How to get rid of the pink cheek effect

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 23 June 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
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If you have a skin condition called rosacea, or if you just have very ruddy cheeks, this is sometimes uncomfortable. Fortunately, you can take steps to remedy this problem with cosmetics. Also, if you have rosacea or any other medical problem, you can get rid of it with medication.


Method 1 of 2: Masking blush with makeup

  1. 1 Cleanse and moisturize your face. Before applying makeup, cleanse your face with a mild cleanser. Also, use a moisturizer to keep your skin moisturized.
    • It is very important to take good care of your skin, as careless handling can cause even more redness or flare-ups of rosacea if you suffer from this condition. Try to act as gently as possible in the process of washing, and at the end to blot the skin, and not rub.
  2. 2 Use a primer. The primer acts as a linker. It protects the skin from the effects of makeup, so if your blush is caused by irritation, applying a primer can help reduce the intensity. A green primer works best with redness.
    • Always test any product you plan to use on your face on a different area of ​​your skin, such as the back of your neck, to be sure it won't irritate you.
  3. 3 Choose a colored concealer. Try a yellow-tinted concealer to help cover up minor redness. Use a greenish primer if you need to hide obvious redness and flaking of the skin. When you have rosacea, it is very important to choose oil-free products.
    • When applying concealer in powder form, it is best to use a brush. This will allow you to apply exactly the amount you need. The bacteria can make rosacea even more inflamed, so use antibacterial brushes if this occurs.
    • When using a pencil-shaped concealer, apply it in small dots where you want it.Rub gently to create an even finish.
  4. 4 Use a foundation. The foundation helps to even out the texture of the skin. Apply it evenly all over the face to even out the shade.
    • Consider using a mineral powder foundation that is less irritating to your skin.
    • Pour a small amount of powder into the lid. Take the powder with a brush, moving it around the perimeter of the cap until you have collected all the powder. Apply the powder in a circular motion, gradually covering the entire face.
  5. 5 Don't use blush. Do not highlight more and so reddened skin. Use a base that allows the natural blush to shine through on your cheeks without creating the appearance of irritation or redness.

Method 2 of 2: Dealing with medical causes such as rosacea

  1. 1 See a doctor. With some diseases, the face constantly looks reddened. The main suspect is rosacea, which causes redness and inflammation of the facial skin. However, other illnesses can also lead to temporary redness, such as scarlet fever. See your doctor if redness is a concern for you.
  2. 2 Ask about antibiotics. Antibiotics are most commonly used to treat rosacea. In severe cases, your doctor may recommend that you undergo treatment. Antibiotic creams or lotions are commonly used to treat rosacea.
  3. 3 Discuss acne treatments. Redness can also be caused by acne. Certain acne medications, such as isotretinoin, also address the problem of rosacea at the same time. This drug reduces the appearance of facial redness from both acne and rosacea.
  4. 4 Use sunscreen. Even if you don't have rosacea, the sun's rays make your skin rough over time. In the presence of rosacea, the sun can cause inflammation. Choose a sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher and reapply it daily. Be sure to choose a cream made specifically for sensitive skin.
    • You can find SPF moisturizers on the market to make your daily routine much easier.
  5. 5 Learn about light or laser therapy. They are effective in particularly severe cases of rosacea. Talk to your dermatologist if this is the right treatment for you.
    • Basically, such procedures help to reduce redness and vascular manifestation, as well as smoothen the skin.
  6. 6 Avoid contact with irritants. Certain factors and foods can lead to an outbreak of rosacea. For example, hot soups and hot drinks can cause inflammation due to temperature or pungency. Fever in various forms can cause flare-ups, including hot baths, exercise and high ambient temperatures. Stress can also lead to worsening of rosacea.
    • Alcohol should also be avoided as it is irritating.
  7. 7 Wash your face twice a day. This treatment removes any irritants from your face, including makeup, dirt, bacteria and microorganisms, and helps your skin to repair itself. Choose a gentle cleanser that's right for your skin type, be it dry, oily or combination. Most of the products on the packaging indicate what type of skin they are for.
    • After patting dry skin, wait 30 minutes before applying makeup or medication. When using both products at the same time, you must first use the medicated cream and wait 10 minutes before applying makeup, sunscreen or moisturizer.


  • Draw attention to your eyes and / or lips. This will distract from your cheeks.