How to play Chinese sticks

Author: Alice Brown
Date Of Creation: 25 May 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
How to play Pick-Up Sticks
Video: How to play Pick-Up Sticks


Chinese Sticks is a strategic and slightly math game. She was born in Japan and is also called Finger Chess, Swords, Magic Fingers, Chinese Fingers, Cherries, Sticks. games to make it more fun.


  1. 1 Both - you and your opponent must put one finger on each hand.
  2. 2 Let someone go first. Let's assume it's you.
  3. 3 Touch one of the opponent's hands with one of the outstretched fingers. Your opponent should stick out another finger on the hand you touched (so that you end up with two), because there was one finger on the hand you touched him with.

  4. 4 Now, have your opponent touch one of your hands.

    • If he touches you with his hand, on which one finger is extended, then you must add one finger on the hand with which he touched (in the end there will be two).
    • If he touches you with his hand, on which two fingers are extended, then you must extend two more fingers on the hand with which he touched (in the end, you get three).
  5. 5 Continue to swing each other's hands in turn and add fingers, but when all five fingers are extended on the hand, then this hand is called "dead". Place your dead hand behind your back.The player who has both hands "dead" loses.
  6. 6 Make the game more fun by adding new rules.

    • Distribution. Instead of touching your opponent's hand, you can swap fingers and this counts as a move. For example, suppose you have four fingers extended on one hand and two on the other. Just six. During your turn, you can "reallocate" your fingers so that each hand has three fingers (you don't want to have 5 fingers on one hand and 1 on the other, since a five-finger hand is " dead hand "). There are two ways to distribute your fingers:
      • Players can distribute the number of fingers as they want. If the distribution on hands is 4/1, then they can change to 3/2.
      • Players can only split their fingers in half. If you have your toes distributed 2/0, then you can distribute them 1/1. If the distribution is 3/2, then you cannot swap fingers, because you cannot distribute equally.
      • The player can revive the "dead hand" through distribution.
    • Halves. The fingers can be split in two. The half is obtained if you bend your finger. The halves are made in order to distribute an odd number of fingers. For example 3/2 can be turned into 2.5 / 2.5. It makes the game last longer
    • Leftovers. Usually, if someone else's hand touches another, and this hand already has 5 fingers (for example, if there are 4 fingers on the hand, and a hand with three fingers touches it), then the player loses this hand. With leftovers, the hand will remain in play with two fingers (because that's the remainder after 5). To take the opponent's hand out of the game, you need to make sure that there are clearly 5 fingers on the hand. If your opponent's hand has two fingers extended, then you can take it out of the game only by touching it with a two-finger hand. If you touch it with your three-finger hand, there will be a remainder of 1 and the hand will remain in play.
    • Accurate play. Players can touch the hand if the total number of fingers does not exceed 5. For example, if your opponent has three fingers, then you can touch the hand with only one or two fingers (in the latter case, the hand will become "dead"). But you cannot touch it with a hand with three or four fingers, because then the total will be more than 5. This rule allows the game to go to a standstill if both players have two hands with 4 fingers each.


  • More than two people can play this game. Each player must make a move before the first player can move again. This is easy to do by starting to play clockwise or counterclockwise.
  • Sometimes the game starts to go in a vicious circle. In this case, you either need to change the most recent action, or start the game over.


  • Game variations that create vicious circles usually take longer.
  • When holding your hands in front of you, do not hold your palms as if you are about to clap. This can be annoying because it will be harder for your opponent to see how many fingers you have.
  • Don't change the rules while playing unless you are playing with someone you know well. The desperate player will constantly add "halves" of his fingers if he is close to losing.
  • This game needs attention. Don't play it if you need to focus on something else more important.
  • By changing your move during the "vicious circle", you give your opponent a chance to win.