How to get rid of acne scars

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 20 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Get Rid of Acne Scars
Video: How to Get Rid of Acne Scars


Strictly speaking, acne (acne) scars can be divided into two types: blemishes that go away on their own, and natural scars. And here we have two news for you, good and bad. Let's start with the bad: in difficult cases, acne leads to the formation of scars of all types. The good news is that blemishes can be almost completely removed from the skin and scars can be significantly reduced. Yes, medicine these days allows it, which is what this article will tell you about.


Method 1 of 3: Treat acne scars (spots)

  1. 1 Reduce redness. A cortisone cream will help you with this, which, when applied, will reduce the severity of the inflammation and, as a result, reduce the redness around the acne, making them less visible. In this case, the cream should not clog the pores!
  2. 2 Use whitening creams. They have a lightening effect, which helps to reduce the redness of the acne spot.
    • Avoid creams containing hydroquinone. It, of course, brightens beautifully, but its use is refused for a reason - this substance is carcinogenic. You yourself understand that if you are diagnosed with cancer, then the whiteness of the skin will somehow recede into the background.
  3. 3 Use retinoids, alpha and beta hydroxy acids, and vitamin C. These substances improve the regenerative capacity of the skin.
    • Retinoids... Topical drugs such as Retin-A or Tazorak are used to treat acne and acne scars. However, it is better not to use retinoids during pregnancy.
    • Alpha and beta hydroxy acids... With their help, the top layer of dead skin cells is removed, revealing new, relatively healthy skin.
    • Vitamin C... Also helps in removing acne scars, especially in the form of a cream or serum.
  4. 4 Use lemon juice. Of course, the doctor will not prescribe this remedy for you, but it has been popular for many years. The bottom line is simple: soak a cotton swab in the juice and gently wipe the stains with it. If it stings, try diluting the juice slightly with water. And don't forget that:
    • Lemon juice contains substances that fight acne-causing bacteria. Of course, they are not as effective as drugs, but still, still ...
    • Avoid sun exposure for long periods of time if you are lightening your skin with lemon juice. Sunlight is bad for acne pimples, and in combination with lemon juice - doubly.
    • Lemon juice will take time to show results. Let's say a week. However, it often happens that the first results appear only a month after application.
  5. 5 Do not use vitamin E creams. They, oddly enough, in this situation do more harm than help. Yes, like a "vitamin", it seems to be useful - but, according to recent studies, only in 10% of cases. And in the remaining 90%, it either gives nothing, or even hurts.

Method 2 of 3: Treat late, formed acne scars

  1. 1 Remember that many treatments in this case must be carried out under the supervision of a physician. Yes, this is unnecessary fuss and you will be encouraged to be treated at home, etc. However, these methods are not as simple and safe as it seems at first glance, and therefore only under the supervision of a doctor.
  2. 2 Chemical peeling. With its help, the upper layers of the skin are removed, which, as it were, erases the scars. And the stronger the active substance used for peeling, the more necessary a doctor's consultation is.
    • In the case of strong active substances, medical supervision is mandatory. You yourself understand that the severity of acne is different for everyone, the sensitivity of the skin is also, not to mention dozens of other factors. Your doctor will help you consider all of them.
  3. 3 Abrasive and microabrasive removal of skin imperfections. In general, the procedure is similar to the previous one, except that instead of chemicals, there is a very fast rotating brush. The method is efficient and effective, but pigment changes may occur in patients with dark skin.
    • Microabrasive removal, in turn, is a more gentle procedure, the essence of which is to apply microscopic crystals to the skin, which are then removed along with a layer of dead dermis cells. Since microabrasive removal involves only the upper layer of the skin, the results of this procedure are less impressive when compared to abrasive removal.
  4. 4 Laser treatment. The laser beam is used to vaporize the top layer of the skin and heat the underlying layer to heal the skin and reduce scars. In some cases, multiple laser treatments are required to get rid of scars.
    • Alas, the laser does not help everyone and not always. Even the results are not always predictable. And the most interesting thing is that even doctors cannot understand this yet.
    • Of those who are helped by the laser, only a few manage to completely get rid of scars.In general, laser therapy should be used in conjunction with some other method of dealing with acne scars.
  5. 5 As a last resort, consider plastic surgery as an option. A plastic surgeon will be able to relieve anyone of scars, large or small.

Method 3 of 3: What makes acne scars worse?

  1. 1 Plenty of sunshine. In the light, acne darkens, and the self-healing process in the skin slows down. If you need to go outside and expose your skin to sunlight, apply a sunscreen that won't clog your pores and reapply every two hours.
  2. 2 Don't crush pimples! Collagen scars are how the body heals itself. Popping acne only irritates the skin, preventing it from healing properly.
  3. 3 Do not apply all at once. Yes, there will be a temptation, but it would be better to refrain from smearing the skin with everyone at once. Better - discuss the problem with your doctor, define a treatment program and stick to it. Prescribed antibiotics, retinoids and a brightening cream? Excellent, treat yourself like this. Heal and ... be patient.


  • Oils like Tissue Oil are far from the only thing that helps get rid of scars. Look for a product that works best for you.
  • Avoid getting Tissue Oil on your hair.
  • Tissue Oil is best applied overnight, for two weeks. If the scars persist, apply until you get results.


  • In the case of oily skin, the use of Tissue Oil is not recommended.
  • Do not use Tissue Oil during the day. The oil will heat up in the light and will only worsen the situation with scars.

What do you need

  • Facial scrub
  • Tissue Oil
  • Lemon or tomato juice