How to get rid of flaky skin

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 15 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Fix your Dry Skin in 3 Steps! | Skincare Made Simple | The Budget Dermatologist
Video: Fix your Dry Skin in 3 Steps! | Skincare Made Simple | The Budget Dermatologist


Peeling of the skin is extremely unpleasant. Fortunately, there are many ways to solve this problem. Hydrate your skin daily to keep your skin hydrated and to protect it from the sun's rays. Use aloe vera and other remedies that heal your skin. Home remedies like oatmeal scrub and olive oil can help relieve flaking. Your skin will be healthy and beautiful again.


Method 1 of 3: How to care for flaky skin

  1. 1 Submerge the peeling part of your body in water. There are many ways to do this. For example, if flaking occurs all over your skin or on your back, take a bath. If your hands are peeling, dip them in a bowl of warm water. Allocate 20 minutes each day for water treatments until you see improvement.
    • For best results, try adding two cups of baking soda to the water. This will help reduce redness and irritation and prevent infection.
    • If your skin is flaky from sunburn, do not shower or expose your skin to hot water, as the pressure and temperature of the water can cause pain.
  2. 2 Drink about 10 glasses of water daily. Good skin care includes proper drinking regime. Drink at least eight glasses of water every day. To get rid of flaking, try to drink more.
  3. 3 Protect your skin from sun damage. Exposure to sunlight leads to premature aging of the skin and exacerbates the problem of flaking. Apply sunscreen to all exposed skin if you plan on sun exposure. Pay special attention to flaky skin. Before going outside, try to cover such areas as much as possible with clothes or a hat.
    • Protect your skin from sun damage, whether it flakes due to dryness or sunburn.
  4. 4 Do not peel flaky skin. The skin under the flaky layer is very delicate and thin, you risk damaging it, which is fraught with pain and infection. Wait for the dry skin flakes to fall off on their own.
  5. 5 See your doctor. If you are in doubt about the cause of peeling skin or the problem is serious enough, seek medical attention. Peeling skin can be a symptom of certain conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, and ichthyosis. If you cannot solve the problem on your own, contact your doctor who will make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment.
    • For example, if you peel flaky skin, the condition may worsen - redness and itching may appear.
    • Also, if flaking occurs over large areas of your skin, see your doctor.

Method 2 of 3: Using topical agents

  1. 1 Hydrate your skin with aloe vera gel. Aloe Vera is an effective remedy for skin irritation. Apply the gel to the flaky skin and gently massage it into the skin. Wait for the skin to dry.
    • Aloe vera gel can be purchased at your local drugstore or beauty supply store.
    • Typically, aloe vera gel is used two to three times a day, but follow the instructions in the instructions.
    • Aloe Vera reduces inflammation, irritation and itching. You will notice significant improvements using aloe vera moisturizing gel.
  2. 2 Use a cleanser to get rid of flaky skin on your face. Such funds can solve the problem of skin flaking. Rinse with warm water, then follow the directions with the cleanser. Then rinse off the product with warm water.
    • Use a creamy cleanser if you have dry skin and a gel-clear if you have oily skin.
    • Regardless of which cleanser you use, make sure it is gentle enough and free of abrasive particles that dry your skin and cause further irritation. Then use a non-comedogenic, fragrance-free moisturizer.
    • Follow the manufacturer's directions for using the cleanser.
  3. 3 Use topical corticosteroids if the skin flaking problem is severe. Topical corticosteroid medications applied directly to the skin reduce inflammation and flaking. Squeeze a small amount of the product recommended in the instructions onto your finger. Apply the product to flaky skin.
    • The amount of the product depends on which part of your body you are going to apply it to, as some areas of the skin are much thinner than others.
    • Follow the manufacturer's instructions to determine how often the above product can be used.
    • If you are using a moisturizer or emollient and topical corticosteroid, apply the moisturizer first.
    • Corticosteroid medications should not be used if you have rosacea, acne, or open wounds. Although you can get this drug from a pharmacy, check with your doctor before using it. Some of the corticosteroid medications should not be used for pregnant or breastfeeding women or young children.

Method 3 of 3: Using Home Remedies

  1. 1 Use oatmeal to treat flaky skin. Soak one glass of oatmeal in two glasses of warm water for 20 minutes. Apply the resulting mixture to flaky skin and wait for about 20 minutes. Rinse the oatmeal off your skin with warm water and pat dry with a clean cloth.
    • Apply a light moisturizer after the procedure.
    • The amount of oatmeal you need depends on the size of the flaky areas of your skin. Use more oatmeal if the flaking affects large areas of the skin and less if the flaking occurs in small areas of the skin.
    • Perform the procedure daily until you get rid of the flaky skin.
  2. 2 Apply a mixture of warm milk and honey to flaky skin. Honey and milk should be taken in equal parts. Honey is a great moisturizer. Apply the mixture gently to flaky skin. Wait 10-20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.
    • Perform the procedure twice a day for one week.
  3. 3 Use banana puree to treat flaking. Mash one banana and stir in 1/2 cup (120 ml) sour cream. You should have a lumpy mixture. Apply the mixture to your skin and leave it on for 20 minutes. Then rinse off with plain water.
    • Alternatively, replace sour cream with a quarter cup (60 ml) of yogurt.
    • Alternatively, replace the banana with papaya or apple.
    • Use this remedy once or twice a week until you see improvement.
  4. 4 Rub the flaky skin with a slice of cucumber. Rub the skin with the light green flesh of the cucumber, not the dark green skin. Perform the procedure for about 20 minutes. Then wash your face with warm water. Repeat the procedure as needed until the skin condition improves.
    • Alternatively, you can chop the cucumber to a paste or grate it. Apply the cucumber to your skin and let it sit for 15-20 minutes. After that, wash yourself with warm water.
    • Cucumber cools and moisturizes irritated and flaky skin. It also contains vitamin C, which is a natural remedy for improving skin condition.


  • Use home remedies with care. In most cases, there is no scientific evidence to support the effectiveness of these remedies. If you are unable to solve the problem with these remedies, see your doctor.
  • Exfoliating treatments can make the situation worse. Be careful with these procedures.