How to use money to be happy

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 13 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Money DOES Buy Happiness | Scientific Research Explained
Video: Money DOES Buy Happiness | Scientific Research Explained


The standard of living in developed countries has improved significantly and people now have more money than the previous generation. However, money can negatively affect a person. Greed, envy, despair, and discontent can become the hallmark of a person. While money does not bring happiness, it can help you lead a fulfilling life. Is money a trap or a useful resource for you to lead a happy, fulfilling life?


  1. 1 Be a meaningful person. Use money so that you have everything you need: food and a roof over your head. If you have food and a roof over your head, then we can say that money contributes to your happiness. We were more fortunate than our ancestors, who had to hardly get the essentials. They were worried about staying alive and having at least some food.
  2. 2 Count your blessings. Look around you, at what you have, and be grateful for it. Agree that a new home, new car, new clothes, new toys, or any other new material things will soon become old. Therefore, be grateful for what you have now.
  3. 3 Simplify your life, and gain experience instead of things. The joy associated with acquiring new things quickly passes, and sometimes even leads to disappointment: a new car can get scratched, a new house decays over time and needs repair, new clothes gradually become outdated, and all other material things deteriorate over time, become obsolete and lose value ... Instead of buying material things, it is better to gain experience: ~ Travel around the world with your family. ~ Show your friends that you appreciate them by inviting them to dinner. ~ Plan a picnic for the kids. ~ Give your time, joy and money, and you will be rewarded with interest, you will receive what we all strive for.
  4. 4 Make a plan: you will spend money very quickly, the experience will always be with you, you can share it with others, and it will certainly benefit someone. You can avoid many problems, new wrinkles, tears and frustration, and experience true happiness.
  5. 5 Be generous. You can take part in volunteer work. Through this, you will experience real happiness and satisfaction. In addition, you will be able to make others happy.
  6. 6 Collaborate with others and show respect for them. By helping others, you make them happy.
  7. 7 Control your budget. There is no need to spend money very quickly.
  8. 8 Save money and invest it. Use your money to make more money. If you have enough funds, you have fewer worries and you can enjoy life to the fullest. On the other hand, if you have to go into debt to buy a big house or a new car, think about how you will feel with debt under your belt. Moreover, everything new very soon becomes old and sometimes even useless.
  9. 9 Set a goal and strive for it. Having a goal in front of you will truly make your life fulfilling. For example, you might set a goal to write a new book, go back to college to continue your studies, train for a marathon, participate in building a new school or church, and work wherever the need arises. Invest your money in the future, you will have a sense of accomplishment. For example, you can contribute by donating funds to build a library.
  10. 10 Help others if needed. If you see that it is difficult for someone to succeed, share your secret.
  11. 11 Make time for your friends and loved ones, show them your love.
  12. 12 Learn to relax, worry less. Never expect too much.
  13. 13 Donate money to those in need - as much as you can: support the person who really needs your help.


  • Don't be happy about money and things alone.
    • Stinginess is a big mistake.
  • Strengthen relationships. Thank your family and friends.
  • Learn to spend your money wisely.
    • Your priority should be to provide basic needs (food and shelter) for yourself and your family, and to save money for the future, for example, you can save money until you retire.


  • Avoid waste.
  • So, money can't make you happy - but caring, loving relationships with your loved ones can make you a truly happy person. You can receive joy and happiness from communicating with loved ones throughout your life.