How to search for people on Facebook

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 10 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
Facebook Search People By City | How to Find  People on Facebook
Video: Facebook Search People By City | How to Find People on Facebook


Have you started wondering what happened to his-name, that guy you met in grade 10, or that ex-girlfriend you still think about? Find them on Facebook! This article will help you in your search.


Method 1 of 2: Searching from a browser

  1. 1 Go to the home page. At the very top of the window, next to the logo and the alert button, there is the Search bar.
  2. 2 Enter your name. Facebook will give you a list of matching names. If you recognize their faces, you can click on their name in the menu. If not, click on the "Show more results ..." button.
  3. 3 Filter your results. In the left column, click on "People" (or whichever is more appropriate for your search). This will help make the search narrower and return results that match the selected parameter.
  4. 4 Narrow down your search. In the "Search" section, you can enter more information to make your search more specific and find the right person.
  5. 5 Check the results. Scroll through the list and when you find the right person, click on the link to go to their page and make sure that this is the right person. If this is a person you know, make him a "friend." If this is a business page or a group, you can like it.

Method 2 of 2: Searching through Facebook mobile

  1. 1 Open the side panel. Select the Facebook menu in the upper left corner of the window.
  2. 2 Enter your name. In the search box at the top of the sidebar, enter a name. Facebook will start serving search results as soon as you enter the first letter, and will begin narrowing down the search with each letter you enter.
    • The fewer letters you enter, the closer the results will be to your Facebook friends, your interests, and your likes.


  • The broader your search, the more results you will get.


  • You may not always be able to find the one you are looking for. Some people make their accounts so that they cannot be found, or maybe the person you are looking for has blocked you or is not on Facebook.