How to play hide and seek

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 10 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Play Hide & Seek
Video: How to Play Hide & Seek


Hide and seek is a game where some players hide and others try to find them. It is very simple, but over the years, many different types have appeared. Whichever you choose (and we'll cover a few), you only need a few friends, places to hide, and spy skills.


Part 1 of 3: the rules of the game

  1. 1 Select players. The most important thing in "hide and seek" is to find people willing to play. There should be at least two of them. Although, the more players the better.
    • If the players are of different ages, then take this into account. Those who are younger can fit anywhere, but they do not always choose the right places and they have a reduced concentration of attention.
  2. 2 Discuss the rules of the game. If this is not done, then instead of playing, there will be just a chaotic run, broken figurines, or someone from the younger ones will get stuck in the washing machine. Or everyone will run away from home when the driver starts looking. Close all rooms where family and personal belongings are kept - attics and parents' bedrooms. Or allow to hide there only under certain conditions: "do not turn everything upside down and do not jump on the bed."
    • Make sure everyone stays safe and sound. No one should fall from trees or climb onto the roof. Make it a rule to hide only where two people can fit.
    • You will soon learn about the types of games. Now just discuss the most basic thing - who is hiding, who is leading, where to hide, how long to count, etc.
  3. 3 Find a suitable place. It's more fun outside, but it's better to play at home when it's raining. It is important to define the boundaries of the terrain for the game so that no one runs too far. This is a game of hide and seek, not marathon races!
    • If you're playing with your parents, they'd better be aware of what's going on. They will not be thrilled to learn that you are hiding in the garage, under the porch or in the shower, where they will have to jump after you.
    • Try to play in different places every time. If you always do it in the same place, then everyone will know the best places and they will quickly find you.

Part 2 of 3: Getting Started (Traditional Version)

  1. 1 Determine who is "leading". There are many methods for deciding who will "lead", for example: the youngest can "lead" first; the one who has a birthday soon or a countdown "One potato, two potato". It is also possible to draw cards with numbers from the hat - the one with the number 1 will "lead" first.
    • If one of the players is older, then it is better to "lead" him. Younger participants in the game do not have this experience. The attention span changes with age and older players will easily outplay younger opponents.
  2. 2 Start the game. After it has been decided who is "leading", he or she should close his eyes and start counting to 10. Or 20, 50, or 100; you can also sing a song or tell a rhyme. Anything that can kill time will do while everyone else is hiding! The most important thing is for everyone to know how much time they have left!
    • Make sure the "driver" is not cheating! The eyes should be closed with the hands and the head should be turned towards the corner. No peeping!
  3. 3 Hide quickly! Those who do not "lead" should scatter and look for a secluded spot while he counts. The "driver" has no right to see who ran where. Try not to make noise when you are hiding, otherwise the "driver" will be able to determine the direction by ear.
    • After taking cover in the shelter, sit as quietly as possible. Don't give yourself away! If you make noise, then even the most secluded place will not save you.
  4. 4 Start looking. As soon as the count is over, after the words "Who did not hide, I am not to blame" immediately start the search. Use your eyes for this and ears. As soon as you see someone, hurry to tarnish him.
    • Hidden players if desired may change places. Hide where you are already looking is a very good idea. This is called strategy.
    • If after searching someone could not be found, and he did not return home, then the "driver" must give a clear signal that the game is over. Shout - and after that it will become clear that you can go out.
      • You can also shout "Everyone is free" or "Alle, Alle auch sind frei", which means "Get out".
  5. 5 It's time to change the "driver". It will be the one who was found first. You can start a new round right after the first player found, or find all of them first and then start over.
    • This can also be controlled. If the "driver" does not find anyone after three attempts, then it is better to replace him. Let everyone have a chance to hide!

Part 3 of 3: Different Kinds of Games

  1. 1 The game is on the main base. Now it has become more difficult to hide and search. The driver and the players are the same, but you need not just hide, but also have time return to base... And don't get caught! They will have to take risks and leave the shelter while the driver looks for them. This is a more stressful version.
    • Those in hiding do not know what is happening around. They all have to go back before of how they will be tarnished. Or they will lose!
  2. 2 Game with several drivers. Those who have hidden who have been found should also help in the search. And at the end of the game, 4 people are already looking for the last player!
    • The game also starts with one "driver", which is gradually joined by the rest.
    • The first player to be tainted will look for the rest in the next round, which will begin immediately after everyone is found.
  3. 3 Jail break. This adds even more spice. Those wishing to play must go to the "prison". Usually this is just a room or entrance. The goal of the driver is to put everyone in jail. But those who are free can release others from prison! To do this, you need to get there and not be caught.
    • The liberated can hide again or simply enjoy their newfound freedom. If someone is in prison and someone is hiding, follow the same principles. You can add some more interesting elements if you wish!
  4. 4 Sardines. This is hide and seek inside out. Only hides one player, the rest are looking for him. Whoever finds him first hides with him. Then the next one who finds them joins them, then all the others take turns. The game ends when the last player joins the rest. Usually by this time they really do resemble a can of sardines!
    • Sardines are often played in the dark. It's much more fun to catch a friend and ask, "Are you a sardine?" If he answers yes - join!
  5. 5 Search. This game is similar to jailbreak, but it is more of a group option. Two teams play (preferably 4 people or more), each has its own base. Each team must hide at the base another teams, while the other is on them base. The winner is the team that will quickly run over to the enemy base without losses.
    • This game is good to play in parks. And even better with the onset of dusk! Just to get started, make sure you keep in touch with each other and no one gets lost. People need to know when the game is over!


  • There are many different strategies. It is best to hide in plain sight. For example, if there is a table near the base, then you can hide under it: they will hardly look for you there, and you will have a chance to return to the base.
  • If you have small children, play with them right in the house. They will be happy to find you.
  • Don't hide in hard-to-reach places. Toddlers may get scared not to find you nearby.
  • Hide where it seems impossible at first glance (for example: in the study under the bathroom sink). But first, make sure that you don't hurt yourself GREATLY and do not demolish everything in your path.
  • Try not to cast a shadow. She can be in the form of a dog, a cat, but not a person.


  • Don't hide in refrigerators or dryers. There is little oxygen and the door can close from the outside, shutting off your air supply.
  • Don't play in forbidden places if you don't want problems.

What do you need

  • At least two people
  • Places to hide
  • Clock (optional)

Sources & Citations
