How to get rid of dark circles under the eyes

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 16 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Get Rid of Dark Circles - 7 Pro Tips and Natural Remedies
Video: How to Get Rid of Dark Circles - 7 Pro Tips and Natural Remedies


Dark circles under the eyes show age more than wrinkles or gray hair. However, you can reduce their appearance, and sometimes even get rid of them altogether. Here's how.


Method 1 of 3: Addressing the Reason

  1. 1 Get enough sleep. It is not clear why lack of sleep at night causes dark circles under the eyes, but it is likely that the skin becomes paler and blood circulation is reduced. Wash off all eye makeup before bed. If you don't, your eyes will look tired as you age.
    • Determine how much time you need to get enough sleep. (this is usually 7-9 hours a day, but this may vary depending on individual symptoms). Get enough sleep within two weeks and you will see results.
    • Alcohol and drugs are bad for the quality of your sleep. Stay away from them to achieve the desired result.
    • Provide yourself with vitamins that promote good sleep. Lack of vitamins and poor sleep are bad for the adrenal glands. The worse they work, the less vitamin B6 you can absorb. The less this vitamin you get, the worse your adrenal glands work. It's a vicious circle. Sleep, regular intake of vitamins (if needed), calcium and magnesium support from greens, and sufficient minerals will keep your body working well.
  2. 2 Treat allergies. The presence of allergies is often manifested by discoloration under the eyes. If the allergy is the cause of your problem, you need to get rid of the allergens. Seasonal allergies (such as flowering) are successfully treated with special medications.
    • For other types of allergies, the best way is to simply stay away from what you are allergic to. If you have persistent dark circles or puffiness, you may have a latent allergy to chemicals at home or at work. See a dermatologist to determine the source of the problem. People with allergies are often poorly responsive to vitamin B6, folate, B12. Taking a multivitamin can help.
    • Gluten intolerance. Another common type of allergy is gluten intolerance.It is found, for example, in wheat flour. You may also have an abdominal ailment. Go to the doctor, donate blood to check for the disease. It is important to remember that gluten intolerance does not mean you have an abdominal disorder.
  3. 3 Eliminate nasal congestion. It can lead to circles under the eyes, as the veins around the nose are dilated.
  4. 4 Eat well. Eat a healthy, balanced diet, take vitamins, and drink plenty of water. A number of cosmetic problems can be attributed to vitamin deficiency. Dark circles and bags under the eyes are often associated with a lack of vitamin K or inadequate antioxidants. In addition, a B12 deficiency (usually associated with anemia) can lead to dark circles.
    • Eat lots of fruits and vegetables, especially kale and spinach, and other green vegetables. Take vitamins every day if needed. Drink plenty of fluids.
    • Reduce your salt intake. Excess salt causes the body to retain water in unusual places, and this can lead to puffiness under the eyes. Too much salt can also impair blood circulation and cause blue blood vessels to appear under the skin.
  5. 5 Quit smoking. Smoking causes problems with your blood vessels. This is not only a threat to life, but also the reason for the appearance of blood vessels on the skin.
  6. 6 Relax. Relaxation can help relieve stress that prevents you from sleeping and eating properly. Adequate relaxation will improve the skin under the eyes. The skin usually reflects what is going on inside us. All emotional and physical ailments manifest on the skin, so you need to give yourself time to relax.
  7. 7 Accept what you cannot change. Unfortunately, there are reasons that cannot be dealt with. For example:
    • Impaired skin pigmentation. This can lead to dark circles under the eyes.
    • Stay in the sun. This increases the production of melanin.
    • Change with age. Aging changes the skin, makes veins and blood vessels more visible, as the layer of fat and collagen disappears over time.
    • Heredity. Determine if your dark circles are hereditary. This does not mean that you cannot do anything against them, but you must be prepared for the fact that a successful result is not guaranteed.
    • Your facial features. Dark circles can be shadow cast by other parts of your face. There is nothing you can do here, unless you use cosmetics wisely.

Method 2 of 3: Natural remedies

  1. 1 Use cucumber mugs. Cucumbers have long been used as a means to reduce puffiness and give them a fresh look. Place one cup per eye, covering the area of ​​the dark circles. Repeat the procedure daily. While the cucumbers are in front of your eyes, lie down for 10-15 minutes. The eyes must be closed.
  2. 2 Apply cold tea bags or ice cubes daily to reduce dark circles under the eyes. The tannin in the tea reduces puffiness and changes the color of the skin under the eyes. Lie down for 10-15 minutes (preferably in the morning) with sachets over your eyes. Keep your eyes closed. You can keep the tea bags in the refrigerator overnight.
  3. 3 Make a saline solution. Take two cups of boiled water and ¼ teaspoon of salt and / or 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda. This solution should be poured into one nostril, and the head should be tilted to the side so that the solution flows out through the other nostril. It is best to use this method for a stuffy nose.
  4. 4 Use potatoes. Place one raw potato in a food processor and mash it. Place this mass over your eyes for 30 minutes. Rinse off with warm water. This method works great for some people.
  5. 5 Try a cold spoon. Place the spoon in the freezer for 10-15 minutes. Take it out and apply it to your eyes until it gets warm.
  6. 6 Apply almond oil to the circles. The vitamin E it contains will help neutralize dark circles and give the skin a youthful, radiant appearance.
    • Almond oil fights dark circles gradually, but you can speed up the process by applying it before bed to keep it lasting overnight.
  7. 7 Get regular meditation and exercise. Dark circles can occur if you experience stress in your daily life. Release unwanted tension and dark circles may disappear as a result.

Method 3 of 3: Cosmetic solution

  1. 1 Test cosmetics before use. Try it on a small area of ​​skin before applying cream or other product to your face. Certain cosmetic products cause allergies and make dark circles under the eyes worse. Avoid using products that irritate the skin or cause breakouts or that itch or watery eyes.
  2. 2 Apply eye cream with vitamin K and retinol. Dark circles can appear from a lack of vitamin K. Such creams can help relieve puffiness and solve the problem with the color of the skin around the eyes. Daily care for a long time will give amazing results.
  3. 3 Use a peach or orange concealer or concealer to mask the circles. Choose a shade 1 to 2 shades lighter than your skin and apply it in an upward motion with your ring finger, gripping the top of your cheekbones. Apply foundation on top.
    • If you have fair skin, go for a light to medium peach concealer. If the skin is darker, go for a dark peach or orange tone.
    • If you are not using a foundation, apply over a peach / orange concealer that matches your skin tone.


  • Drink water. It always helps, especially when it comes to getting rid of dark circles. Water will also help you relax.
  • Eat a healthy diet rich in vitamins C, D and E.
  • Make sure you don't drink a lot at night. This can cause swelling in the morning.
  • Focus on the skin under the eyes. Remember that any contact with this area must be gentle, as it is a very sensitive part.
  • Don't rub your eyes. Sometimes allergies make us scratch our eyes, but not always. It can also be a habit or a manifestation of nervousness. Regardless of the reason, you need to stop doing this, as it damages sensitive skin and causes puffiness and discoloration.
  • Wear dark glasses to protect your eyes from sun exposure.