How to play craps

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 10 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Learn How to Play Craps in 4 minutes
Video: Learn How to Play Craps in 4 minutes


If you've ever walked past a craps table in a casino while a player was getting ready to roll the dice, you probably wanted to play too. The dice is a game where everyone (except the house) can win together, and when everyone wins, the dice table can get pretty wild. Dice also have some of the best chances to win in a casino. A dice table, however, can look quite intimidating. It is a large table with a bunch of numbers and unfamiliar phrases, and there can be no more than 20 players and 4 casino employees at the table. In reality, however, dice are a fairly simple game.


Method 1 of 3: Your Entry into the Game

  1. 1 Know the staff. When you approach any table, you need to know who you are dealing with. Since dice include most of the money from standard casino games, you can expect a large number of employees to work with you.
    • Walking through almost any casino today, you will find a gaming table with a two-seater configuration. On one side of the table (probably closer to the pit) there is a "boxman" in the center - he controls the game and hands and hides all the money (much more than that circulates throughout the Democratic Republic of Congo). Opposite him is the "stickman" - he alone wields a cane, calls the results, using it to set it around the bones. He controls the pace of the game, announces the results, works with the dice, and urges players to be decisive.
    • Next to the croupier there will be two dealers who manage all the bets, pay the winners and collect money from the losers. The players closest to them are your new friends
  2. 2 Check out the table. Casinos are not designed for very shy customers - dice is very easy, especially after studying the table and the rules. Here are the highlights:
    • Everyone around the table is a "Transition" line. This is for players who are on the side of the throwing player. A less conspicuous "non-transition" line for players who are brave enough to bet against the thrower.
      • You will also notice areas labeled "Come to me" and "Don't go." They are similar to the above two sections, but will be used at the end of the game.
    • If you look closely between the boxman and the dealer, you will see an area for offers or bets. This is where you can place your bets. There is an area for heavy double bets in the same area. Here you can bet that, for example, 8 will be rolled as two 4s, up to 7s, or a "soft" 8.
    • In addition, there is a block in front of the players that indicates that this is a "field". This is for that roll of bets that one of the seven numbers will come out next time. The fields that say 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 and 10 for "Place" or "Buy" bets, until the next 7, the selected number will be drawn again.
      • Six and nine, once spelled out, make it easy for players on all sides of the table to be able to decipher similar forms.
    • In the corners at both ends, you will find boxes marked 6 and 8 - common bets that 6 or 8 will fall to 7.
  3. 3 Learn jargon. “Going out. Difficulty bets. How about C and E? The hot roll is on, play the field.Any S 'to E? " Didn't you catch a single word? It is likely that what you hear when you start your acquaintance with this gambling game will be new to you. It will be overwhelming at first, however, in no time, you will get the hang of it. Here's a list to get you started:
    • Bones - 2,3, or 12
      Yo, or Yo Leuven - 11
      C and E Bones - 11
      snake eyes - Two 1ts
      Boxcars - Two 6s
      Little Joe or Baby Joe from Kokomo - 4 (in particular, dropdown, like 1 and 3)
      Jimmy Hicks - number 6
      Rollers and Donations - 8
      Skinny Dugan - Unsuccessful7
      Center of the field - 9 because it is in the middle of seven numbers on the betting field
      Puppy paw - Two 5s - despite the fact that more often the name is simply "Tough 10" or "10, to my own skin"
      Natural Winner - 7 or 11 of the outgoing torsion
  4. 4 Adopt superstition. The gods of fortune shouldn't mock any avid gambler so that you don't lose your money. Avoid certain habits (and tell others) to be like experienced professionals, rather than taking advantage of it to ruin the relationship.
    • The more superstitious the players are, the more they think it is bad omen to use different dice for the same roll. If a shooter accidentally rolled one or both of the dice off the table, you may hear him call "Dice Match!" just for a good omen.
    • If you call "Seven!", Don't be offended if everything goes automatically. This is how Macbeth is pronounced in the theater. The word must be unthinkable and certainly ineffable.
    • If you see coins under the table, leave them at random. Or so some people might tell you.
    • Don't throw both dice in the air at the same time. You will look like a pro if you drop only one (maybe the other a little later); if you quit, be prepared to exit the game soon.

Method 2 of 3: Betting

  1. 1 Place your bet before throwing. At the beginning of a round of dice, the buttons with the word OFF written on the table are not at all points. This means that not a single point (to be explained later) has been determined. The dice game cannot start until the shooter has placed his bet on (not on) the aisle line. Anyone else at the table can also place a bet on (not on) the aisle at this time, although they shouldn't. So, the most basic rates are determined. The shooter's first roll, in any order, is called the first roll.
    • If the roll is 7 or 11 on the roll-out, the passing lines win money, opposing the prohibitions. If the shooter comes out with 2, 3 or 12 - this is called dice - everyone loses their bets Passing the line, and wins them without passing the bet (12 gives passing the loss and not passing the jerks).
      • On the other hand, if someone bets against the shooter, they win by 2 or 3, but 12 is prohibited (they neither win nor lose).
    • If any other number falls, that number becomes points
  2. 2 Play glasses. If the shooter places the points on a 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10, all bets on the aisle remain there. You don't have to place any additional bets to play in this sense. The dealer will take the button and place it on the numbers that are currently the point. The button is now flipped to the ON side.
    • Let's say an 8. The shooter is now trying to roll his points (8) before he rolls a 7. If he rolls any other number, it doesn't matter, but if he rolls an 8, everyone who has a bet on a passing line wins money ... If he manages to improve his points, he starts with a new throw and a new bet on the pass line, thus repeating the cycle. If he rolls a 7 at any time other than during the throw, he nevertheless loses all his bets on the passing line and the dice go to the next player (the first player has the seventh exit).
    • The player can hit and set a few points before he finally rolls a 7, or he can roll a 7 on the first roll after he sets his first point.You just don't know what's going to happen.
  3. 3 Set "odds rates". Study the previous steps and you can gamble. Crossover bets have good odds and are easy to play with. Some people just play the line of passage. There are, however, many other possible bets. One of the simplest is the odds bet, which, by the way, can also have fair odds.
    • After the shooter has established a point, you can place an additional bet behind the line of passage. This is an odds bet and can only be played if you also play the line of pass. The odds bet is an additional bet at the moment, so if the shooter hits his points, you win both of your bets.
    • The odds bet pays out the true odds, which vary depending on the points. For example, if we are talking about 4, there are only three combinations of dice that will appear as dots, while there are five ways to get to point 8. Thus, the true chances of hitting 4 are worse than the true chances of hitting 8, and then while the passing line pays money, regardless of the point, the odds bet pays you according to the true odds (you get more for 4). Thus, if you want to get more money per bet, it is better to play the odds bet. The edge of the house on chances (aisle and not aisle) is "zero".
      • Most casinos offer 3-4-5X odds tables, so you can bet the odds before triple (not) passing your bets if 4 or 10 is a point, 4 times if 5 or 9 is a point, and in 5 times if the point has 6 or 8, although some casinos allow even higher odds to bet.
    • You can increase, decrease or remove your odds bets at any time.
    • If the 7 comes up, you lose both your pass bet and your odds bets.
  4. 4 Place "Bid Bid". Once a point has been established, you can also place an incoming bet in addition to your line bet. Please note that you do not have to play the odds bet and the coming bet at the same time, but you can play the passing bet on the line. The coming bet is made by placing your bet on the "Come" space. When placing an incoming bet, the next time the shooter is thrown, with the same rules of regular throw. The incoming bet only affects you, however, so if the next time a 7 comes up, your incoming bet wins (because according to the same rules as in the throw), but your skip bet on the line, along with the rest, will still be lost. ...
    • Assuming the roll after placing the bet is 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10, the roll number becomes its own "coming point". The dealer adjusts the incoming bet to the appropriate number. Your skip on the line bet is still dependent on the point of the arrow, as you now have two points.
    • The incoming bet works as a skip bet on the line. If the shooter rolls his coming dot before he rolls a 7, you win, but if he rolls a 7, you lose both your passing line bet and your coming bet. If the shooter rolls both his point and your coming point before 7, you win.
    • You can place odds on a coming bet. Tell the dealer the "odds coming" when you bet your odds.
    • As soon as your incoming bet is made, you can place additional incoming bets, set additional incoming points.
  5. 5 Move on to more unusual rates. Once you have mastered the basics, you should be aware of ... risky betting. This bets field is the bets where one of seven numbers will be displayed on one roll (on the next roll). They don't have to wait for the rollback to come; they can be placed prior to any throw by placing a piece or pieces in the area of ​​the field. Alternatively, you can wager, offer, or tough ways prior to any throw by placing a chip or chips on a breadboard and tell the dealer about the desired bet.
    • After 7, 6 and 8 are the numbers that go up. There are six ways to do 7 and 5 ways to do 6 and 8. If a player puts a 6 or 8 in the $ 6 box, the house will pay the winning bet with odds of 7-6. Funds a home interest of 1.52%, which is better than most other bets across the entire casino and still offers fast replay - but not as reliable as Pass / Come bets that have free odds.
    • 4, 6, 8 and 10 are hard-lane numbers. That is, these numbers pop up if you roll the dice, and the same amount pops up on each. If you make a compound bet, you must come up with a number (two 2s, two 3s, two 4s, two 5s) up to 7 and before any other combination appears. House edges are 11.1 percent at 4 and 10 and 9.09 percent at 6 and 8.

Method 3 of 3: By Game

  1. 1 Place the chips on the table. Don't try to bribe the dealer; all you have to do is put some money on the breadboard (before the shooter gets the dice) and ask the dealer for small changes. The dealer usually doesn't take anything out of your hands.
    • You can tip the dealer, but do it in chips.
  2. 2 Be an active and orderly participant. While dice is a friendly game and a game of a group mentality, there is a certain ethic that everyone must abide by. When you are not throwing, keep certain things in mind, and when you are throwing, too.
    • You can place (non) passing bets, the odds of betting behind them, the field, and (not) coming bets yourself. All you have to do is place the chips on the table in the appropriate places, marked with places. For all other types of bets, place your chips on the table and ask the dealer to place a bet. After you have completed this, place your hands on the table area. The bones are moving very fast - you must not interfere.
      • Keep your chips in front of you - that's their purpose. Place them right in front of you and keep an eye on them all the time. Although dice form the basis of the game, chips are used from time to time.
    • In general, stick to the side of the arrow. Hold on to the dots to think as quickly as possible. If you are betting with a shooter, speak as loudly as possible. It is quite common for all casinos to hear the roar from the gambling table. However, if you chose the "Don't Pass By" option, keep your excitement to yourself. You wouldn't like it if someone was cheering against you, would you? If you do, you will not feel very welcome (or welcome) at the table.
    • If you are shooting, roll the dice so that they reach the opposite end of the table. And don't miss them - the guys at the desk want to see the bones in the air.
  3. 3 Roll the dice. In truth, you could have gambled your entire life and never roll the dice. The players take turns being the "shooters", and your turn may come too. In this game, you should learn how to throw so you can get lucky. Generally, when your turn comes, the dealer will give you five dice. Then you choose two to throw, and the dealer takes the others back.
    • Always handle bones with only one hand. This rule is imperative to prevent cheating. When it is your turn to throw the dice, you must throw them so that they cross the table, hit the opposite wall and fly back.
    • If one die falls off the table, you need to roll the dice again. The dice table is quite large, so you need to roll the dice well, not just roll them like you would for a board game.
  4. 4 Play conservatively. These are the most basic dice bets. You can also place bets on individual numbers or individual rolls, and you can even bet on some of the more complex "offers". To begin with, however, you must learn the basics and learn to gamble comfortably.This can be a very fast paced game, so you should be able to master simple bets so you don't have to think about them. After you have done this, follow the rates of other players and draw conclusions about their strategy.
    • Using only simple bets will give you more chances almost anywhere in the casino, but you can win more by playing with more risky bets. You can also lose more, and quickly, so you need to have a solid pot to play if you plan on doing anything more difficult.
  5. 5 Know your chances. Just as with every casino game, the house will have an edge. 7 is the most desirable number in a pair of dice rolls - and the house practically owns it. Know what you can get when you place your bets.
    • The house has only 1.41 percent (7/484) margins on passing rates and 1.36 percent on non-passing rates. Most players place bets on the passing line, partly because it is a sign of solidarity, and partly because the edges of the house are low. They are called "the right players"; those who bet against the shooter are called "wrong bets."
    • Non-Passing / Non-Entering players can lay the odds even when points have already been set, which results in the same odds that the house of passing / coming bets gives on the odds bet. For example, if the dot is 4 or 10, a $ 5 bet on a non-running line could wager another $ 10 to win $ 5 if the 7 falls before the dot (2:01 chance). It's not a big deal, of course, but remember that once the point is set, non-comers will win more than they lose. And the points will take 2/3 of the time. Non-Incoming players who miss the odds will also reduce the house edge by 0.7 percent from single odds and 0.5 percent from double odds.
    • A bet on any dice (offered bets), for example, wins if the next time 2, 3 or 12 are rolled; it is lost if any other number falls out. House interest is huge on this type of bet: 1/6 bet on any 7, 13, 9 percent on 2, 13.9 percent on 12, 1/9 on 3, 1/9 on any dice, 1/6 on 2 or 12, 1/6 bet on 3 or 11, 1/9 bet on 11. If you want to lose money, you can start playing without really understanding.


  • The dice players can help you learn how to play, slow play gives the dealer the opportunity to be one-on-one with you.
  • Different casinos may have slight variations in the rules, in particular regarding how much can be wagered on certain bets. These rules are internal, they will be placed on the table. Check with your dealer if you are unsure of something. If you place a bet that is not allowed or make other mistakes, the dealer will usually tell you quickly and this will not be a problem.
  • The main thing is to understand the difference between the rules of winning and losing on the incoming line in relation to when the point was created.
  • You must politely wait until the game is over. When the other player is on a good roll, nothing extra should happen, no bets, no points.
  • Some casinos offer classes on how to gamble and other board games. You can learn a lot in a short time at one of these courses.
  • Tip the dealer and he will remind and help you place your bets. They should do it anyway, but if you tip, he will remember it more diligently.
  • You can also place "non-passing" and "non-arriving" bets. They work like passing line bets and incoming bets, unless canceled. You win when the house wins for a pass (except 12).


  • Gambling addiction is a serious problem that affects people all over the world, and it takes very little time to create a problem. If you think you may be having problems with gambling, stop immediately and seek help to resolve your addictions.
  • Remember, there are odds against you in any casino game. That is, you should not count cards, should not steal money, and should not play a game with a player trying to coerce you.While safer bets offer greater odds for the casino, dice is a gamble and the house does not lose money on it (far fewer dice beaters than average players).