How to ask a girl out on a date

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 25 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Ask A Girl Out On A Date | In UNDER 3 Minutes! | Ashley Weston
Video: How To Ask A Girl Out On A Date | In UNDER 3 Minutes! | Ashley Weston


What could be easier than asking a girl out on a date? It's enough to just invite her, right? The situation gets more complicated if you are shy or nervous. Sooner or later, you will have to take the first step and show courage or, for the rest of your days, wonder how everything could have turned out. Read our tips and find the courage to ask a girl out on a date.


Part 1 of 3: Prepare

  1. 1 Determine how much you interesting to the girl. Does she make eye contact with you? Is the girl smiling, laughing and always happy to talk? If so, then you are on the right track.What if she is staring at you because she is annoyed by your constant glances? This is a bad sign, and the girl might be a little stressed. Try not to show your feelings in too obvious a way.
  2. 2 Notice how often she touches you. If she always tries to touch your hand or makes excuses after such actions, then it is very likely that she is interested in you. If the girl does not touch you, then do not rush to draw disappointing conclusions. Also, you should not touch a girl in passing if she does not make contact. This behavior scares and confuses girls. If she doesn't even look at you, then stay calm and find an excuse to talk to her.
  3. 3 Watch how she looks at you. If a girl likes you, she will look at you for a long time or immediately look away. Both situations can mean the same thing. If you looked at a girl and saw that she was staring at you, then two options are possible - she likes you or does not like you. She can also quickly turn her head in a different direction. If her look does not express friendliness, then check your appearance. If the girl quickly looks away, then she probably likes you, but she is nervous.
    • It should be understood that during a conversation, girls usually look in the face of the interlocutor, so do not rush to the conclusion that she likes you if you are just talking and she listens to you attentively. If you have never spoken to a girl, then you have little chance of dating her. Friendship can grow into love, but the absence of any relationship is unlikely.

Part 2 of 3: Start a conversation

  1. 1 Look at the girl. During a conversation, be sure to look the girl in the face, and specifically in the eyes. Pay close attention to her words so that in case of a question or a pause, you can competently continue the conversation. No need to stare at her body (especially her breasts). Few women like it. If she doesn't look at you or ignores you altogether, then leave the girl alone for a while. Some girls don't like to look guys in the eye and talk. Watch her body language.
  2. 2 Offer help. Offer to help carry a heavy bag, bring lunch to the office, or other courtesy. If the girl refuses, then wait for a case when she really needs help or support (for example, in case of a bad mood or a difficult day). Be polite and helpful. If she quickly left, then there is no need to run after her with the words "What's the matter?" Keep going about your business.

Part 3 of 3: Ask out on a date

  1. 1 Watch your appearance. You don't have to dress up in a suit and tie to ask a girl out on a date. It is enough to make sure that the clothes are clean and fit well, and you have not forgotten to brush your teeth and use deodorant. Never wear the same thing for two days in a row (if you wore red pants on Monday, don't wear them on Tuesday).
  2. 2 Talk to the girl. No need to come up with witty phrases. It is enough just to say "Hello" or "Hello" to her. During the conversation, you can say a compliment or ask the girl a question.
    • If you find it difficult to start a conversation, then read the following articles:
      • How to talk to strangers
      • Suggesting an interesting conversation topic
  3. 3 Speak lightly and naturally. Don't pretend this is the greatest event in your life. Flirt, relax, tell a joke, and inadvertently try to touch a girl.
  4. 4 When the time is right, ask her out on a date. Suggest going to a movie theater or cafe that both of you enjoy. Be original.
    • Say, "I recently heard about the movie _______. What do you think of it?" If the girl shows interest, then suggest going to the movies. To the question "Is this a date?" answer honestly. Girls like guys who are confident, not cowards.
    • Try to subtly suggest the following: "On Saturday night I was going to go to the opening of the exhibition. Would you like to come with me? I think that would be fun."
  5. 5 Exude confidence. If the girl specifies whether this will be a date, then confirm this assumption. Girls love confident guys.
  6. 6 Be prepared to be rejected. If the girl refuses you, then do not get excited, smile at her and politely say: "No problem! Maybe another time." Change the subject or leave if there is nothing more to say. Act like you don't care, as sometimes indifference can spark a girl's interest. If the girl grimaced and blurted out "God, no way!", Then you have no chance. Leave her alone and meet someone else. No need to be offended and upset. Some girls are simply not interested.


  • It is best to invite the girl at a time when you are alone. In the presence of people, she may be forced to agree or refuse, and you need a sincere answer.
  • Remember, all girls are different, so our advice may not work. Use your common sense.
  • The difference between acceptable and unbearable silence manifests itself in relaxation and self-confidence. There are sometimes inevitable pauses in the conversation. Don't worry, the girl might worry too.
  • Don't be afraid to hear a rejection. Most girls are very noble and are unlikely to humiliate you. Some may agree to go on a date just because it is impolite to refuse. Learn to recognize these situations. In this case, you are pleasant to the girl just enough that she does not want to offend you, so there is no need to hope for a romantic relationship.
  • Try to start the conversation with the girl with the words "Hi, can we talk?" or "May I ask you?" Your conversation should go as smoothly as possible.
  • Address the girl directly. You don't need to ask her out on a date via email or Facebook. Most girls like confident, but not arrogant behavior.
  • If you match her idea of ​​the desired guy, then your chances increase. It will be much easier for you to decide if she found you attractive. before date invitations.
  • If you invite everyone on a date, then the girl may find you frivolous and refuse. Girls give preference to serious guys with whom you can build relationships. For a girl, there is nothing worse if a guy asked her out on a date, and then immediately switched to another.
  • Sometimes girls get nervous around guys. If she bites her lip, looks away, blushes, or shows excitement in a different way, don't rush her to answer. Repeat your question in a couple of weeks.


  • You don't need to see hints in every action. Just because a girl is friendly doesn’t mean she’s in love with you. Perhaps she is always kind and friendly with those around her.
  • If you haven't invited a girl in a face-to-face conversation, your chances are diminishing. You should not invite a girl out on a date via email, text messages, or messages on Facebook and Twitter.
  • Be persistent, but don't overdo it. If the girl gently refused you, then she just politely informs that you are not interesting to her. If there is a direct refusal, then back off. You don't have to chase the girl every step of the way.
  • Once you've decided that you want to ask a girl out on a date, see how she reacts to you. If you are not even dating, and she no longer leaves you a single step, then it is better to stay away from her. If you asked her out on a date, then follow the girl's reaction. Sometimes they overreact to simple things.
  • You don't have to be friends with a girl first to ask her out on a date. You can invite any girl you like. Just remember to make a good impression first.