How to get rid of a speech defect

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 25 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Your speech impediment may be easier to cure than you think.
Video: Your speech impediment may be easier to cure than you think.


Some people feel insecure about speech impairments, whether it's lisping or not being able to pronounce words correctly, and this can affect all aspects of life. For speakers, the right speech is very important to impress the audience with a confident and convincing tone, while the right speech is the foundation for business relationships, public speaking and everyday life. While it may seem like it isn't, you may be able to get rid of or improve your speech disorders with a few speech therapy sessions and basic self-esteem training. Some of them are presented here, but it is better to consult with a speech therapist / speech pathologist for more detailed information.


  1. 1 Investigate the possible causes of speech impairments and find out, if you can, what is the cause of your impairment. Work with a speech therapist (speech therapist / speech pathologist) or professional doctor as needed.
    • Possible physical causes:
      • The cleft palate was the main cause of speech defects until surgery became available to eliminate it for people suffering from this pathology.
      • Bite anomaly is when the teeth cannot close together properly when biting. Malocclusion is usually corrected with orthodontic braces, in some cases surgery is necessary.
      • Neurological disorders caused by accidents or brain tumors can cause a speech disorder called dysprosodia (pseudo-foreign accent syndrome).
    • Limited learning opportunities:
      • Dyslexia and mental retardation can prevent a person from learning to speak correctly.
      • Children with learning disabilities often have speech impairments, although they may receive speech therapy.
    • Is it due to emotional issues ?:
      • Trauma survivors often develop speech problems such as stuttering and stuttering. A family death, disaster, or crime often affects a person's ability to speak clearly and clearly.
  2. 2 Find out if your speech impairment is permanent. Some speech disorders are persistent, especially when caused by neurological diseases. On the other hand, a speech impediment can be the result of a person not being taught how to speak clearly and communicate effectively. If you or your child is not taught to practice correct speech at school or at home from childhood, this can subsequently lead to speech defects.
  3. 3 Start working on improving your speech as soon as you know the causes of your speech disorder.
  4. 4 Seek assessment and advice from your speech therapist / speech pathologist. Learn to speak correctly. There is no easy alternative to learning when it comes to using the language correctly and effectively. Practice improves and this is true for the development of speech. Use every opportunity to speak, practice and polish your correct pronunciation and diction.
  5. 5 Speak in public. The more chances you have of speaking publicly, the more chances you have to practice. "Publicly" isn't necessarily a large audience, especially if it annoys you. Instead, practice talking to a friend or loved one who you trust and who can listen patiently. Then move on to talking to others.
  6. 6 Try using phrasebooks or audio lessons. Take 2-3 hours a day to practice correct pronunciation of words. Take note of words and sentences that you find difficult or tricky to pronounce.
  7. 7 Record your practice sessions with a handheld recorder or a microphone connected to a stereo or tape recorder. Practicing correct pronunciation and diction sounds like hard work, but whatever you devote to them will definitely pay off.
  8. 8 Read aloud. Pick some inspirational speeches from your school Russian textbook (or whatever text you like) and read them out loud. At the same time, you can develop your speaking skills. In this way, you can focus on the sounds and not ruminate over the words.
  9. 9 Do not hurry. Slow speech may be frowned upon by some people because it sounds like "dumb talking", but slow and thoughtful speech is a very effective and persuasive way of communicating. You shouldn't speak too slowly; speak at a pace that is comfortable for you and your audience. A steady pace sounds better than a fast paced speech, especially if you want to get your message across to your audience.
  10. 10 Say what you think. Another reason some people have speech disorders is because they do not use the opportunity to speak out or express themselves in public. The more you are silent and withdrawn, the more likely you are to develop speech disorders such as stuttering, logoneurosis or confused speech.
  11. 11 Place the staples. If you have uneven teeth, you may have difficulty pronouncing some words due to the lisp. Malocclusion in most cases is corrected with staples. They pull, push and change the direction of growth of each tooth and correct the bite. Children and teenagers do not like to wear braces because they are often teased and called "iron mouth" or "face with rails". The fact is that braces are still the best way to correct lisp caused by uneven teeth. The problem with staples is that they often cause speech impairment, especially when the springs, rubber bands, and wires in the staple set are adjusted monthly.
    • Every time your dentist adjusts the braces (or even dentures), you will have to learn to speak and eat well. This can be quite painful at first, but do not overdo it, as there is a possibility of damage to the oral cavity.
    • Most braces are used for orthodontic purposes, although sometimes they are also used as decoration. Braces are quite expensive and you may need to take out a loan or cash out insurance to pay for them.
  12. 12 Maintain the correct posture. If you bend your back and bend your shoulders forward, you are preventing air from exerting sufficient pressure on the diaphragm or passing through the larynx (vocal apparatus). The best public speakers and orators always speak in the proper posture:
    • The belly is pulled in
    • Chest forward
    • Relaxed shoulders
    • Back straight
    • Stable leg position.
  13. 13 Maintain your speech from the diaphragm. Correct standing and sitting posture means that your voice does not exit directly from the larynx, but from the diaphragm. You also release the pressure on your larynx by relaxing your shoulders, which means you speak with your natural voice. If your feet are level and steady, you also give yourself a very stable vertical base to support your body as you speak.
  14. 14 Stand up straight. Another great benefit of proper posture is that you look and feel good when you speak, whether it is keeping up a formal conversation or just having a simple lunchtime conversation. Correct posture boosts your confidence and shows people that you know what you are talking about.
  15. 15 Use the help of speech impairment psychologists and speech therapists to help you overcome your speech disorders if they are caused by emotional exhaustion or learning disabilities. Speech therapy is very useful if you need to break out of your isolation, talk about your problems, disappointments, or your personal tragedy. Also, speech therapy is useful for correcting speech defects; the doctor will point out the elements of speech where you are having problems and work with you to correct them. Private classes with a speech therapist are not cheap, although you can count on your personal insurance policy if it includes this type of service.


  • Correct speech is essential for maintaining high self-esteem and self-confidence.
  • Encourage correct speech. Look forward to it, accept it and celebrate even minor improvements.
  • Try to slow down and pronounce each word correctly, because it also helps in overcoming speech problems.
  • If you are having trouble getting rid of your speech impediment on your own, see your doctor.
  • One of the modern approaches is the use of technology. There are smartphone and tablet apps that listen to what you say. and then give comments and recommendations. For example, there is such an application for Android "Talking English". You can also search for apps on the Apple app store.
  • The great Greek orator and statesman, Demosthenes, once got rid of his speech defects by reading poetry with his mouth full of pebbles. This might be a good idea, but don't choke on small stones just to get rid of stuttering or slurred speech.


  • See your doctor if possible. Nothing replaces the advice of a specialist. They have managed to help many people before, and they are undoubtedly able to help you too.