How to play the kill in the dark game

Author: Alice Brown
Date Of Creation: 25 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Play Murder in the Dark
Video: How to Play Murder in the Dark


Do you like scary games to play before bed or just like that? Then try playing kill in the dark!


  1. 1 Sort the deck of cards and find the following cards: ace, jack, king, queen and remaining numbered cards. There should be as many cards as there are people involved in the game (for example, if 6 people are playing, then you need to select another "ten" and "nine")
  2. 2 The value of each card: ace - mafia, Jack (jack) - detective, King - detective's assistant (plays if the detective is killed), queen - another detective's assistant, plays if the king and jack were killed. The main thing that players should worry about is that they don't get an ace.
  3. 3 Give each one a card. No one should see the cards of other players. Once everyone has seen their card, you need to put them away somewhere until the next game.
  4. 4 Turn off the lights so it's completely dark.
  5. 5 Now you need to disperse throughout the house. Just walk slowly, try not to laugh or talk about anything. Players are not allowed to stick together.
  6. 6 After a while, the killer must go hunting. When he (she) finds someone in the room, you need to quietly bend over and whisper "killed". You can even first hold your hand over your mouth so that the person does not scream, and then whisper. The player who was killed must remain in one place, he is not allowed to speak or move.
  7. 7 If the killer wants, he can hide the player he killed in some room. But it is not recommended to do this because of the risk of getting caught by the detective. But if the killer can skillfully hide the "corpse", then it will be more difficult for detectives to find him. This point (about whether it is possible to hide corpses) should be discussed with everyone before starting the game.
  8. 8 When a player bumps into a person standing silently, he asks “are you dead?". The person should shake his head yes or no. But players should only tell the truth. If they say "yes", then the person who found the "corpse" must shout: "Murder in the dark!" This means that the killer can no longer kill.
  9. 9 When someone shouted "kill in the dark", all living players should gather in the room where the murdered one was found. Players who do not show up are marked as "killed". In this game there is something from the good old hide and seek, you need to find the rest of the killed players and bring them into the room. It will be interesting if the killer still decided to hide the "corpses".
  10. 10 The detective sits on a chair in front of the others and asks each of them questions (for example, where were you when you shouted "murder in the dark"? Who do you think the killer is and why? " etc.)
  11. 11 When the detective gathers enough information, he says: "Final indictment" and asks a specific person: "are you a hitman?"
  12. 12 It is very important that the person answers the final accusation truthfully. If he really is a killer, then he should answer in the affirmative. If someone lied on the final charge, there is no point in continuing the game. This game is similar to the "Mafia" game, in which you have to speak your real role on the final accusation.
  13. 13 Be honest and have fun!


  • During the trial, only the player to whom the detective asks questions is allowed to speak.
  • The killer can kill until he gets caught.
  • Players can be killed even when they are next to those already killed.
  • DO NOT HOLD TOGETHER! Otherwise, the game will stop, because the hitman cannot kill people when they are together.
  • If you don't have many players, the hitman must kill one player at a time to prolong the game. If, after the trial, the killer is not found, the players again scatter around the house.
  • Instead of the role of a "detective", you can make it so that all the players, including the killers themselves (except for the killed players), tell each other where they were at the time of the "murder", what they saw, who suspects whom, etc. Then everyone votes against one player. The player with the most votes must declare his role before the court. If he is not a hitman, then the game continues.
  • You can ask someone to turn the lights on and off on the court when the game is going on and everyone has to scatter around the house.
  • If the detective hasn't yet announced the "final indictment," you may be lying about your role.


  • Make sure your eyes adjust to the dark. This will take at least 30 seconds. You don't want to hit anything and get hurt.
  • The killer must cover the victim's mouth with his hand and whisper "you are dead." In pitch darkness, players can get scared and scream, thereby ruining the game. Rest assured that none of the players are afraid of the dark!
  • We strongly recommend that you move things and objects that can be easily stumbled upon while wandering around the house in the dark. For safety, move aside any objects that might trip over.
  • This point needs to be discussed before starting the game. Can all players talk, or should only the detective ask questions? The killer and other players can lie. It is allowed to lie and make false statements, accuse other players. Remember that this can lead to arguments and fights, so don't go too far!
  • Some people may be afraid of the dark, so make sure in advance that all players are familiar with the rules and will enjoy playing.

What do you need

  • Card deck
  • Friends
  • Dark room
  • Off light
  • Candles (if there is someone in the company who is afraid of the dark)