How to get rid of age spots on the face

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 26 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Get Rid of Age Spots On Face + Hands + Legs Naturally (HOME REMEDIES) - Age Spot Removal!
Video: How to Get Rid of Age Spots On Face + Hands + Legs Naturally (HOME REMEDIES) - Age Spot Removal!


A special substance called melanin is responsible for the color of human skin, and excess melanin leads to the appearance of wrinkles, age spots and darkening of the skin. Age spots on the face (or hyperpigmentation) appear as a result of prolonged exposure to the sun, due to hormonal changes, or as a side effect of certain medications. Pigmented spots are not hazardous to health, but they can be aesthetically uncomfortable. In order to cope with the problem, it is necessary to deal with the root cause, use chemical peels and other cosmetics, and also try home methods of skin whitening. This article will discuss the causes of hyperpigmentation and how to get rid of it.


Method 1 of 4: Determining the Causes of Hyperpigmentation

  1. 1 Find out what types of age spots are. Since the causes of hyperpigmentation can vary, it is important to understand what type of blemishes you are, as this will help you decide on a treatment. There are three types:
    • Freckles... These spots are caused by exposure of the skin to the ultraviolet rays of the sun. 90% of people over 60 have freckles, but many people younger than this age also have freckles. Freckles are distributed on the skin in no particular order.
    • Melasma... Pigmentation spots of this type appear on the skin as a result of hormonal fluctuations in the body. For many women, these spots appear during pregnancy or menopause, when the amount of hormones changes. Melanosis can also occur as a result of taking birth control pills or hormonal treatment, as well as due to a malfunction of the thyroid gland.
    • Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation... These blemishes are caused by skin trauma from psoriasis, burns, acne and the use of harsh skin care products.
  2. 2 Find out what is the cause of your age spots. Once you understand what you are dealing with, it will be easier for you to choose a course of treatment and start making lifestyle changes that will prevent new blemishes from appearing. Answer the following questions:
    • Do you often sunbathe or visit the solarium? If you regularly expose your skin to UV light and neglect sunscreen, your spots could be freckles. As a rule, in this case it is sufficient to shorten the time spent in the sun.
    • Are you currently taking any medication? You are pregnant? Taking birth control pills? Taking hormone therapy? You may have melanosis. It is difficult to treat, but there are ways to significantly improve the situation.
    • Have you had severe acne and other long-term skin problems? Have you had plastic surgery? You may have post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. It responds well to treatment and may go away completely over time.
  3. 3 See a dermatologist for a diagnosis. The doctor has a special magnifying lamp that will allow him to examine the skin in detail and determine the cause of the hyperpigmentation. The dermatologist will not only examine you, but also ask questions about your lifestyle, the answers to which will help him draw conclusions about the nature of age spots. In addition, your doctor will prescribe a treatment that will not only help you get rid of existing spots, but also prevent new ones from appearing.
    • Since hyperpigmentation is a common problem, there are many products on the market that promise quick pigment-shedding. A visit to a dermatologist will help you understand which products will work and which will not.
    • Typically, the most effective remedies can only be purchased with a prescription, which is another reason to visit a doctor.
    • It is equally important to rule out other types of melanoma and skin cancer, as these conditions also cause hyperpigmentation. Regular annual check-ups can detect cancer at an early stage.

Method 2 of 4: Proven funds

  1. 1 Do a hand peel. If you got dark spots a month or two ago, they may still only be in the upper layers of your skin. You may be able to get rid of them with exfoliation. Exfoliation will help you remove the top layer of skin, leaving new, youthful skin on the surface.
    • Buy a cleanser that contains tiny exfoliating particles. This tool will gently remove the top layer. You can peel yourself by mixing ground almonds or ground oatmeal with your usual cleanser. Apply to age spots and massage in circular motions.
    • There are devices that allow you to remove a little more layers of skin (for example, Clarisonic). Such devices gently cleanse dead cells from the face. You can buy them online or at some pharmacies.
  2. 2 Try acid therapy. Acids are available with or without prescription. They are composed of alpha hydroxy acids, beta hydroxy acids or retinoids. The acids also remove the top layer of dead skin, thereby accelerating the growth of new cells, leaving the skin looking fresh. Acids are used to treat all types of age spots.
    • Alpha hydroxy acids contain glycolic, almond, citric, lactic acids and many others. These acids are most commonly obtained from food. They effectively exfoliate old skin, but at the same time have a mild effect and are suitable for people with very sensitive skin. Alpha hydroxy acids can be found in serums, creams, tonics, and exfoliators.
    • Beta hydroxy acid is also known as salicylic acid. This ingredient is most commonly found in over-the-counter acne products. Salicylic acid is found in serums, creams, facial cleansers, and scrubs.
    • Retinoic acid is also known as tretionin or retin-A. This acid is a form of vitamin A. It can effectively fight acne and pigments. Retinoic acid is sold in the form of ointments, creams and gels and is sold without a prescription in Russia.
    • If you are looking for an over-the-counter product, look for products that contain hydroquinone, cucumber, soy, kojic acid, calcium, azelaic acid, or arbutin.
  3. 3 Consider a chemical peel. If superficial treatments have proven ineffective, consider a chemical peel that will completely remove the top layer of your skin. This process typically uses all of the acids described above at a high concentration. Chemical peels can be of three degrees: light, medium and deep cleaning.
    • For light cleaning, alpha hydroxy acids are commonly used. Usually glycolic and lactic acids are considered to be the most effective in removing age spots.
    • For chemical peeling of medium intensity, TCA - trichloroacetic acid is used. This method is recommended for hyperpigmentation caused by sunburn. To achieve the best results, the exfoliation must be repeated every two weeks, and the dark spots will become significantly lighter. This method is not recommended for people with dark skin, as it can cause a relapse of hyperpigmentation after the end of the course of treatment.
    • The active ingredient in deep chemical peels is phenol (carbolic acid). It is most commonly used to smooth deep wrinkles, but it is also great for treating sunburn damage.Phenol peels are very aggressive and are performed under local anesthesia. Usually it is necessary to undergo a course of peels, one procedure every four weeks for several months.
  4. 4 Try microdermabrasion. Microdermabrasion is a procedure that uses tiny crystals to erase age spots. A new young layer grows in place of the removed skin. This treatment is usually given every four weeks for several months.
    • Find an experienced beautician to perform this procedure. Removing a layer of skin in this way can cause irritation and this will increase discoloration. If something goes wrong, the result will upset you.
    • Microdermabrasion should not be done too often as the skin takes time to heal between treatments.
  5. 5 Learn information about laser therapy. Laser therapy uses rapid flashes of light to destroy the melanin that causes darkened areas of the skin. Pigmented areas absorb light and erode or evaporate. At the site of the burn, new, fresh skin without pigment grows. Laser treatments are very effective, but they are expensive and can be painful.
    • The laser is best used on old age spots. If the stain is more than a year old, it means that it has sunk into the deep layers of the skin, and superficial treatment does not help in such cases.
    • If you have very light skin, it may take 4-5 treatments to completely remove the blemishes.

Method 3 of 4: Home Remedies

  1. 1 Rub your skin with citrus fruit. Citrus fruits are high in vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid. Vitamin C allows you to painlessly remove the top layer of the skin. Here are some ways to use this vitamin:
    • Squeeze out the fruit juice and massage it into your skin. Women have used lemon juice for centuries to lighten skin, but you can also use orange, grapefruit, or lime juice. Cut the fruit in half and squeeze the juice into a bowl or cup. Using a cotton pad, apply juice to age spots, leave for 20 minutes, then rinse. Repeat the procedure up to twice a day.
    • Make a lemon and honey mask. Mix lemon juice with two tablespoons of honey, mix thoroughly and apply on face. Leave it on for 30 minutes, then wash off with copious amounts of water.
    • Scrub with citrus fruit juice and powdered milk. Combine a teaspoon of water, powdered milk, and the juice of your favorite citrus fruit. Achieve the consistency of a paste and apply the mixture to your face, then rinse.
  2. 2 Try vitamin E. This vitamin is a powerful antioxidant and helps to repair damaged cells and strengthen new ones. Vitamin E can be used topically and internally.
    • Local application... Apply vitamin E in oil directly to age spots. If you do this daily, the spots will begin to lighten.
    • Internal use... A large amount of this vitamin is found in the following foods: nuts (almonds, pistachios, pine), sunflower seeds, wheat germ oil and dried apricots.
  3. 3 Slice the papaya. This fruit contains papain, a substance that helps the body cleanse the skin and strengthens new skin cells. Papaya also contains vitamin C and vitamin E, so this fruit is ideal for treating hyperpigmentation. Papain reaches its maximum concentration when the papaya is still green, but you can use ripe fruit as well. Peel the papaya, remove the seeds, and try one of the following homemade skin lightening methods:
    • Cut a piece of papaya and place it over the age spot you want to lighten. Leave it on for 20-30 minutes. Repeat twice a day.
    • Make a papaya face mask. Cut the papaya into small pieces, then beat in a blender until smooth. Apply the mask to face and neck, leave it on for half an hour, then wash off with plenty of water.
  4. 4 Use aloe vera. This plant has many beneficial properties: it perfectly moisturizes the skin and heals burns. In addition, it is capable of lightening hyperpigmented skin. If you have aloe at home, tear off a small piece, squeeze the pulp into the palm of your hand, and apply to dark spots. You can also buy aloe vera gel from the store. Pure aloe juice works best, so try to buy natural remedies.
  5. 5 Try red onions. Onions contain acids that can lighten the skin. If you don't have lemon, use an onion. Peel the onion, cut into pieces and beat in a blender or juicer. Using a cotton pad, apply the mixture to age spots and leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with water.

Method 4 of 4: Preventing Age Spots

  1. 1 Limit your time in the sun. Most often, age spots are caused by ultraviolet rays. Whatever the cause of the stains in your case, prolonged exposure to the sun can make the situation worse. From a preventive point of view, the best way to keep new stains out is to limit your time in direct sunlight. To protect your skin, do the following:
    • Apply sunscreen. Use a cream with SPF 15 or more even in winter.
    • Wear a hat and sunglasses if you need to go out into the bright sun. Don't forget to apply cream with a large SPF filter.
    • Do not go to the solarium. Direct rays of ultraviolet radiation are harmful to the skin and internal organs.
    • Don't sunbathe. When the tan has faded, the age spots will remain.
  2. 2 Change drugs. If your melanosis is caused by certain medications, change the drug for another. Discuss this issue with your doctor - he may be able to advise something else that will not cause such a side effect.
  3. 3 Be careful when choosing products for the skin and beauticians. Hyperpigmentation can result from an incorrectly performed cosmetic procedure. Deep chemical peels and plastic surgeries can lead to blemishes. Before deciding on any procedure, find out as much information as possible about the beautician who will carry out it, because he must have extensive experience in this area and good recommendations.


  • Be patient. Age spots can last for a long time, so it will take time to get rid of them. Don't give up and keep treating your skin in the way that works for you.
  • Dehydration slows down the cell renewal process. Drink plenty of water to speed up healing.


  • Apply sunscreen liberally if lightening skin
  • Follow all the directions on the package if you choose to use home remedies for age spots.
  • Hydroquinone, which is often used in skin lightening products, has been linked to cancer, skin cell damage, dermatitis, and other skin problems in some studies. Most dermatologists and cosmetologists do not recommend the use of this substance, unless all other remedies have proved to be ineffective.
  • If you are allergic to aspirin, do not use products containing salicylic acid.
  • If you are treating your skin with a doctor or beautician, then carefully follow all his recommendations and advice.
  • Do not go out in the sun with citrus juice on your face as it can burn you.
  • Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should not use salicylic acid.