How to Get Rid of Back Acne: Can Natural Remedies Help?

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 16 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Get Rid of Back Acne the Natural Way | Effective Home Remedies
Video: How To Get Rid of Back Acne the Natural Way | Effective Home Remedies


Acne is one of the most common adult skin diseases in many countries around the world, such as the United States. Different types of acne include blackheads, wen, pimples, or bumps on the skin. All of these varieties can also appear on the back. Blackheads on the back usually appear when excess sebaceous glands (which naturally produce sebum), sweat, dead cells, and other debris clog the pores around the hair follicles. The presence of bacteria on the skin can lead to skin lesions and more severe acne. You can use natural treatments for mild acne at home. However, in more serious cases, a dermatologist should be consulted.


Method 1 of 3: Daily Skin Care

  1. 1 Take a bath or shower daily. Sweat, skin bacteria, dead skin cells, etc. clog pores and lead to acne. Regular showers will reduce the risk of acne.
    • You can also shower after sports or other activities that make you sweat, because sweat is one of the main triggers of acne.
  2. 2 Use a face cleanser. Along with any other acne treatment product, find a product that won't clog your pores. You can try brands like: Neutrogena, Cetaphil and Olay. In addition, you can find similar products from other brands in stores. Make sure you choose a product that does not contain alcohol. Alcohol dries and irritates the skin.
    • You can use the same product on your back as you use on your face. Most of these products contain benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, or fruit acids (hydroxy acids), which help control acne by chemically exfoliating dead or dying cells.
    • Always follow the directions on the packaging. Overuse of the product will not make the results better or faster. Moreover, this can only aggravate the situation in problem areas.
    • Try products with a low concentration of active ingredients first to make sure your skin is not overly sensitive to the ingredients. If the product does not give the desired results, but does not irritate the skin, try something with a higher percentage of benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, or fruit acids.
  3. 3 Apply with your fingers. Many people think that the product should be applied with an exfoliating applicator, but this can cause further irritation in the problem area. Better use your fingers. You can also use a soft-surfaced bath sponge to clean hard-to-reach areas on your back.
  4. 4 Make gentle, circular motions. You shouldn't rub or scrape your skin. Instead, use gentle, circular motions to apply the product to your back. Rubbing the skin too hard will only make the acne take longer to heal and also cause scars. In addition, it irritates the skin, and the released bacteria move from the pimple and attack other areas. Damaged skin is also more prone to acne.
  5. 5 Do not pick, press or touch the blackheads. Also, don't let anyone else squeeze them out. It can cause inflammation, scarring, and slow the healing process.
  6. 6 Protect your back from direct sunlight. Keep in the shade and do not use horizontal tanning beds. Ultraviolet radiation can damage the skin, increasing the risk of acne.
    • Certain types of medications can also make your skin more sensitive to UV rays. Among them, antibiotics are worth mentioning: ciprofloxacin, tetracycline, sulfamethoxazole and trimephropine; antihistamines: benedryl; drugs for the treatment of cancer: 5-fluorouracil, vinblastine, dacarbazine; cardiac medications: amiodorone, nifedipine, kinidin, and diltiazem; non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: naproxen; and acne drugs: acnecutane (isotretinoin) and acitretin. Therefore, if you are prescribed any of the above drugs, try not to be in the sun.
  7. 7 Wear cotton clothing. Cotton absorbs the secreted sweat more efficiently, and, as already mentioned, intense sweating can provoke acne. Wear clean clothes daily and choose cotton sheets to reduce your risk of acne.
    • Make sure you change your sheets frequently. You sweat in your sleep, and sleeping on laundry soaked in dried sweat will also trigger acne.
  8. 8 See a dermatologist. If you have been taking care of your skin and have not noticed any improvement for about 4 weeks, you may need to make an appointment with a dermatologist.
    • Also, if the pimples on your back are a pea or larger, and also develop deep under the skin, you most likely have a bumpy acne that requires a specific treatment prescribed by a dermatologist. This type of acne is more likely to leave scars.

Method 2 of 3: Your Own Herbal Antibacterial Bath

  1. 1 Buy essential oils. Many essential oils have antibacterial and antiseptic properties. In other words, they kill bacteria and other microorganisms that infect the skin and cause acne.
    • Green or peppermint. They can be irritating to some people. Start by adding one drop to the water. Both green and peppermint contain menthol, which has antiseptic properties and improves immunity.
    • Thyme stimulates the immune system and has antibacterial properties. It also improves circulation by opening up the blood vessels.
    • Calendula accelerates healing and has antibacterial properties.
    • Lavender soothes and helps relieve anxiety and depression. It also has antibacterial properties.
    • Tea tree oil. Start by testing this remedy on a small, acne-free area of ​​skin. For some people, tea tree oil can cause irritation that will make acne worse.
    • If you do not have essential oils, you can substitute 4-5 tablespoons of dried herbs. The result will be less pronounced, but still effective.
  2. 2 Test your individual sensitivity to essential oils. Since different people have different reactions to essential oils, experts recommend that you first test their actions on a small area of ​​the skin.Place one drop of oil on a cotton pad and moisten it with water. Then squeeze and apply to a piece of skin. Test each oil separately, because if you mix them, you won't know what exactly is irritating.
  3. 3 Fill the bathroom with hot water at the right temperature for you. Make sure the bathroom is clean and fill it with water. Hot water will not harm the oils after adding, so choose whatever temperature you want.
  4. 4 Add essential oils. If your skin does not react after the sensitivity test, add 5-10 drops of oil to a full bath to begin with. You can increase the dose to 10-20 drops if 5-10 drops do not have the desired effect on your skin.
    • If you want to turn an aromatic herbal bath into a real spa treatment, you can even add a glass of sea salt.
  5. 5 Soak in the bathroom for 20-30 minutes. You must give the oils / herbs enough time for the result to appear. 20-30 minutes should be enough.
  6. 6 Rinse everything thoroughly. Before leaving the bathroom, rinse thoroughly with clean water. This is especially important if you have been taking an herbal bath.
  7. 7 Dry yourself. Pat dry your back with a towel, but do not rub your skin. Friction can cause irritation.

Method 3 of 3: Make a Natural Acne Medication

  1. 1 Collect ingredients. You can make your own herbal medicine if you are confident in what you need for the treatment. Astringent plants tighten and tone the skin, while antibacterial plants kill bacteria. Essential oils are the simplest form of plant material to work with, however dry medicinal plants work just fine. For a home remedy, you will need:
    • 5 tablespoons of honey. It is advisable to use medicinal honey, however, any other type of pure honey has antibacterial and astringent properties.
    • 2 egg whites. In addition to its astringent properties, protein helps the drug thicken.
    • 1 tablespoon lemon juice It not only tightens pores, but also reduces the risk of blackheads.
    • 1 teaspoon peppermint
    • 1 teaspoon green mint
    • 1 teaspoon lavender
    • 1 teaspoon thyme
    • 1 teaspoon of calendula
  2. 2 Mix all ingredients thoroughly. They do not need to be mixed in a specific order, but it is best to start with liquids.
  3. 3 Spread the mixture over your back. You may need the help of a parent, a loved one, or someone else. You can also use a cotton swab and just clean fingers to apply the ointment to the top spot.
  4. 4 Let the mixture dry for about 15 minutes. Herbs take time to dry and act on acne. Wait about 15 minutes before completely rinsing off the ointment with running water.
    • To dry your skin, do not rub it, but pat it lightly.
  5. 5 Apply a moisturizer that won't clog your pores. This is usually indicated separately on the packaging. You can try Neutrogena, Cetaphil, Olay, or their equivalents.
    • You can also find an organic, non-pore-clogging moisturizer.
    • If you want to make a moisturizer at home, use the following oils: hemp oil, mineral oil, petroleum jelly, safflower, or castor oil.
  6. 6 Refrigerate excess mixture. You can use it daily. Refrigerate leftovers every day, but allow the product to warm to room temperature before each use.


  • If you have severe acne, you should see a dermatologist. A serious form includes the presence of more than 20 comedones (blackheads), 15 inflamed pimples or bumps, or 30 different types of redness.