How to get rid of lower back pain

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 15 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Fix Your Lower Back Pain for Good
Video: How to Fix Your Lower Back Pain for Good


If you suffer from back pain, then know - you are not alone. Almost 80 percent of adults face this problem, who at some point begin to experience persistent lower back pain.Fortunately, in most cases, the problem can be cured with simple treatment that doesn't even require spending money. Certain types of exercise can help you strengthen and increase flexibility in your back and core muscles, and with simple lifestyle changes, you will forget about pain.


Method 1 of 3: How to Ease Pain

  1. 1 Use cold compresses. When pain occurs, apply an ice pack to your lower back for 20 minutes for the first 2 days. Wrap the bag in a towel or old T-shirt to prevent ice injury to your skin. These 20 minute compresses can be repeated every 2 hours.
    • If you don't have ice, frozen vegetables are fine. You can also wet a sponge with water and place in a bag, then freeze. Wrap this compress in a towel. Use two bags to keep water from leaking.
    • Apply the compress for only 20 minutes to avoid injuring your skin and nerves.
  2. 2 After 2 days, switch to warm compresses. If the back pain persists, the warmth can help increase blood flow to the lower back and ease the pain. In addition, heat interrupts pain signals that travel from nerves to the brain, making you feel better.
    • Use an electric heating pad with adjustable settings to select the right temperature. Try not to fall asleep with the heating pad on.
    • If you don't have a heating pad or an electric heating pad, you can take a warm bath. Moist heat is better than dry heat, as it will not dry out the skin or itch.
  3. 3 Over-the-counter medicines. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen or naproxen can temporarily relieve low back pain. They reduce muscle inflammation in the lumbar region, thereby reducing the stimulation of nerve endings that causes pain.
    • If you have been taking the drug for 10 days in a row, you should see your doctor. Long-term use can lead to problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. 4 Massotherapy. Regular massage therapy improves blood circulation and relaxes muscles and reduces pain. You may feel the healing effect after the first session, but for a lasting effect, it is recommended to take a course of a wellness massage.
    • There are more specialized options for treating the lower back, but conventional therapeutic massage can produce comparable results.
    • In addition, massage reduces stress and tension that contribute to lower back pain.

Method 2 of 3: How to Improve Strength and Flexibility

  1. 1 Stretch your hamstrings twice a day. People are often unaware of the role the hamstrings play in supporting the lower back. If you have lower back pain, it may be because of a taut or shortened hamstring.
    • Lower yourself to the floor and lie on your back facing a wall, sofa, or chair. Raise one leg so that it is fully extended and the heel is resting on the wall or piece of furniture. You should stay in this position for 20-30 seconds, then change your leg. Breathe deeply.
    • If you want to stretch both hamstrings at the same time, lift both legs. Roll up a towel and place it under your lower back for support.
  2. 2 Practice walking. Hiking is a light-duty activity that does not strain your back. If you have not been involved in physical activity at all, then start with a training walk to move on to an active lifestyle. Being active has a positive effect on overall health and can also ease back pain.
    • Start with short walks of 10 or 15 minutes, depending on your general fitness level. Gradually increase the duration and distance so that over time you can walk 35-45 minutes a day 3-5 times a week.
  3. 3 Strengthen your torso with planks. Try lying on the floor with your stomach down. Rest your elbows and forearms.Use your abdominal muscles to lift your body horizontally off the floor and rest only on your forearms and toes. Stay in this position for 20 seconds to a minute, then lower yourself down and repeat the exercise.
    • Gradually increase the amount of time you are able to hold the plank to strengthen your core muscles, which act as a natural corset and help keep your back and core straight. The tighter your core muscles, the less strain on your back.
  4. 4 Do lower back exercises. If you purposefully strengthen the muscles of the lower back, then they will be able to withstand additional loads without pain and overstrain. To do this, you do not need to buy a gym membership and expensive exercise equipment - the simplest bodyweight workouts will help strengthen the lumbar region.
    • Twisting strengthens the core muscles on both sides of the spine. Lie on your back, straighten your arms to the sides perpendicular to your body, bend your knees and rest your feet on the floor. Slowly move your knees to the side and keep your shoulders on the floor. Return the knees to the center, then repeat the exercise on the other side. Do 10 reps for each side.
    • Strengthen your pelvic floor muscles by tilting your pelvis. These muscles also support the lower back. Lie on your back and rest your feet on the floor, feet shoulder-width apart. Press your lower back to the floor and engage your torso. Tilt your pelvis towards your heels until your lower back rises above the floor. Get down and repeat the exercise 10-15 times. Breathe deeply.
  5. 5 Use baby pose to relax and stretch your back. Place your knees on the floor with your big toes touching and your knees shoulder-width apart. As you exhale, raise your arms up and stretch forward to lower your torso onto your folded legs.
    • Try to touch the floor with your forehead. After that, you can stretch your arms along the body. If you cannot get down that low, then leave your arms outstretched forward. You can put a cube in front of you to lower your head on it.
    • This is a resting pose. You don't need to be in an uncomfortable position. Stay in this position for 30 seconds to several minutes if you are comfortable.
  6. 6 Cat-cow exercise increases the flexibility of the spine. Get on all fours so that your knees are just below your hips and your wrists are just below your shoulders. Keep your back straight and breathe deeply. As you inhale, push your chest forward, lower your stomach to the floor and bend in your back. As you exhale, lower your tailbone down and round your back up.
    • Repeat the exercise 10-15 times, inhaling and exhaling with each movement. The weight must be evenly distributed between the knees and palms.
    • If the floor is too hard, place towels under your knees and palms.

Method 3 of 3: How to Change Your Lifestyle

  1. 1 Assess your posture. Poor posture often causes or worsens lower back pain by putting additional stress on the lumbar spine. Stand sideways next to a mirror in a normal position and assess the position of your back. If you are slouched or hunched over significantly, change your posture to ease the pain.
    • The pelvis should be level and not tilted forward or backward. Lower your shoulders so that the shoulder blades are folded along both sides of the spine. Raise the top of your head towards the ceiling.
    • Sit on a chair, straighten your back and bring your shoulder blades together, then relax. Repeat 10-15 times. Do this exercise several times a day to improve your posture.
  2. 2 Get up every half hour. If you sit at your desk for hours at a time while working, your lifestyle may be contributing to lower back pain. Get up and walk for 5 minutes every half hour. This simple technique can help relieve lower back pain.
    • Try changing your workplace to work while standing some of the time. If the boss is against this, then you can choose an office chair with additional lumbar support.
    • Make sure to sit up straight with your feet completely touching the floor, your shoulders back and your head straight. Do not slouch or hunch over as this puts additional stress on the lower back and increases pain.
  3. 3 Change your diet. Some foods can help reduce back pain, while other foods and drinks make the situation worse. Foods high in potassium, such as bananas and green leafy vegetables, can relieve pain.
    • Constipation can be the cause of lower back pain. High-fiber foods like fruits and vegetables can ease constipation and help you get back to normal.
    • Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, as dehydration also affects lower back pain.
    • Avoid processed sugar, aspartame, refined grains, caffeinated drinks (especially sodas), and alcohol.
  4. 4 Healthy sleep patterns. If you can't sleep for a long time or wake up often, this can be one of the causes of chronic lower back pain. Minor changes in your nighttime habits can dramatically improve your sleep quality.
    • Unplug all electronic devices a couple of hours before bed. Don't watch TV in bed before bed. If you can't fall asleep in silence, turn on quiet music or a fan to create background white noise.
    • Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and spicy foods several hours before bed. Such substances can disrupt sleep patterns. If you have not been able to fall asleep in 20-30 minutes, get up and do something calm, and after a while go back to bed. It's better than tossing and turning in bed.
    • If simple changes don't improve your sleep quality, see a sleep specialist. The doctor will prescribe medications that are not addictive.
  5. 5 Buy a new mattress. If your lower back often hurts in the morning after waking up, the mattress may be the cause. Replace the mattress if it is depressed or over seven years old.
    • If you don't have enough money, you can buy a mattress pad. An extra layer will make your bed more comfortable.
    • Try sleeping in a different position to compensate for the deficiencies in your mattress. Sleep on your side with a pillow between your knees to keep your spine straight.
  6. 6 Quit smoking. Cigarette smoke reduces the amount of oxygen that reaches the tissues, leading to tension and pain. Smokers are more likely to suffer from spinal problems such as spinal stenosis, a painful condition in which the spinal canal is not large enough for the spinal cord.
    • If you smoke and want to quit, talk to your doctor and have a plan of action. The support of friends and family will increase your chances of success. In Russia, there is a free hotline for help who wants to quit smoking: 8-800-200-0-200.
  7. 7 Reduce your stress levels. Everyday stress puts more strain on your back, leading to lower back pain. A person may not always be able to influence the aspects of life that cause stress, but they may well manage stressful situations. Do light-duty exercise every day, listen to relaxing music, or take some time to walk in nature.
    • Mindfulness meditation and a personal journal can also help you cope with problems. Find a hobby to help you relax - draw, embroider, or knit.


  • Certain drugs, including beta blockers and statins, can cause pain in your legs and hips. See your doctor if you think medications are making your lower back pain worse.
  • If you enjoy exercises such as baby pose and cat-cow, then sign up for a yoga class. You can find lessons for all ages and skill levels. You don't have to be thin, very flexible, or of a certain age to do this.


  • If your back pain persists for more than two weeks or gets worse, see your doctor right away. Pain can be a symptom of more serious problems.