How to use super powers in lucid dreams

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 18 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
ADVANCED Lucid Dreaming (Superpowers Tutorials)
Video: ADVANCED Lucid Dreaming (Superpowers Tutorials)


When people sleep, they often do not realize that they are in a dream, and everything that happens to them seems to be real. However, in a lucid dream, a person realizes that he is sleeping. If you learn to enter a state of lucid dreaming, you can control your sleep: fly, teleport, transform into something, and do whatever you want. Some manage to quickly learn to see lucid dreams, others need time for this.


Method 1 of 5: How to Enter the Lucid Dreaming State

  1. 1 Realize that you are in a dream. To realize that you are sleeping, you need to look around and understand that this is a dream.Experts believe that in order to simplify the task in a dream, you need to regularly pay attention to the environment while awake.
    • Look around during the day and pay attention to little things like warmth from sunlight or pain from an abraded leg. With due diligence in a dream, you will be able to notice the absence of these things or differences, and this will let you know that you are dreaming. Paying more attention to the things around you during the day will make your dreams more realistic and easier to remember.
  2. 2 Try meditating at night. Since lucid dreaming usually occurs during REM sleep, that is, at the end of sleep just before waking up, some experts advise setting the alarm to go off 4 hours after you go to bed. When you wake up, practice meditation to enter a state of lucid dream.
    • Turn off the alarm and try to sleep. Focus on the darkness in your eyes and your desire to enter a lucid dream that you can control. Think about what you want to dream about.
  3. 3 Try safe medications. Some people take herbal medications (choline, galantamine) to help them get into the right state. They are not suitable for everyone and can cause unwanted symptoms, such as sleep paralysis, a condition in which a person is awake but unable to move. If this happens to you, try to relax and not be nervous. If you get scared, your condition will only get worse.
    • If you're ready to try choline or galantamine, take small amounts once a week. These drugs are sold in pills. You can wake up 3-4 hours after falling asleep by the alarm and take a pill - this will reduce the risk of sleep paralysis and nightmares.
    • Although some sources encourage the misuse of drugs and even the use of illegal substances, all of these drugs do not induce lucid dreaming - they provoke hallucinations, and this is dangerous. There have been cases where people have harmed themselves or others while under the influence of these substances.
  4. 4 While you are still a beginner, be careful. In a lucid dream, a person realizes that he is sleeping, however, since lucid dreams always seem very realistic, it is better to try to do something simple first, rather than immediately swallow fire or jump from high-rise buildings
    • To understand whether you are sleeping or not, check your condition. Try to do something impossible, but not dangerous in a dream - for example, hang in the air. If you succeed, move on to more difficult things that would be dangerous to do in reality.

Method 2 of 5: Transformations

  1. 1 Decide what or who you want to become. You should have a clear goal so you can focus on it. Learning to concentrate while meditating will help you in lucid sleep.
    • You can transform into anything, but many people choose to become someone who sees reality differently: an alien, a bird, a fish. Many people use transformations as a means of dealing with their phobias. If you are afraid of spiders, become a spider and see the world from his side.
  2. 2 Transform by looking in the mirror. A window, lake, or any other surface in which you can see your reflection will also work.
    • Look at your reflection and tell your skin to change the way you want it. You can start with one part of the body (for example, feet) and gradually change the whole body.
    • Some people manage to go through a mirror and change their body, "merging" with a new reflection.
  3. 3 Act like you've already changed. For many people who do not like a mirror or find it difficult to imagine it, this method is suitable. Just act as if your body has already been transformed.
    • For example, if you want to become a dog, get on all fours, start barking and wagging your tail. Soon your arms and legs will turn into paws and your face will change.

Method 3 of 5: The Ability to Fly Like a Superhero

  1. 1 Check if you are asleep. This is for your safety. Even if you are certain that you are sleeping, your unusual condition could be caused by exposure to drugs or a high fever, so it is important to make sure that you are actually sleeping.
    • Try hanging in mid-air or moving your hand through a solid object. If you succeed, you can be sure that you are asleep.
    • Checking your condition will also help enhance your sleep management abilities. The easier it is for you to control small movements, the easier it will be for you to do something difficult - for example, fly (this requires more strength).
  2. 2 Jump. Jump before taking off, increasing your altitude with each new jump. This will help you figure out how high you can jump.
    • Ignore the sensation of landing - focus only on the sensation of the ascent. Gradually increase your jump height.
  3. 3 Find a high jump spot. Experienced lucid dreaming enthusiasts can simply take to the air from the ground, but for beginners it is better to jump from a height first. This will teach your consciousness that you do not fall because you can fly.
    • If you've already learned how to manage your sleep, try creating a space with mountains or rocks. If you haven't learned, look for a suitable place.
  4. 4 Try to scatter. If you're on a rock, run to the edge. If you're on a flat surface, run in a straight line like an airplane taking off.
    • When you reach the edge or think you're ready, jump like Superman. To make everything as realistic as possible, stretch your arm forward and stretch your socks.
  5. 5 Focus on small details. Lucid dreaming is very similar to meditation and requires concentration. To keep flying, focus on the feeling of air in your hair and the feeling of flying.
    • If you start to lose altitude, lift your body up, as if you are taking off like a rocket.
  6. 6 Don't look down until you get used to flying. When you're ready, look down. It is very interesting to look at small buildings far below, but only if you are not afraid of heights.
    • If you are afraid of heights, you have two options: create a new version of yourself that is not afraid of heights (this will be useful for overcoming your fear of heights in real life), or fly low above the ground.
  7. 7 Remember you are asleep. If you start to fall, remind yourself that this is not real. Nothing will happen if you fall.
    • Sometimes a reminder of this is enough to get you higher or stop falling.

Method 4 of 5: Other Ways to Fly

  1. 1 Try to fly like a bird. There are people who find it easier to fly, flapping their arms like wings. For everything to work out, it is better to take off from a running start.
    • Climb higher with every wave of your arms. To change the direction of movement, bend to the sides with your whole body.
  2. 2 Transform into a flying creature. To be able to fly, you can transform into a flying creature. Then you will need to fly the way it flies. For example, if you transform into a bird, you will need to flap your wings to take off.
    • You can transform into another creature using a mirror, as described above, or simply imagine that you have become a bird, bat, pterodactyl, airplane or flying insect.
  3. 3 Float through the air. This is another way to take off. In addition, this way you can dive into any body of water and swim.
    • Swim the way you like. Just get off the ground and fly higher and higher.
  4. 4 Use an adjuvant. You can fly on a broomstick or an airplane carpet. If you prefer something more realistic, imagine an airplane or a helicopter.
    • Place yourself on or on a flying object. Wait for it to take off and enjoy the flight.

Method 5 of 5: Teleportation

  1. 1 Find a gate or portal. You will need a door, a mirror, or something else to be transported to another place, to another planet, or to another universe.
    • Focus on where you want to go.In a dream, you are in a certain place in your imagination. Imagine a new location and then open a door or walk through a mirror.
    • If you find yourself in the wrong place, try again or look around. Perhaps the place you need is just around the corner.
  2. 2 Teleport without a portal. Imagine in great detail where you want to be. Then the space around you will begin to dissolve, and you will find yourself in a new place.
    • Try to rotate in place, knowing that when you stop, you will be in a new place.
  3. 3 Try other techniques to make teleportation easier. Close your eyes and decide that when you open them, you will be in the right place. Don't keep your eyes closed all the time, because that might wake you up.
    • If you can't teleport without a portal, that's okay. You will need to practice doing this, but sooner or later you will succeed.


  • If something doesn't work out, don't worry. Everything will come with experience.
  • Don't put too much effort or you will wake up.


  • Many people experience what they mistake for lucid dreaming when under the influence of hallucinogenic drugs. This is dangerous because you may think you are invulnerable or harm yourself and others. Do not try to enter a state of lucid dreaming under the influence of alcohol or drugs.