like You IMMEDIATELY


No one can please everyone, but sometimes you need to be more adorable in your social or professional life. You can do it. Use your social jutsu to make most people like you. It's easier to become a favorite as you become more interested in the lives and interests of others!


Method 1 of 3: Master adorable body language

  1. Smile. The easiest way for people to like you is to smile sincerely. People want to be with happy and happy people all the time, because that feeling can be contagious - they feel good around you. A smile is the first (and most obvious) sign that you are someone that everyone wants to be with. Smile, and you will attract people.
    • Remember that if you behave as though you are happy, you will feel happier. Don't force a fake smile - someone else will find out - however, if you're in a bad mood, sometimes pretending to be happy can fool your mind, and you will feel better. .

  2. Make eye contact at a level you feel comfortable with. You should do this naturally. Eye contact is one of the simplest ways to show someone that you are interested. While watching TV, you are looking at the television, right? So when you are talking to someone, you should do the same, right?
    • Too little eye contact may be considered vulgar. Where are you looking? What's distracting you? Why don't you feel the current conversation isn't interesting enough to focus on? If this is your problem, you need to recognize it. That's all you need to change!
    • Good eye contact much may make others uncomfortable. You may be mistaken for intimidating. If you find yourself having a problem with excessive eye contact, move a little from time to time. During the conversation, you can also look at the hands, the food, and the like - but just look away for a short while.

  3. Tilt your head towards the opposite person. Scientific research supports this action because tilting our head reveals our cervical artery, which shows we have good will.The inside of the brain signals that the person we are talking to is not a threat and we can approach them freely.
    • Tilt your head to avoid "stance". Take a more relaxed posture, feel friendly, and let others know you're focused on them - that's something everyone loves. So, next time you are hesitant about what position to stand, lean toward the opposite side. So that's fine.

  4. Raise your eyebrows a little. Perhaps this is one of those non-verbal cues that you don't even notice. So maybe you are already done! A familiar signal to show friendliness (and as always does not mean to intimidate) is to raise your brow slightly - just move your brow gently and quickly. Generally, you do this when approaching someone you see them from a distance.
    • Combine this gesture with a smile, and you'll have a basic strategy for being cute and sociable. However, raise your eyebrows as a way to initiate a conversation - it's not the way to go for random moments like tilting your head.
  5. Copy other people's postures. If you find yourself posing like someone else, you may have the same thoughts as them. Maybe you have done that to those around you often, but you don't realize it. Fortunately you can see this as an advantage! People like people who are similar to them, and it's an easy way to do it.
    • If you are talking to a person and they are in the same posture as you, you will often feel like they have the same thoughts as you - and from there you understand and connect with each other (an advantage). Use this when you speak, but don't draw attention - if other people notice you, your imitating them will look organized and unnatural.
  6. Do not claim that you are superior to others. You've probably read books that recommend posing square shoulders, lifting your chin, and always shaking hands. While these are certainly good and effective ideas, in some cases you probably don't want to be seen as strong. You should maintain signs of confidence, but there should be some signals that say "I-do-really-respect-you" to create a balance between the two.
    • No matter who you meet, you should make a little difference. If you meet someone and are about to shake their hand, walk toward them and bow slightly (like a bow). Tilt your head, hold an open position (don't always cross your arms across your chest and cross your legs), and lean toward one side or the other. Showing that you are comfortable and caring for the other person will signal the other person to like you, regardless of the intimacy level in the conversation.

Method 2 of 3: Make the other person like you

  1. Ask people about themselves. You should take care of others. Would the conversation be more interesting if one person was really interested in what you were saying? If you are having a conversation and hear yourself saying "I did this, I did it", you should stop. Please consult the other person. A dialogue requires contributions from both sides!
    • It's always better to say what you really think. People will notice it when you pretend to be humble. It doesn't work in the long run if you intentionally show interest in someone you really don't like just to attract love, so please become people who sincerely care about others! If a topic makes it difficult to pretend to be interested, take the conversation in a different direction.
  2. Help me. This might sound weird if you're not used to asking for help - it's a method called the "Benjamin Franklin Effect". Basically, you ask for help, someone else helps you, you thank them, and then surname prefer friend than. Perhaps you think a person is just doing nothing for someone they like, but that's not the case. So next time you need to borrow something, don't be afraid to ask for help!
    • The implication here is that everyone likes to be productive, and everyone likes to have someone indebted to them - rather than being indebted to others. They feel empowered and important to you, so they like you more. It's not always a good idea to ask others, though - asking for too much help can make you a nuisance.
  3. Talk about topics that other people are interested in. If you know their interests or passions, ask about it! Often the other person won't stop sharing and become friendly with you! They will continue to feel as if the two of you are having an enjoyable conversation as you patiently signal your approval and don't interrupt them. If you can remember something they just happened to mention, they'll be even more impressed.
    • Take the opportunity to say the other person's name. People love to hear their names. Writer Dale Carnegie once said that for many people their name is the sweetest sound in the language system. A name helps identify a person, helps them feel safer and happier. Include the person's name in the conversation if possible.
  4. Become sympathetic. Clear and reasonable, right? But strangely enough, even though people do understand this (to some extent), often they don't. We all care about me, me, and me And wait for the next turn to talk about me. To be more likable, consider the other person. You should focus on understanding them.
    • As long as you change the way you speak, it will work. Let's say someone is explaining their current problem to you. Your automatic response will be, "I know how you're feeling." Doesn't that sound completely harmless, right? However, you are just highlighting yourself and your abilities - moreover, other people might think, "No. You don't understand". Instead, you should choose a less cliché (so it makes more sense, even if it just helps you after all) like, "So you're feeling X, X, and X" . Just repeat what others are saying, and you will make them feel cared and comfortable.
  5. Praise them. This is the way it always seems to be correct. However, complimenting others can sometimes be awkward (many people don't know how to accept praise!), And as if you were not well motivated (in a relationship, for example). First of all, don't think too much about yourself. Everyone likes to be commended. Then at least give a sincere and well-timed compliment!
    • Make sure your compliment is meaningful and relevant. If someone has clearly been through a difficult night and is still getting dirty from the abandoned public toilet floor, don't tell how beautiful they look. You should give sincere compliments to get others to respect and take seriously.
    • Let's say you tell a guy you like his tie. That compliment is good too, but how should he respond? "Thank you. This tie is made by children in a remote factory and I have nothing to do with it?" Agree that he probably won't answer suchBut you get it anyway. Compliment the Powerpoint presentation, the humor, something that makes sense to him, or something he really did. He will appreciate that recognition.
  6. Show shyness. When we reach around 5 and a half, we begin to realize that society is always watching us 24/7, and some actions will be considered wrong and monitored. Because humans cannot tolerate surveillance, we avoid it as a nuisance. Unfortunately embarrassing situations still happen with allSo when we see things happening to others, we feel their pain. And what about that person? We will like them better.
    • Assuming you see someone wearing loose pants, you will have an automatic response both side. The person in slack pants himself will probably laugh (hopefully), blush, and joke, shake his head, cover his face with his hand, or try to continue the day with his own dignity.What did they do? They show you they're human. They are ashamed and admit by the way they behave. That is so cute. They are real.
      • Suppose a similar situation occurs, but with another person. This time they kept a stiff expression, pulled up their pants, nodded quickly, and continued walking. Perhaps not graceful. Their manners do not admit an embarrassing situation and therefore have nothing to relate to, to sympathize with, or to feel cute. Perhaps you will find them not lovable at all.
  7. Touch someone else. The truth is, if you want to feel a connection to someone, touch them. Of course each relationship will be different, and so you should have a different level of touch accordingly - but in general, you should make the connection. The slightest touch will also work!
    • Imagine you greet someone when you walk by them and say "Hi". It's a fleeting moment and it doesn't seem like you have time for them. Now imagine a similar situation where when you pass someone you greet them, but gently touch their shoulder. That is physical touch! You will be noticed - and loved by them.
  8. Help the other person feel comfortable. Also too obvious, right? The overarching theme of this article is to make others feel good. It talks about how you should choose. Everyone is slightly different, but we all have things in common. We all want attention, we want to be happy, we want to feel cared for and useful. For those who give us that, we adore them.
    • It is best to combine a variety of methods to create sympathy. Praising, or asking for help, or laughing if it was done alone won't really work. You must combine them together. If you are focusing on others, you need to be prepared to take action - ask questions (attract attention), praise (praise them), ask for advice (make them feel smart. and important), and show empathy (care for them). When they feel good about themselves, they'll find you adorable.

Method 3 of 3: Make the whole world like you

  1. Spend time with people helping you improve your image. Unfortunately, everyone looks at the most prominent signs to begin judging the person they meet. This isn't always true, but we all do because it's easy and relatively harmless. We recognize and judge a case based on how it immediately looks. If we don't like it, we take it as trivial. So when you are being judged by someone, you should understand that they are not judging you, but your appearance.
    • One interesting thing to admit is ... you are judged by those around you. If your friends make vulgar jokes, you run the risk of being classified into the same category, even if you don't act like them. This is especially true on Facebook - the better your Facebook friends, the better you appear to be. While this is not the right thing, it is the truth.
  2. Dress up to make an impression. People often say, "Dress up for the job you want, not the job you have?" Right. You should dress for the image you want others to see, not because of your feelings or because of what you do. People are easily deceived by clothes. "Silk beauty", right? How many more comparison sentences do you need?
    • A recent study found that wearing designer clothing enhances one's standing in the eyes of others. Clothing quality is no longer important, but when a luxury brand is used, the wearer is considered to have a high status and then they will be liked more. It is another thought that people are often quick to conclude about a person. Maybe that's not the very reliable way (or the right thing to do), but it often happens.
  3. Do something memorable. This can't be too specific, because whatever you do should match your personality yourHowever, do "something" to make you likable. You will be remembered, identified (or others think), and people will be interested in you. "Hey! That's the guy with the parrot! I like him!" Something similar.
    • If you've ever worked in the restaurant industry, you will probably have a related story. You might think of a guest who always leaves a $ 2 tip at checkout. After one or two visits to the restaurant, the staff always wanted to serve him. Why? He does “something.” He's easily remembered, is a guest, and is a delightful person.
  4. Control yourself. Obviously, many people don't like being with someone who can't hold themselves back. When they don't know what to expect from you, they become upset and stressed. Try to maintain comfort, stay calm, and a cheerful attitude, even when something doesn't go your way. People you don't know well will often turn away from you because of their difficult, stressed, and insecure expressions.
    • That doesn't mean you have to hide your feelings. Live for real. If something makes you sad, let yourself be sad. If the other person didn't like it, it's okay, they still won't. Before you start acting, however, you need to choose what works best for you. Is it worth your consideration? If so, think carefully. If not, you need to reassess your response to the current situation.
  5. Understand others. People of different ages, groups, and types are all looking for different values ​​in their friends and lovers. As you get older, your relationships will be less eventful and less interesting. Therefore, different manners will work for different people. You need to know who you are dealing with and what they expect.
    • Everything in middle school and high school will not be the same as life as an adult. wikiHow doesn't want to say this, but in these high school ages you'll get more attention if you're a bit mean and selfish. A recent study has shown that an individual becomes more popular when they excel a bit. That's because at this age, other kids model the popular with strength, but they don't know that it is an inappropriate thing. In short, children are small.
  6. Practice the basic rules personal hygiene. Nobody wants to be with someone who smells bad, both literally and figuratively. Therefore, you should bathe regularly, wash your hair, shave if needed, brush your teeth and clean between your teeth, brush your hair, use mint candy or mint lozenges, nail polish / cleaners, use a disinfectant smells, change clothes, keep hands clean, etc. Those are easy things to do!
    • Think of this as an investment in yourself. The time you need to be beautiful (and feel confident!) Will definitely be beneficial in the future. Not only does it help you get loved by everyone, but it's also good for your health.
  7. Love yourself. The truth is that if you don't love yourself, why should someone else love you right? Negative thinking affects your daily activities and people will recognize it. So why don't you love yourself? You are a wonderful person. At least you are just as great as the people around you.
    • Don't try to be someone other than you really are; if you try to do so, the future will prove you wrong. You need to know who you are, and adjust these tips to suit your personality. It will pay off in the long run, even if you act on your own. Any changes you forcefully force will disappear over time, so it's best to be yourself in the first place.
  8. Use your humor. Maybe you're funny, use your humor! If you could make someone laugh, you would have attracted them! You need to be careful with jokes to suit the situation. Offending others is not the right thing to do - the purpose is let everyone laugh.
    • If you think you're not funny, don't be afraid to try to be happy. Perhaps you have other standard humor. Maybe you like to be sarcastic, teasing, and witty - any of these can turn into moments of joy. Use what you have. Perhaps you will create a funny situation.


  • Spend meaningful time with existing friends while also making new friends. If not, you will probably gradually distance yourself from others.
  • Honesty is important. Once you lie to people, they lose faith in what you say.
  • Try to be naturally funny from time to time so that your friends will remember.
  • Don't discuss controversial topics like religion, politics or abortion unless you are familiar with the person.
  • Never act like you're trying to get people to like you. This may be disliked by some. The same rule as some of the warnings above is: don't try to make anything up.
  • Don't hang around with unsuitable people. You should only hang out with good people who want to be with you because you are a valuable person.
  • Never speak behind anyone, whether it's a friend or an enemy. Bad words will reach their ears, and you will be seen as a backstabber and everyone will stay away from you like a plague. You will lose your current friends and future friends.
  • Sometimes people just don't like you. That doesn't mean no one likes you.
  • Be friendly and laugh when someone jokes, even when the jokes aren't funny.
  • Don't be sarcastic unless you're really close to the person and you can make a joke with them.
  • Don't ignore anyone. Pay attention to everyone, even if you don't like them.
  • Don't cross your arms across your chest or cross your legs. This pose shows you don't want to be around someone and is a signal that you are not easily accessible.
  • Avoid conflicts and try to be fair instead of always trying to prove you are right.
  • Make sure you don't have bad motives or be selfish in making friends with someone.
  • Be kind to your friends. No one loves an individual who acts selfishly towards those who care for them so much, beside their family. If you are working hard to get people to like you, don't be rude to those who love you. If you do not treat your friends well, you are becoming someone others will not like, because they know that if they become your friends they will probably be treated the same way.
  • Don't date someone you don't like, even if he / she stands out.


  • Don't pretend you like something you don't like. Often it will cause you to lose your friendship.
  • Don't gossip or even join a group of people who love to gossip the malicious rumor: Get out of there. Be a better person!
  • When making eye contact with someone, make sure you are giving them a friendly look and paying attention, not staring.
  • Don't try to buy a friendship by giving someone a gift. This makes them feel uncomfortable and feels like they must reciprocate. Besides, if someone builds friendships on the money value you can give them, it's not your true friend.
  • Don't expect too much from others. You need to pay attention to how they react.